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Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

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Illegal Immigrants: Drive Them Out or Make Them Pay To Stay?

by Bill Simon

There’s a story in today’s AJC about the forum held last night by the Cherokee County Commission.

Now, in the print edition of the article, there is a side-by-side comparison between what a legal resident of America thinks and what an illegal resident of America thinks about the issue.

The illegal guy (named Martin Basilio) stated that he figures he spends most of the money he earns on “telephone bills, rent, electricity, water, and food.”

And, Basilio says he then SENDS money to his parents in Mexico, and “when money is good” he sends them about $700 every two weeks.

I believe the real hangup to the illegals’ problem is not that they are breaking the law of citizenship per se, but that they are using medical resources that are paid for by taxpaying Americans. And, perhaps if the illegals would pay for their own healthcare and insurance, then maybe the “anti-illegal immigrant” sentiment might not be as high.

What do you think?

11 Responses to “Illegal Immigrants: Drive Them Out or Make Them Pay To Stay?”

  1. John Konop Says:

    Cynthia Tucker Sells-Out Fellow African Americans

    Cynthia Tucker used her most recent editorial to rant against people that want to reform our immigration policies. She warned that our economy would collapse without an unlimited supply of illegal immigrants. Of course, she offered no evidence beyond her wagging finger. That’s because there is none. Even liberal, pro-immigration New York Times economist Paul Krugman admits that illegal immigration is a drain on our economy.

    Cynthia let’s look at the facts. African Americans are hurt by illegal immigration hurts more than most, and many reject the open border/amnesty immigration policies that you promote. But don’t take my word for it. Listen to a former director of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation:

    Frank Morris has been outraged as he has watched leaders in the African American community stand arm-in-arm with Latino groups in support of immigrant rights.

    Morris, the former director of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, a retired college professor and a current board member of the Center for Immigration Studies, said immigrants compete directly for jobs with African Americans, driving down wages and working conditions while in the country illegally.

    “As long as there is an available labor supply, (immigrants) will be preferred to African Americans,” Morris said. “Employers prefer illegal immigrants because they can be exploited without any recourse.”

    Robert Brown, an Emory University professor who studies African American politics, said many blacks are “less than sympathetic” to the plight of immigrants. Although many aren’t willing to speak publicly on the issue for fear of angering Latinos, a peek inside the editorial pages of African American newspapers, glimpses into town hall meetings and a look at national polls all indicate that many black Americans are uneasy about supporting immigrant rights.

    When will Cynthia Tucker start shining her light on what illegal immigration is doing to the paychecks of middle class Americans instead of fighting for the multinational corporations that want to bring third world wages to America?

  2. Bill Simon Says:


    What do YOU think is the question, not what Cynthia Tucker thinks. 🙂

  3. Chris Says:

    I like the idea of them paying their own way in terms of publicly-provided services, and to an extent they do with their sales tax. This might be one reason for the FairTax push, to capture all of the necessary taxes from the underground economies that aren’t on the books legitimately, such as illegals, drug dealers, welfare cheats, etc. However I don’t support FairTax anymore than I support any other government enslavement of the people scheme. So trying to figure out the best way to make illegals pay their way is not an easy task. You could eliminate all subsidies and make everybody pay for everything as they receive it.

  4. Charley Levinson Says:

    Whatever the illegal immigrants would pay towards their health care would never be enough for the D.A. Kings of the world. The Irish immigrants were hated in the 19th century, the Italian immigrants were hated in the early 20th century, and Jewish refugee boats were torpedoed in sight of America by U-Boats while we did nothing.

    The hatred of Latino immigrants is simply the latest chapter in the long saga of American xenophobia. It has nothing to do with health care or education costs. It never has.

  5. Chris Says:

    Hello is this thing on? Where’d my post go?

  6. John Konop Says:


    Ceasar Chavez said immigration was a tool to drive wages down. He also held protest to block the borders with Ralph Abernathy and Walter Mondale. The Chavaz brothers also ran the first Minute man project. So Charley are all of them racist?

  7. Charley Levinson Says:

    Where did you hear all of this?

    Of course the trio you mentioned are not racists. Do you really think the motivations of Cesar Chavez and D.A. King are the same?

  8. John Konop Says:


    Has always talk about cracking down on employers as well as unfair trade deals. I do think D.A. is motivated by falling wages of middle class Americans.



  9. John Konop Says:

    Charley, you might find this interesting.

    I am an American First !

    November 25th, 2006 by JohnKonop
    A letter from Michael Cutter, Former INS Special Agent, Registered Democrat.

    Hi John:

    First of all I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving.

    I can tell you that the Congress makes everyone angry, Liberals as well as

    I am a Liberal but more importantly, I am an American! Our nation cannot
    protect itself or our citizens with non-secure borders an immigration system
    that has no integrity and politicians who cannot, for the most part, see beyond
    campaign contributions and votes!

    The thing that is often overlooked in the immigration debate and other
    issues is that if we are going to succeed in getting the politicians to truly
    represent the citizens of our nation then we need to stop dividing ourselves up
    as being either Liberals or Conservatives. The point is that while I am
    certain that you and I would probably disagree on a number of issues such as a
    abortion rights, school prayer and other potentially divisive issues, issues, we
    agree on the need for secure borders and the need to create an immigration
    system that possesses true integrity. This is not simply a matter of
    ideology, it is a matter of national security and survival. It is important that we
    get as many Americans on the same page with us. Roughly 6 years ago, I was
    diagnosed with cancer of the prostate. I had surgery and thus far I am doing
    fine, although every 6 months I have to go back to my surgeon for an exam to
    make certain that I am still free of that dreaded disease. (I have come to
    refer to those visits with my doctor as getting my lease renewed!) The day
    after my doctor called me, six years ago with the news I did not want to hear,
    would not have been the day for my wife to have told me she wanted to paint
    the living room walls a different color! We were both focused on one clear
    goal; my survival!

    We can debate those other issues after we have secured our borders and
    insured our nation’s survival and the survival of our citizens!

    Similarly, I believe that we need to stop marginalizing the immigration
    debate by emphasizing that this is an issue that is of concern to Conservatives.
    We become our own worst enemy when we do that. Additionally, we alienate
    those citizens whose support we need in combating renegade politicians who are
    deaf to the voices of their constituents.

    The issue of national security is neither a Conservative nor a Liberal
    issue. It is an American issue! It is therefore critically important that we stop
    playing into the hands of those who would dismantle our borders.

    That is my humble opinion.

    Take care…


  10. Donald Says:

    Bill, John, et al.,

    These are excellent comments in the letter by Michael Cutter that go to the heart of the matter of illegal immigation; namely, that it is neither a conservative nor a liberal issue but an American one that must be addressed by means designed to greatly reduce the flow of illegals into the U.S. and reduce through attrition the existing illegal population by vigorous enforcement of existing laws, thereby avoiding the extremes of mass deportations in a short period and the dangerous open border policy of the mindless utopian left and the cheap labor addicted corporate right.

    I would also note that, absent an effective argument, opponents of enforcement often repeat in sheep-like fashion accusations of racism and hatred toward any and all who support border enforcement and American sovereignty. The highly commendable D.A. King has done nothing more than insist that the federal government enforce existing immigration laws. I find it exceedingly hard to believe this reasonable position constitutes racism of any sort, whether it comes from D.A. King, Cesar Chavew, Walter Mondale, or me.

    It is time for elected officials of both major parties to recognized illegal immigration for what it is: a massive criminal enterprise that represents a full-scale assault on American sovereignty and the rule of law. Sadly, I never thought I would live to see an American President, especially of my own party, surrender wholesale to the illegal immigration lobby of the left and the right. This unfortunate reality causes me to fear for the future of our country to a degree I would not have imagined a decade ago.

  11. David Frisch Says:

    “Jewish refugee boats were torpedoed in sight of America by U-Boats while we did nothing.”

    I doubt the US would have openly tolerated German U boats prowling US waters after the declaration of hostilities.

    “The hatred of Latino immigrants is simply the latest chapter in the long saga of American xenophobia. It has nothing to do with health care or education costs. It never has.”

    Then why hasn’t this level of xenophobia been directed towards legal Asian Indians or East Asians?

Today's Deep Thought

If your friend is already dead, and being eaten by vultures, I think it's okay to feed some bits of your friend to one of the vultures, to teach him to do some tricks. But only if you're serious about adopting the vulture.


February 2025