Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

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Full Disclosure on Tom Price

by Bill Simon

In the interest of full disclosure to those of you who think everything should be known about the background of a blogger, I am, admittedly, a biased person. I have had a strong bias against Tom Price ever since May 2005 when I read that he was one of 20 weenies who voted against the House to return the Rules back to a condition of Rules that maintained order and decorum.

Also, in August of 2005, I had the occasion to watch C-SPAN and listened as Tom Price defended an exception written into a jobs program bill that allowed religious organizations who accepted federal funds to discriminate on who they hired on the basis of the religion of that individual.

The part of the federal law that Price used to bolster his position was Title X in which he said: “There is nothing written in Title X that prohibits religious discrimination by an entity that receives federal funds.” After witnessing this speech by Price, I realized he was a dumbass, and probably in favor of turning the entire federal government into one large religious organization because, after all, Title X doesn’t prohibit job discrimination based on religion.

Feeling pissed-off for nearly 4 months at this display by my congressman, Tom Price, I was overjoyed to learn that someone was going to run against Price.

I approached the campaign of John Konop, talked with John, and asked him if there was anything I could do for his campaign. When his requests got more frequent and I realized the campaign need a little more hands-on guidance, I stated to Konop that what he’s asking me for is what most people charge for as a consultant to the campaign. He offered to pay me $1000 per month for guidance, database processing on his voter file, and the freedom for him to call me as early in the morning as he wanted, and as late in the evening as he wanted to rap about the campaign.

Anyone who has any familiarity with me and the PV knows that I offer my opinion to anyone about anything/anyone without having to be “told” what to say or how to say it. In fact, that is pretty much why lots of folks don’t like me…because I do not beat around the bush, and I don’t lie like a lot of folks in politics do, Republican Party members or anyone else.

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13 Responses to “Full Disclosure on Tom Price”

  1. Chris Trudeau Says:


    Is it safe to say then that you are “on the payroll” for Konop? In any case, your disclosure and support is surely appreciated. For those of your readers who are as frustrated with Price as you and I are, and aren’t going to vote down party lines I encourage them (and you) to listen to Steve Sinton as well.

    To pile on top of the heap that is smothering Price, my frustration began much more recently than yours. His vote against the Children’s Safety Act got my goat. When I started reading about all of the other facio-religious crap he was championing, I decided to get involved as much as I could.

    I just happen to believe that a real change would be valuable and Ihave seen some of the poo-poo’ing done by Konop and his people on this site. Not sure if the demands to maintain favor in the 6th by a Republican won’t also lead Konop to the Christian Coalition’s doorstep. I guess we’ll see.

    Perhaps with your status in the Konop camp, you might shed some light on his views on the issues. I know I could check out his site (and have), but any insight you could provide would be interesting to read.

  2. Bill Simon Says:

    If you call $1000 per month for campaign consulting services for my time and experience in the political world (when most consultants get around $4000+ per month) as being “on the payroll” of Konop, then I am on the payroll of Konop.

    That doesn’t mean, as I’ve oft-stated, my “opinion on Price” is bought by the Konop campaign.

    My services and database expertise cost money…my opinions are free. 🙂

    However, I am not the “spokesperson” for the Konop campaign as that is not what I am getting compensated for. I am compensated for database processing (i.e., managing a data file of 362,900 voters in the district) and general guidance advice…

    So, since I am not the “spokesman” for the campaign, Chris, I cannot answer your questions.

  3. caroline Says:

    Does anyone know how much support Konop has in the district? Are the voters disgusted with Tom Price or are they not knowledgable about his voting record?

  4. Chris Trudeau Says:

    That’s our job…get the electorate educated. I have drafted no less than 3 letters to the AJC, none of which have popped up. The vote against the Children’s Safety Act is an abomination and should have been covered in the AJC and MDJ.

  5. Bill Simon Says:

    Chris, could you link to the Children’s Safety Act info…I remember it being linked on another thread, but I don’t remember where.

  6. Chris Trudeau Says:


    sure can…I have a blog entry on my blog here.

    The bill details can be found on the Thomas.gov site

    And MOST IMPORTANTLY, the roll call vote, so that you can at a glance see the people who are NOT representative of my values.

  7. Chris Trudeau Says:

    Someone by the name of BB posted a few times on my blog yesterday. Turns out Price “voted for the Children’s Safety Act” before he voted against it. He was a co-sponsor of a bill that he ended up voting against…along with 51 other House members. If thats not a pandering vote I don’t know what is.

    Just thought I would show where http://www.reformgeorgianow.org “mis-reported” the truth, and admit responsibility.

  8. Bill Simon Says:

    “BB” is Bart Brannon, Vice-Chair of the Cherokee County GOP and Tom Price’s love child.

  9. Ben Ramsey Says:

    I’ve just been redistricted to the 6th district (from the 7th), and I can say that I will definitely be voting for Konop in the primaries.

    I even have a post about it here:

  10. Buzz Brockway Says:


    I know you well enough to know that your opposition to Price has nothing to do with your being paid by Konop. You are not the kind of guy who changes his opinion based on money. I should have made that clear earlier and for that I apologize.


  11. Bill Simon Says:

    No sweat, Buzz. Thank you.

  12. Bill Simon Says:

    Wait…on second thought…how much money you got? 😉

  13. Carolyn Norman Says:

    I have had the opportunity to talk with Konop one on one on a number of occasions at the Cobb GOP meetings and other county functions. I am not even in the 6th district so I don’t get to vote for Konop. However, I agree with his common sense platform and he will do the 6th district proud. I have been redistricted from Gingrey’s 11th district into the crummy 13th district belonging to David Scott. I just wish I had a conservative as my congressman. I will say Scott isn’t as bad as having John Lewis or Cynthia McKinney, though.

Today's Deep Thought

It's too bad that whole families have to be torn apart by something as simple as wild dogs.


March 2025