Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

Newt To Run For Prez? Gag Me With A Spoon…

by Bill Simon

Let’s see how many ways I can come up with to describe Newt:

– Putz
– Someone who thinks the rest of the country is REALLY stupid enough to believe he is sincere.
– Out to lunch
– The worst con-artist since Ralph Reed…whom, I suspect, will be on his campaign team.

7 Responses to “Newt To Run For Prez? Gag Me With A Spoon…”

  1. caroline Says:

    Perhaps you can explain to me why so many of your fellow travelers think he’s the greatest?

  2. Bill Simon Says:

    I would guess for the same reasons so many of YOUR fellow travelers think Bill Clinton is the greatest, Caroline. They like sleazy politicians. 🙂

  3. caroline Says:

    Naw, I can tell you why they like Bill Clinton-he won and made the GOP turn into crazy conspiracy theorists at the same time! To this day, mention his name and many republicans become drooling nutjobs talking conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory.

  4. Bill Simon Says:

    Well, by the same token, it was Newt who engineered the Republican Revolution in the elections of 1994…and blew your folks out of power in the House.

  5. caroline Says:

    That’s true and Bill Clinton beat him at every opportunity. That’s why you guys dumped him in 1998. You got tired of being played for chumps. Of course, now you’ve been double dealt by a chump!

  6. Bill Simon Says:

    Ummm..Caroline…you are quite mistaken. Newt won his reelection in November 1998. HE dumped himself out in 1999.

  7. caroline Says:

    I wasn’t talking about our district. I was talking about you guys kicking him out of leadership. Gingrich could have probably represented our district for life if he wanted. What do you think?

Today's Deep Thought

Sometimes, I think you have to march right in and demand your rights, even if you don't know what your rights are, or who the person is you're talking to. Then, on the way out, slam the door.


February 2025