Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

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Cobb County SPLOST And A FREE Lunch!

by PV

CONTACT: Lance Lamberton


(404) 925-8960

January 14, 2011


AUSTELL, Georgia – The Cobb County Taxpayers Association (CCTA) and the Georgia Taxpayers Alliance (GTA) announced today that it will be giving away free hot dogs on the parking lot of Dixie Rides, a car dealership located at 376 Veterans Memorial Highway in Mableton, GA. The event will take place from 12 noon to 4 p.m. on Saturday, January 15, 2011. The purpose of the event is to raise voter awareness of the upcoming vote on March 15, 2011 to re-impose a Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) on Cobb County residents and consumers. Both organizations have taken a position against the SPLOST and are running grassroots campaigns to defeat it.

“ At a time when the Georgia unemployment rate is in double digits, and there are record numbers of foreclosures, collapsing real estate values, and no job recovery in sight, a continuation of this tax is the wrong prescription for Cobb County,” said Lance Lamberton, President and founder of CCTA. “On the contrary, the best approach towards economic recovery is to reduce the tax burden so that individuals and businesses will have more money to save, spend and invest in the private sector.”

If the measure is defeated, Cobb County’s sales tax would decline to 5%, making it the lowest sales tax in the region. Most counties in the Atlanta metro area have a sales tax rate of 7%. “This significantly reduced tax rate would be a boon to Cobb County residents and businesses, saving consumers hundreds, if not thousands of dollars over a four year period,” Lamberton said.

CCTA was formed in 2005 to oppose passage of that year’s SPLOST, which won approval by the slimmest of margins; 114 votes out of over 40,000 cast. The closeness of that vote was accomplished despite hundreds of thousands of dollars spent by SPLOST proponents.

For more information about CCTA, go to their website at: www.votenomarch15.com

For information about GTA, go to: www.gataxpayer.com

One Response to “Cobb County SPLOST And A FREE Lunch!”

  1. Kim Says:

    PLEASE everyone with an opinion against SPLOST stop with the statements of politicians ignoring the “will of the people” because being a LIFE LONG resident of Cobb, parent of Cobb students, and tax paying citizen I support SPLOST!!
    Just because someone does not agree with your personal opinion (which of course is yours to have) does NOT mean they ignore everyone…many of my friends, neighbors and ALL of the members of my very large family will be voting Y-E-S for the new SPLOST

Today's Deep Thought

As we were driving, we saw a sign that said 'Watch For Rocks.' Marta said it should read 'Watch For PRETTY Rocks.' I told her she should write in her suggestion to the highway department, but she started saying it was a joke---just to get out of writing a simple letter! And I thought I was lazy!


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