Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

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Did you know (all) this about Sue Everhart?

by PV

Did you know this about Sue Everhart?
by longtime Georgia grassroots activist Toria Morgan

Part 1: As Chairman of the State Party

As GaGOP chairman, Sue Everhart held GRASSROOTS TRAINING. In addition to on-going training for the District Chairmen, State Committee Members and County Chairmen, in May of 2010 she held a weekend Republican Round-Up Training Session for both candidates and grassroots. On Friday night there was a dinner with the National GOP Chairman Michael Steele as the keynote speaker. On Saturday the day kicked off with a breakfast featuring Karl Rove as the speaker. All who attended were able to have their photo with Mr. Rove. The attendees were then divided into groups of candidates and their staff and grassroots volunteers. Classes were led by seasoned political advisors and staff from the RNC. Attendees learned how to work with coalitions, use voter vault, work with the media. All for the cost of $100.00 for the weekend!

As a result all constitutional offices in the state of Georgia are now republican and we picked up a congressional seat!

One of the very first things Sue Everhart did when she became Chairman of the GaGOP was to update the GaGOP Training Manual which had not been updated since the late 1990’s. She then made sure every District Chairman and every County Chairman had a copy to use to train their volunteers.

As Chairman of the GaGOP Sue Everhart spent $125,000 upgrading the IT network, including a new web site. In addition she grew the state GOP email list from 2,000 names to in excess of 200,000 names under her tenure (a 1000% increase)

Sue Everhart visited every Congressional District, putting over 100,000 miles on her car.

Sue Everhart raised in excess of 18 million dollars to give to our Georgia candidates. As George W. Bush told her after the 2008 election, the lights may have gone out everywhere else, but the lights stayed on in Georgia.

Sue Everhart is very responsive to the grassroots. If you have a problem in your district she is always willing to offer a helping hand.

Sue Everhart encourages and supports cooperation between the State Republican Party and other Republican groups, including the Young Republicans, The Federation of Republican Women’s Club, the College Republicans, the Teenage Republicans and the County and District delegates of the State Republican Party.

As Chairman Sue Everhart has always reached out to other groups in order to bring them into the republican fold. She works tirelessly with the Asian community as well as the Black Caucus and the Jewish community.

Sue Everhart works closely with the elected officials and they know her to be honest and fair in her dealings with them and with the electorate.

Sue Everhart sits on the RNC Platform Committee, the RNC Ethics Committee, and the RNC Rules Committee.

Chairman Sue Everhart has been invited to speak throughout the country as the keynote speaker at many venues over the past four years including speaking to the National Educators of America at their National Convention. Without exception the question is always “How can we clone the Chairman from Georgia?”

Part 2: Grassroots Activities

Sue Everhart has worked with the YR’s for years, and is credited with starting the YR’s at Walton High school in 1997.

In 1997 Chairman Sue Everhart received the Cobb Republican Women’s Club Mary Aven Award and the Women of the Year Award in the same year. That had not been done before, nor achieved by anyone since.

In 1999 Sue Everhart was the founding Chairman for Women for Congressman Bob Barr. As chairman she hosted bi-monthly luncheons featuring the Congressman and keynote speakers. She was also the volunteer coordinator for Congressman Phil Gingrey’s first run for Congress in 2004. (She did not live in EITHER of their districts but when asked for her help she willingly gave of her time and money.)

The Senate Cobb delegation, comprised at that time of Senator Robert Lamutt, Senator Chuck Clay, Senator Tom Price and Senator Ginger Collins, created Senate Resolution 1181 for all Sue Everhart’s grassroots efforts. (http://www.legis.state.ga.us/legis/2003_04/fulltext/sr1181.htm)

When President of CCRWC Sue hosted two candidate workshops, inspiring Ginger Collins to later run for Randy Sauder’ seat and giving her the guidelines to follow that helped her win!!

In 2000 Sue Everhart won the State GOP A.A. Richardson Award for statewide volunteer efforts and in 2005 she won the state Pioneer Award for her long and continued service to the GOP.

In 2000 Chairman Sue Everhart was selected by CNN to be the Republican Volunteer of the Year in 2000 that most represented grassroots in America and was interviewed by CNN from the convention floor:

The component regarding Sue is toward the end and the 1st part is a little difficult to understand. To put it in prospective, the Cobb GOP women had a float in the parade and the 1st part is where they are showing the video of the parade preparation and Sue is speaking and Jeff Greenburg is doing a voice over. They do go on and interview her on the floor of the convention and that transcript is more readable.

In 2000 Sue Everhart had two awards in Cobb named for her: The Cobb County Republicans women’s Club created an award that reflects all her work with new members. Sue always makes sure someone new to our events are welcomed and has someone to sit with. True leaders get their pleasure from seeing others succeed and Sue attempts to pull in as many people as possible in order to share the success she has known. The award is the Sue P. Everhart New Member of the Year Award. The county has also created a Sue Everhart Award in her honor for all her grassroots efforts.

In 2001 Sue Everhart was elected the Chairman of the 6th District, winning reelection in 2002. During that time she held fundraisers that earned more money than ANY OTHER DISTRICT CHAIRMAN had ever raised.

The 6th District, under Sue Everhart’s chairmanship, grossed approximately $70,000.00 at A Tribute for Johnny Isakson.

As 6th District Chairman, Sue Everhart used the money raised to create a voter mail out that was so good then-State Chairman Ralph Reed wanted to use it for the state. Sue Everhart used the money to rent buses and filled them with volunteers covering the 6th district and handing out literature. Sue Everhart also helped fund a bus for Phil Gingrey in the 11th district on the same day.

In 2001 at Fulton County’s fundraiser $131,000.00 was grossed under the joint leadership of Fulton County chairman Jack Winter and 6th District Chairman Sue Everhart. The Business community gave great support to both endeavors. This may not seem like much today but remember, this was before we became the majority party in 2002!!

When 6th District Chairman, Sue Everhart held four 6th District Executive Meetings each year as well as holding four 6th District Breakfasts each year, two of which were statewide candidates forums, and these were all standing room only events.

Sue Everhart attended all state committee meetings, met on a regular basis with at the time Congressman Johnny Isakson to determine the best way to meet the GOP needs of the district and was the Congressman’s representative at several events when he was unable to attend.

Sue Everhart received a special award in 2001 given by Denny Hastert, Speaker of the House of Representatives, from the US House of Representatives for her grassroots efforts.

In 2005 Sue Everhart ran and won statewide support for her 1st Vice Chairman for the State GOP.

Sue Everhart was a Delegate to the 2000, 2004, and 2008 National Conventions.

Sue Everhart served as the Georgia Coordinator for the 2004 National Convention.

In 2008 and 2010 Sue Everhart was selected as one of the 100 Most Influential Georgians.

In 2009 Sue Everhart was chosen as one of ten women in the United States to be honored as a Woman of Achievement by the RNC. In the April 2010 issue of Campaigns and Elections Magazine Chairman Sue Everhart is identified as one of the top 10 Republican Georgian Influencers.

Part 3: Community Activities

Not only does Sue Everhart work tirelessly for the GOP but also for many other causes as well.

Sue Everhart was a recipient of the Georgia Christian Alliance Volunteer Award in 2006.
Sue Everhart is on the Advisory Board for the Cobb County Symphony and a member as well as a Past Chairman of the Cultural Arts Board of Cobb County.

Sue Everhart is the past Chairman of the Cobb Board of Elections and a former Board Member of the Cobb County Convention and Visitors Bureau.

As Chairman of the Cobb Cultural Arts Board in 2006 she had the inspiration for a Cobb Arts Ball that had a sold out crowd. It was an event that had never been done in Cobb but because she was the chairman everyone knew it would be a success and wanted to attend. As in the case of the 6th district she helped raise more money than had ever been given to Cobb Arts Groups before.

Sue Everhart is a former banker who has been a major part of the infrastructure of the GaGOP for many years.

Part 4: Leadership

“Leadership is about making things happen. A lot of people have “mission statements” but they never leave the paper they are written on. If you say you have the ability to lead then what activities can you show to indicate the reality behind the words?” — Lorraine Monroe, Executive Director, School of Leadership Academy

Sue Everhart has much to show that she is a true leader. Not only is Sue Everhart a leader, she is a friend who offers a helping hand up to all those she works with.

Proven leadership will make the difference in 2012 and Sue Everhart is a proven leader, determined grassroots advocate and a seasoned fundraiser. With critical events such as redistricting and a presidential election on the horizon, Georgia Republicans need experience at the helm of the GAGOP.

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Today's Deep Thought

As we were driving, we saw a sign that said 'Watch For Rocks.' Marta said it should read 'Watch For PRETTY Rocks.' I told her she should write in her suggestion to the highway department, but she started saying it was a joke---just to get out of writing a simple letter! And I thought I was lazy!


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