Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

Form 1099 Time Bomb Still In Place: Vote NO On Obama Tax Package!

by PV

Rumors have it that the nifty little “compromise tax package” that came out of the U.S. Senate earlier this week failed to include the repeal of the onerous Form-1099 Time Bomb initiated by Obamacare.

PV confirmed with Senator Isakson’s office late today that the Senate Republicans did attempt to insert it into this package, but that was rejected by the pissant Senate Democrats. (Note: The word “pissant” is terminology inserted by PV, and not terminology uttered by Isakson’s office.)

For those of you who are not aware of what this Form-1099 issue entails, it is simply this: If you run a business, every single purchase you make for that business, from whatever entity you purchase it from (whether it is the cost of a component to your final assembly, or the cost of a finished good in which you are merely the sales arm for OR for your print paper you buy from your office supply store) will have to be reported to the IRS under its own, separate 1099 Form.

Talk about a “business-killer.” Rather than spending your time (and money) on working to improve your business by marketing or managing your business better, you will have to devote MORE TIME and MORE MONEY to ensuring that more freaking paperwork is filled-out correctly to submit to the IRS.

Because that 1099 requirement was not a part of this tax package, PV is completely against the tax package. Because whatever “relief” it supposedly provides for some minute segment of the tax world, that “relief” will be no relief for any business once the Form 1099 requirement kicks-in.

Plus…according to a RedState.com Action Alert (yeah, mark this down as a “desperate time” that calls for a “desperate act” for PV to forward anything from RedState) issued this afternoon, Obama has stated that his Presidency will “fail” if this tax package fails in the House.

Let’s help Obama fail by making this tax package fail. Encourage your Congressman to vote AGAINST this bill in the House and require Pelosi to try and find ever-diminishing votes from her side of the aisle to pass this bill.

Go here to find out the correct phone number to call to reach your congressional representative’s office to issue your opinion that this bill should be voted down. You will be prompted to enter your ZIP Code, and if your ZIP code splits a congressional seat, you’ll be asked for a more pinpointed address (like the 4-digit ZIP extension or a more complete address) to get connected to the correct Representative’s office.

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Today's Deep Thought

When people say that the desert is lifeless, it just makes me want to grab them by the collar and yell, 'Why you stupid, stupid man!' Then I drive them out into the desert to where the circus is, and point out the many forms of zebra and clown life.


March 2025