Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

My Fellow Comrades…

by PV

Are you lonely? Do you feel isolated? Have you been unemployed for a long time and have children? Have you recently returned from a war zone? Are you anti-abortion? Do you think Americans should have the right to keep a gun in their own home to protect them in case of an intruder? Are you anti-illegal immigration? Are you aware that our President is an African-American? Are you concerned about being interred in “citizen internment” camps? Have you seen the movie First Blood starring Sylvester Stallone and cheered him on to “kill” the members of law enforcement who are out to “get him?” How many times did you see the movie? Do you own a DVD of it? Have you noticed that there is a loss of jobs in the U.S.? Do you believe in the possibility that there is conspiracy to create a “One-World Government?” Have you noticed homes getting foreclosed on? Do you perceive that the world is closing in on you? Do you support the US Constitution? Are you concerned about your rights being trampled on? Have you ever yelled an expletive at the TV when no one else was around? Are you a paranoid schizophrenic? How would you know if you were not a paranoid schizophrenic? Can you prove you are not? Have you ever wondered if there is a God? Do you pray? Does God answer you back? Are you angry at the federal government? Do you believe they are out to get you? Are you suspicious of strangers? Do you lock your doors at night? If you are female, do you wear provocative clothing while shopping? Do you lead men on? Are you a tease?

Analysis of Your Answers To These Questions: If you answered “Yes” or “No” to any of these questions, you may have the potential to either be a member of a rightwing extremist group, or you may have the potential of being recruited by such a group.

Please refer to the attached document for guidelines on determining if your activities may or may not be perceived to be a threat to The Motherland…errr…Department of Homeland Security.

Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment

NOTE: Rumors have it that White House Chief of Staff Robb Emmanuel helped write the DHS propaganda document.

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Today's Deep Thought

I think a good scene in a movie would be where one scientist tells another scientist, 'You know what will save the world? You're holding it in your hand.' And the other scientist looks, and in his hand are peanuts. Then when he looks up, the first scientist is being taken away to the insane asylum.


March 2025