How To Guarantee the Georgia GOP Loses in 2022 & Beyond-Part 2
by Bill Simon
[If you landed on this article, and haven’t yet read Part 1, Part 2 will make far more sense if you read Part 1 first, link available here:]
Turning our attention, now, to Shafer’s actual leadership of the Georgia GOP for the past 1.5 years, let’s take a gander at Shafer’s glossy 12-page “Plan” he/someone wrote-up for his 2019 campaign for GOP Chair, titled “Our Vision For Victory.”
On Page 3 of his 2019 plan is this: “If you elect me as State Chairman, I will roll up my sleeves and work by your side to carry Georgia for President Trump, re-elect Sen. David Perdue and recapture our lost seats in Congress and the General Assembly. I will get us back to the basics of grassroots organizing. I will make better use of technology to build our Party and communicate our message. And I will not rest until after Election Day 2020.”
Mmmmm….yes, those victories are soooo tasty in March of 2021, aren’t they?
Putting aside everything I presented in Part 1 about the Real Shafer, tell me, seriously, WHY are so many Republican activists so blindly gung-ho on electing Shafer again? His performance is ZIP! Nada! ZILCH!
A lot of his performance is not due to the Democrats and their efforts, both legal and illegal.
A lot of his failure to perform is due to the very same reason why an upstart State Rep named Geoff Duncan cleaned his clock in the 2018 race for Lieutenant Governor: David Shafer is LAZY-MINDED & he really does not care about winning.
With all his statewide recognition as a) State Senator for 12 or so years, and b) being Senate Pro Tempore for…6-8 years, and c) having a fundraising advantage, he should have been able to win on the FIRST BALLOT in the 2018 GOP Primary.
He didn’t win because he assumed he was a guaranteed walk-on. He assumed that because so many people in the GOP say they ‘love and revere’ him, that he assumed the entire population of Georgia Republican voters also loved and revered him, and the default choice was “Shafer.”
Frankly, he ran his campaign like a drunk attempts to solve Tic-Tac-Toe problems, drawing circles and X’s all over the page except in the slots they need to be placed.
For Shafer, that meant wasting a whole lot of money on unqualified campaign consultants, stupidly large expenditures on TV and Cable media, and very little money on building a grassroots campaign for LG to personally connect with voters.
So, come 2019…and the grassroots activists of the Georgia GOP decide, stupidly, to elect a proven LOSER in political campaigns to become State GOP Chairman.
The Beaver: “Golly, Wally, why didn’t the Georgia GOP do well in 2020?”
Wally: “Because, Beav, when those numb skull Republican activists elected a loser like Eddie Haskell to lead the party, there is nothing good that can ever come from that. He’s nothing but a conniving kiss-ass!”
So, let’s find out how Shafer brought his losing persona to lead the Georgia GOP to defeat in 2020…
Election Legal Team…
Quoting verbatim from the 2019 Shafer Plan is this section:
“7. Strengthen Our Election Legal Team & Resources
“Our opponents have lost at the ballot box but are trying to cheat their way into office through abusive litigation. They have regularly filed fraudulent claims to silence the voters of our state. In order to protect Georgia’s election results, we must build a strong legal team and guarantee ample resources are accessible for our candidates. So when Republicans win elections Democrats have no opportunity to overturn our results.
“We cannot allow Stacey Abrams or the Far Left extremists to overturn the results of our free and fair elections. As your next Chairman, I will properly fund a team of our state’s best election attorneys and provide legal resources to defend our winning candidates.”[emphasis added by me]
Guess…what? He didn’t fund any “team” of election lawyers. In fact, when it was brought up to him in mid-2020, he flatly refused to allow an election legal team to form for the MOST important election EVER in this state and country.
This I derived from reading this article online where Jason Shepherd, a lawyer who actually does know election law, provided this response in an interview: “…David Shafer had promised to build a legal team, in his own words, to keep the Democrats from stealing the election at the ballot box. By the time we hit the election we had no legal team built,” Shepherd said.” (PDF copy of that article is here, in case the article gets deleted: TheGeorgiaStarNews-Shafer-LegalTeam )
It is very clear to me, as I recall reading several published stories shortly after the November 3, 2020 election, that both the Trump Campaign & the State GOP were filing lawsuits in the WRONG legal jurisdictions! And that is why many of the lawsuits got rejected (hell, if just ONE lawsuit is thrown out because it was filed in the wrong jurisdiction, that is one too many).
That’s a lot of wasted time & opportunity to win a legal argument, whether an election-related one or not. There is a clock on every legal action that someone wants to file, and if you spend time on wasted efforts, your mistake costs people money…lives…and, yes, election outcomes.
Having a case rejected because it was not filed in the right venue is a demonstration of someone who is either a) legally incompetent, or b) an amateur (who can still be incompetent, especially if one walks around holding a license to practice law).
A “legal team” is necessary for these types of events because a “legal team” can work on issues in advance, and plan on how to answer problems that crop-up during an election…including how a Motion is to be worded and in what court jurisdiction a proper legal action can be filed.
So, without bothering to actually invest and implement the building of a “election year legal team,” Chairman David Shafer sat on his ass and LET THE Republican Party get steamrolled.
And yet, there are Facebook groups formed to support this incompetent, lazy-minded person to run the party again for two years. Those people are flat-out a combination of both stupid AND crazy.
Interestingly enough, they’re the same bunch of people who consistently voted for the lazy-ass John Padgett for state GOP chair in 2013 and 2015.
They’re also the same bunch of people who elected John Watson for state GOP chair in 2017.
This same bunch of people is the reason why Georgia is turning Blue. Because they have no common sense worth a crap when it comes to choosing party leadership. They operate off of emotional idiocy at a level that has no upper limits.
If David Shafer gets re-elected GOP Chair, y’all can kiss most of the Republicans getting reelected at the state constitutional office level goodbye.
And if AG Chris Carr gets defeated in 2022, whatever gains you folks THINK you will have gained through redistricting, it will all vanish with a Democratic AG…and our state will be a solid Blue in 2024.
But…what do I know?