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CIA Says: “Dubai officials, Osama cozy before 9/11”

by Bill Simon

In yesterday’s edition of Newsday, there is an interesting little article regarding the CIA’s knowledge of a solid link between Osama bin Laden and officials of Dubai before 9/11.

Now, to those of you who think anyone against this impending deal are nothing but a bunch of “xenophobic racists,” this information won’t penetrate your ignorant skulls.

See, Osama Bin Laden was a KNOWN terrorist to this country before 9/11. UAE knew about that and STILL consorted with the little sh**.

So, while UAE appears to have gone out of their way to make nicey-nice with the USA since 9/11, I’m not much into buying their “good graces” when their princes were off cavorting with Osama on hunting trips.

Those who ignore the past are doomed to repeat it. President Dubious Bush has done a whole lot of fact-ignoring over the past 3 years. Too much for me to trust HIS judgement, that’s for damn sure.

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6 Responses to “CIA Says: “Dubai officials, Osama cozy before 9/11””

  1. bb Says:

    Before 9/11, the US was supplying Osama with military arms.

    Before 1990, the US was supplying Saddam with military arms.

    Before 1978, the US was supplying Iran with all sorts of military arms.

    So what, people change, countries change, situations change…that is what makes life so great, the only constant is change.


  2. Bill Simon Says:

    “Before 9/11, the US was supplying Osama with military arms.”

    I don’t believe this statement is accurate, Bart. We were not in the process of delivering/dealing with Osama directly before 9/11. He was known to be the mastermind behind the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center, so, we had pretty much fallen out of love with dealing in any way with Osama by 1994.

    Once again, you make inaccurate statements.

    Talking to you is getting quite boring, Bart.

  3. bb Says:

    I didn’t specify how long before 9/11, but it did happen.

    Then stop.

  4. Bill Simon Says:

    Sure, it “happened”, Bart. When Osma was battling the attempted Russian invasion of Afghanistan. Quite a few number of years/decades before 9/11.

    You are certainly quick to sign-on to a country that has only been our ally for a whopping 5 years.

  5. Buzz Brockway Says:

    Name an Arab country that wasn’t cozy with UBL before 9/11 – and many are still. This is the problem we face in the entire Muslim world. They cozy up to terrorists in order to calm their own radicals.

  6. Bill Simon Says:

    Was Egypt buddies with Osama before 9/11? I don’t think so. Turkey? Hmmm…not sure…

Today's Deep Thought

When Rick told me he was having trouble with his wife, I had to laugh. Not because of what he said, but because of a joke I thought of. I told him the joke, but he didn't laugh very much. Some friend he is.


December 2024