Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

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Newt Gingrich and Ralph Reed: Holding Hands…Making All Kinds of Plans…

by politicalvine

The irony of this past Friday is just TOO funny to pass up.

After a luncheon at the Atlanta Metro Chamber of Commerce in which he was the guest speaker, Newt Gingrich supposedly made some comments that were complimentary of Lt. Governor candidate Ralph Reed. These were distributed by the Reed campaign in an e-mail Friday afternoon. One excerpt is:

“I have worked with Ralph Reed over the years on many key conservative projects. Together, we worked to make sure that this is a country that understood that our rights come from our Creator, that this a country that has a tax code that favors families and favors the ability of parents to raise their children, and that this is a country where schools teach about America and American history and the great values that have made America unique, and that this is a country that has the kind of health care system so that every American can have a better future.”

Also on Friday, Speaker of the House Glenn Richardson gave a nod to the likelihood of a bill introduced as House Bill 941 passing this session that allows county courthouses across the state of Georgia to post the Ten Commandments…and, thus guaranteeing that any fight in the courts are paid for out of state tax revenue, as opposed to individual counties having to pay for it out of their pockets.

Now, the IRONY to all of this is that we have a serial liar like Ralph Reed (“I didn’t know my money came from Indian casinos”…”I am not a lobbyist, so I don’t have to register”…”I was duped just like all of the other Christians were by my friends Jack Abramoff and Grover Norquist”…) being highly praised by an adulterer/liar like Newt Gingrich (who apparently thinks Ralph will help him get elected President), all on the same day a bill that promotes the posting of the Ten Commandments on government buildings in Georgia gets dropped. The irony is just too sweet.

Now, before everyone goes “Huh?” over Newt’s apparent sucking-up to Ralph, there is actually a master puppeteer in the background of all this who is operating Newt’s strings. His name? Randy Evans. No, we’re not kidding.

You see, Mr. Evans sits as Chairman of the Board for the Newt Gingrich Companies…and, he also works for McKenna Long & Aldridge, which has been hired by the Ralph Reed campaign to make sure his disclosures are all in order.

Mr. Evans also happens to be Chairman of the Board for the J.C. Watts Companies…so, when J.C. Watts appears for a fundraiser, or signs some sort of fundraising support letter for Ralph Reed, you will know the puppeteer is busy in his workshop.

Another Georgia candidate for public office to be on the lookout for in getting Newt and/or J.C. Watts to back him will be Bill Stephens who will likely be jumping over other senators to sign-on to posting the Ten Commandments all across Georgia.

Why will Newtie or J.C. Watts back a Bill Stephens’ candidacy? ‘Cause the Stephens campaign is also paying McKenna, Long & Aldridge for campaign disclosure services…and, the puppeteer just cannot resist the prospect of becoming Georgia’s next kingmaker.

For that matter, when you see Zell “The Schizophrenic Democrat” Miller endorse Ralph and/or Bill Stephens, you can track that right back to McKenna et al. and Randy Evans.

10 Responses to “Newt Gingrich and Ralph Reed: Holding Hands…Making All Kinds of Plans…”

  1. Albert Says:

    I’ll be surprised if JC Watts does anything for po Ralphie. Watts was one of the Republicans Ralph turn coated on, while he was effectively working for his client E Lottery.

    What I find hilarious is that Ralphie cannot come up with a new line. His confession, apology or excuse for working for the Choctaws has been the exact same sentence, carefully worded.

    What makes me want to hurl is the response he gets from the CC crowd.

  2. Beth Says:

    Word on the street is that Randy is also supporting BS

  3. Bob Smith Says:

    Between the two of them, Ralph and Newt have broken 7 of the 10 commandments. That puts them about on par to take over the Old Time Gospel Hour when Falwell finally retires.

  4. Wayne Plummer Says:

    Bob and/or Bill:

    which Commandments has Dr. Reed broken?

    (please allow me to hope that no one slams me… for being a Hypocrite.
    I will always publicly acknowledge any of the TEN that i have violated)

    But, then again… I never held myself out to be “Holier than Thou.” …never was Executive Director of Pat Robertson’s Christian Coalition. …never watched the 700 Club…

    Would appreciate a ballpark estimation of a number.

    The first one that pops into my mind is the admonishment against TELLIN’ big PHAT whoppers. (i.e. “if I had known then where the monies had originated, I would certainly have refused to accept those MILLIONS of dollars from my good friends Grover and Jack”).

    Sorry, Mr. Simon, for rambling…


    Forsyth County, Georgia
    Piney Grove Precinct
    Forsyth County Co-Chair,
    Bush-Cheney ’04

  5. Bill Simon Says:

    I know of only one, Wayne: Thou shalt not bear false witness. That is, one should not lie.

    However, it is possible that Ralph has also broken the false idol worship one in that he knowingly decided to take money from one tribe that needed protection of its monopoly casino against any other competitor. Ralph took the money and told himself that it would be okay to manipulate other Christians into fighting the opening of a casino, even though the true purpose was to protect another casino’s operations…thus Ralph worshipped the money he received over the faith he preaches.

  6. wayne plummer /Forsyth Co Says:

    Mr. Simon:

    is that what Pat Robertson was thinking about when he suggested that no one, including the esteemed Dr. Reed, can simultaneously worship GOD and Mammon?

    …to which Dr. Reed suggested that his former mentor (and the gentleman who enabled Dr. Reed to end up on the cover of Time magazine at such a young age) …Mr. Robertson of “700 Club” fame might be a doddering old somethin’-er-other?

    …was just wondering. I don’t follow current events, or pay attention to the shenanigans of sleaze-bag lobbyists as closely as you seem to.


    Forsyth County, Georgia
    Piney Grove Precinct


  7. Bill Simon Says:

    Mr. Plummer,

    It is possible that that is what Pat Robertson was referring to. However, Mr. Robertson, as of late, does not appear to be making as much sense in his observations of the real world.

    And, I might note that despite Robertson’s utterance of those words (whenever he did so), Robertson dontated something on the order of $2000 to Herr Dr. Reed for his Lt. Governor’s race.

    I reiterate: Pat Robertson’s days of lucidity in words and/or action appear to be far behind him.

  8. Taffy Rice Says:

    Man alive Bill, you are close to a full disclosure, but why the finger on Evans, in lieu of the real muscle? Does this mean your new look and feel was funded by Clay and his pet Sammy?!

    It’s great to read the truth about Newtie and Hurl, but didn’t you know, it was Clay, who recruited Newt from the bottom land! You probably knew. Guess every one has to access from whence they are fed!

    If you ever decide to speak of the ‘legal racket’ honestly, let me know. Livin it is a drag, but it seems to keep some quite busy! Take it easy.

  9. Bill Simon Says:

    “Clay and his pet Sammy?” I be confuzed, Sister Taffy.

  10. Wayne Plummer Says:

    **DISCLAIMER** much of what is written below is intended to be “Black Humor”

    It is NOT suggested that there is any real or imagined correlation to a Ph.D. granted from any institution of higher learning in the great state of Georgia and a Ph.D. granted from the University of Heidelberg.

    end DISCLAIMER**

    Mr. Simon:

    are you one of those “students of Hyperbole?”

    if yes, then may God Bless you!

    where did you come up with “Herr Dr. Reed?”

    I don’t think i have heard that salutation since… oh, some fellow with a Ph.D. from the University of Heidelberg, a pretty good school, by the way — (Ph.D received 1920)

    this guy was also a great speaker… Also did not have a problem bending, or stretching, or avoiding the Truth

    This guy was elected to the Reichstag in 1928, then i believe he was re-elected in 1930

    He and his boss spent a LOT of time talking about and promoting “Family Values.”

    He “knew the power of controlling what people thought.”

    He was also a proponent of the style of politics that could be characterized by “moving only at night, under the cover of darkness.”

    …and did not seem to have a problem visualizing his political opponents in “body bags.”

    if you can guess which Herr Doktor we are thinking about, you will win a Lebkuchen!

    …my humblest apologies for pushing hyperbolic comparisons to such a high level.


    Forsyth County, Georgia
    Piney Grove Precinct
    Bush-Cheney County Co-Chair 2004

    “still buildin’ that database of most-likely voters…”

Today's Deep Thought

Somebody told me how frightening it was how much topsoil we are losing each year, but I told that story around the campfire and nobody got scared.


February 2025