Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

J Max Davis and His Political Pay-Off Financiers

by PV

Rumors have it that the primary contributors to the J Max Davis Campaign for State House 80 are nothing but political insiders vying to grab onto Davis’s coattails so he will continue to feed their hunger for MORE government and MORE Backroom business deals granted to those who got business from the City of Brookhaven while J Max was mayor.

Here are the highlights of Contributors to the J Max Davis Campaign:

1) Developers who benefited from the founding of Brookhaven and the development made possible by the relaxed zoning of the ZBA-City Council:

Jed Beardsley- $250
Bravo Realty Consulting, Inc.- $1,000
Diane Calloway-Title service company- $250

2) The Trial Lawyers’ PAC who seem to be under the control of Speaker David Ralston in where they contribute money: Civil Justice PAC-GA Trial Lawyers Association- $2,500.00

3) Leadership of the House of Representatives and State Senate who love spending YOUR tax dollars to reward THEIR campaign contributors:

Rep. John Meadows- $1,500
Rep. Richard Smith- $1,500

Rep. Bert “Could my voice sound any more like I’m a weenie?” Reeves-$1,000

Sen. Fran “Like my new suit? It’s empty, just like all of them are in my closet.” Millar- $1,000

Rep. Alan “Don’t read this 2000-line legislation I dumped into the mix a few days before Sine Die” Powell- $1,500

Rep. David “State Bar Rules? What State Bar Rules? I cannot be expected to read Rules OR the Ga Constitution. I have a 2:00 PM appointment to have my belly rubbed, and then my nails done…” Ralston-Speaker of the House- $2,500

Rep. Terry “Sorry, Terry, PV is out of insults for you” England-$1,500

4) The Chamber and related Association entities

GA Chamber of Commerce – $500
GA Governmental Affairs- $250
GA Health Care Association-$500

5) Joe Gebbia-Brookhaven City Council- $2,500 (Really, Joe? Do you own stock in the company that makes Lysol or something?)

Voter Guide Summary:

1. If you want more of the unchecked development of Brookhaven (and other cities in Georgia), vote for J Max Davis and his cronies.

2. If you want more Republicans who will raise taxes and take away your rights, vote for J Max Davis.

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Today's Deep Thought

The wise man can pick up a grain of sand and envision a whole universe. But the stupid man will just lie down on some seaweed and roll around until he's completely draped in it. Then he'll stand up and go, 'Hey, I'm Vine Man.'


March 2025