Mitt Romney: The BIGGEST Lying SOB Since George W. Bush
by Bill Simon
I don’t really care about the abortion issue like so many people do. What I DO care about is whether or not a candidate for president is “genuine” in their character. Mitt Romney is a nothing but a liar when it comes to his “position” on abortion now as compared to what he said a few years ago.
Romney is a pandering fool. If he wins the GOP presidential primary, there is no way in HELL that I would ever support him or vote for him for president. I don’t like candidates who pander.
November 2008 may just be the 2nd presidential election in a row that I refuse to make a choice between presidential candidates on the ballot.
Technorati Tags: Mitt Romney, Romney is a pandering fool
February 22nd, 2007 at 9:01 pm
I want a presidential candidate to pander to me in one thing – Romney does it better than ANYONE in the GOP field. Pander to me on taxes. He will fix the problems in this country – specificially financial ones. I want the Bush tax cuts to be made permanent – in a way that doesn’t sell out America’s future by deficit spending. On social issues, Romney is good enough for me. He may have waffled a bit, but no more than I have internally waffled on the same issues over the years. But look at his record as governor. He has nothing to be ashamed of.
February 26th, 2007 at 4:46 am
people can change their opinions in matters… the video you show was from 2002 – 5 years is a long time… i’m sure you have changed your mind on matters in that amount of time as well.
he explains some of it here:
he is accurate to say that Reagan was once pro-choice as well
i’m not for a candidate that changes a position for political points, but he could have actually changed his mind.
i agree with Jay, i’m just excited to have someone who will be a fiscally responsible republican!
he doesnt seem like he’s lying to people… and if he is, he’s doing a better job of it than Bill Clinton ever did! 🙂
March 14th, 2007 at 9:13 pm
Romney is a corporate raider. If for no other reason, this is why he should be opposed. If he, by some miracle, wins the nomination look for big labor to play a serious dominant role in the next election. They’ve been quiet for the past decade posing only marginal successes. This could be another blood bath for the GOP.
March 25th, 2007 at 11:57 pm
Hey Albert, I have to disagree with you. He isn’t totally against unions, but read this:
It’s an excellent idea. Romney isn’t a liar regarding the above issues, either. He has personally disliked abortion – but in that Massachusetts campaign, he promised not to adjust the laws regarding abortion and won because of his pledges on taxes and spending.