I’m Not Sure He’s Right, But Michael Moore Sounds Coherent In This Letter…
by Bill Simon
I do NOT want to see any posts ranting about Michael Moore‘s past work or how lefty-liberal he is.
Please READ his post from his blog about what he now thinks on Iraq and comment on whether he brings any good or really bad points up:
(Please stick to this thread’s topic on your responses).
Technorati Tags: Michael Moore
November 30th, 2006 at 9:49 am
Moore sounds coherent if you assume that there’s no worse downside risk if we walk away. But there is:
1) A regional war joined by Iran, Turkey, and Syria; there are barrels of reasons for other countries to step in too, including Russia and China. Could Israel stand by as the region is engulfed in war? What’s likely to happen to the price of oil?
2) Establishment of an al Qaeda base of operations.
Either way, we’re going back in. Bush’s historic mistake has left us in a position where we can’t win and we can’t leave.
December 2nd, 2006 at 5:20 pm
I agree with just about everything he said in the letter. There were many of us who knew Saddam was our guy to begin with, and that we’d armed and funded him, and that we were still doing business with him when he became our nation’s “most imminent threat.” But people wouldn’t listen for whatever reason.
I recall a news clip of by Bob Schieffer on CBS news one night just weeks prior to the invasion of Iraq, where he attempted to cover “both sides” of the Iraq issue. He gave full blown air time to one of the administration’s proponents of the war, then to balance the report, Schieffer simply said “we talked with the people who are against going into Iraq, and we didn’t find their arguments credible. So there you have it. Iraq is an imminent threat to our country and we’re going to go in there and stop it.”
December 4th, 2006 at 12:19 pm
“What’s likely to happen to the price of oil?”
Might I remind you that it was during the Iraq War that pump prices went over three bucks a gallon?
I’m also not the only one who thinks that fighting in the Middle East is not a good justification for spoiled Americans to keep running SUVs. This war was started so US corporations could make (and in many cases steal) money. Period. And now the rest of us are paying the price, and for the soldiers who have died that price is WAY too high.