Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

Georgia GOP: Half-Assed Leadership Leads to Complete Crap

by Bill Simon

Have you SEEN the email today from Ga GOP Foundation Chair Jack Kingston? Here is a copy.

Note that Jack lists as his first bulleted accomplishment that “We’ve grown from 8 members to 78 members [emphasis added], which includes more than 30 who have given far more than the requested amount.”

Kudos to Jack Kingston for being able to con money out of poor saps to give money to the Ga GOP in order to keep paying for political consultants to piss money away.*

The Foundation likely had 500+ members when Sue Everhart left in May 2013. And, as of 4 months ago (before Kingston took over), it had been reduced to 8 members. Eight individual members.

Well, kudos, also, to the absolutely WORTHLESS job Chairman John Padgett (and his crew) have done in proactively managing the state party. What an incompetent POS of a chairman to not raise any money, and to drive down membership to 8…Foundation…members before recruiting Jack Kingston to help save his complete and utter failure of “leadership” of the State GOP.

* And what stellar political consulting there is for the State GOP. Here’s an example: This is a snapshot of the Ga GOP Website. (you could also go to GAGOP.org, but I’m concerned Stoneridge would switch it out pretty fast to cover-up their “clever design”). Notice how warm and fuzzy it is with “Choose Freedom” (that allows Padgett the freedom to screw you contributors out of your donation money to pay Stoneridge close to $100,000 for a Website design) and other dull stuff to promote Georgia elected leaders.

THEN..in comparison, go look at the Florida GOP Website (http://www.florida.gop/). Notice what they are focused on? Defeating Hillary. I’ll bet you they are generating lots of good cash donations by focusing on THAT issue, rather than the fluffy crappola that the experts at Stoneridge think is important for the Georgia GOP.

Also…notice the Florida.GOP website domain. They are promoting the GOP….they are marketers. How long has the top-level domain “.GOP” been available? About a year-and-a-half, according to this WSJ article.

How much would it have cost the Georgia GOP to get that subdomain? $39 bucks a year? How much cooler and sleeker would the Ga GOP Website be if they built a site on Georgia.GOP and forwarded the GaGOP.org site to it (so no one would have to spend a lot of money reprinting stuff with the new website name on it)?

I refer to those 70 folks who agreed to donate money at Jack Kingston’s asking “poor saps,”…NOT because they are “poor” but because they are saps. They have been conned into contributing money that will just be a pass-through to pay for half-assed leadership, half-assed party management, half-assed party-building efforts…vendor kickbacks to the GA GOP personnel…half-assed Website consulting (expensive as hell, but not even worth 5.0% of the cost John Padgett agrees to hand over to a firm that, frankly, appears to be focused on mediocre Web 2.0 work product, but charging Cadillac prices.)

BUT…yeahhhh…Alex Johnson was so unqualified...while John Padgett had 8 members at the Foundation after 26 months of his “leadership.”

If I could only remember the names of those 4-5 people who signed a letter stating that Alex Johnson was, essentially, unqualified, while John Padgett was SO MUCH MORE qualified….I just…can’t recall who those people were….mental block here…it’ll come to me soon, I’m sure…

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Today's Deep Thought

As we were driving, we saw a sign that said 'Watch For Rocks.' Marta said it should read 'Watch For PRETTY Rocks.' I told her she should write in her suggestion to the highway department, but she started saying it was a joke---just to get out of writing a simple letter! And I thought I was lazy!


March 2025