Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

Nancy Jester Campaign: The Bad, The Ugly, & The Ugliest

by Bill Simon

Last Thursday evening (October 2, 2014), there was the weekly “neighborhood get-together” at Brook Run Park in the City of Dunwoody; a public park. This get-together is comprised of several food trucks that show-up at a particular location, and people flock to the park to partake in the food and socialization.

The Nancy Jester Campaign for DeKalb County Commission District 1 showed-up as well, and they pitched a tent (one of those 4-post things, I suspect) and started politicking with the people.

Tom Owens, another candidate for DeKalb County Commission District 1, also showed-up in the vicinity and started politicking as well…in (I’m going to repeat myself a lot here for a reason) a public park. And, he started to engage with a lot of people…thus pulling people away from the Jester tent.

At some point, someone in the Jester Camp called the Dunwoody Police. Because, while Owens was standing on public property, exercising his interpretation of the First Amendment, a Dunwoody cop pulled-up and addressed him specifically (Tom Owens is a very tall, distinctive figure, and stands-out in a crowd, so it was easy for a Jester person to describe him over the phone) and asked him what he was doing. When Owens responded that he was there campaigning, Owens also asked the cop “Am I doing something wrong?”

The cop radioed into Dunwoody Police HQ to tell his boss what Owens was doing, and to ask him “Should I arrest him?” he was flatly told to leave Owens alone because he was not doing anything illegal. Cop drives off.

Now, this is a pattern with the Jester Campaign. It was a pattern during her failed bid for State School Superintendent earlier this year where, on multiple occasions, Jester-supporters (e.g., DeKalb County GOP Chair Linda Smith) would call the cops to try and get Joe Newton and Tom Owens arrested for handing-out fliers at political events regarding Jester’s true record. This is one such story documented earlier this year on the Political Vine Website:


In another, separate incident, Stan Jester, husband of Nancy Jester, was accused of chest-bumping Tom Owens, and there was a probable cause hearing in DeKalb State Court regarding that alleged chest bump. Here is that story, complete with links to audio from the hearing involving Stan Jester (Hint: Part 3, the judge’s 14-minute close, is sheer joy to listen to if you listen to nothing else.)


So, back to Brook Run Park. Cop drives off and Owens remains as does the Jester clan. At some point, someone came over to Tom Owens and told him that Stan Jester was claiming that his wife, Nancy Jester, was the person who filed the ethics complaint against Elaine Boyer.

Well, that’s a really funny thing to say…because, it was actually Tom Owens who had done that shortly after the AJC had published stories in late March of 2014 about all the P-Card abuse by Boyer and her Executive Assistant, Bob Lundsten.

Here is a link to a PDF showing that fact, with a Received Date Stamp of APR 03 2014that it was actually Tom Owens who filed the complaint with the DeKalb Ethics Board.

Now, here’s an idea: Next time ANY Jester claims such a thing, demand to see a copy of that complaint…showing the “Received” stamp from the DeKalb Ethics Board. I don’t think one exists…because, at the time of the exposure of this story earlier this year, Nancy Jester was going 100% on her race for State School Superintendent…when did she have time/energy to file ethics complaints in DeKalb County against any commissioner?

I can safely say that whoever it was in the Jester Campaign that claimed that Nancy Jester was the one who filed ethics complaints against Elaine Boyer (or, ANY DeKalb County Commissioner) is lying when they make that claim.

Now, lying about this type of thing is nothing new for the Nancy Jester campaign. Because, for well over a year, Nancy Jester has been claiming that it was due to her keen eye that exposed all the financial problems with the DeKalb County School Board.

Here’s one such example, from Jester’s campaign announcement in November 2013, where she states (in the Dunwoody Crier article, PDF snapshot here) the following: “I uncovered the malfeasance. SACS used my spreadsheets,” proclaimed Jester…”This demonstrates my commitment to telling the truth.”

Ohhhhhh…REALLY?! How much you wanna bet, Nancy? How much? $1000? $10,000? How about $500,000,000,000?

Because, according to the actual executive director of SACS, contrary to what Nancy Jester claims, she, actually, was a major part of the problem. Here’s the story from WSB-TV where the SACS guy is quoted by the news reporter.

So, contrary to her claim for the past year, she was NOT a “whistle-blower,” but “part of the problem with the DeKalb County School Board.”

Which explains why Nancy Jester, along with every other member of the DeKalb County School Board, was recommended by the Georgia State School Board to be suspended, as this document details: Governor Suspends Every Member of DeKalb School Board.

By the way, do you folks know in what place Nancy Jester came in the May 20th primary election results? She came in 5th place in a field of nine candidates. Apparently, a lot of people did not buy her lies on the campaign trail back then, and they won’t buy them now for this seat.

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Today's Deep Thought

As we were driving, we saw a sign that said 'Watch For Rocks.' Marta said it should read 'Watch For PRETTY Rocks.' I told her she should write in her suggestion to the highway department, but she started saying it was a joke---just to get out of writing a simple letter! And I thought I was lazy!


March 2025