Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

Stalking Statute vs. First Amendment: Which should win?

Bill Simon, October 9th, 2014

I am fascinated with the degree of ignorance exhibited by so-called “professional reporters” at media outlets like the AJC. I actually thought Jim Galloway, Dan Malloy, and Greg Bluestein were smart(er) than most of the rest…at least smarter than the Huffington-Post. I’m never making that presumption again.

I have to give credit to a true, smart journalist, for the following statement she made on Facebook regarding this incident with George Chidi and him getting served a Temporary Protective Order initiated by Tom Owens: “Correlation does not mean causation.” (- Benita Dodd, who now works with Georgia Public Policy Foundation)

Meaning, that just because Chidi got served a TPO on Monday…after the time of his publication of the hit-piece on Tom Owens, that does not mean that the publication of the story caused the TPO to be obtained and issued. And, in fact, it did not. The timeline of actual, documented events proves that.

But, before I get to the timeline of events, I wish to offer proof of Tom Owens’ claim that George Chidi did NOT, in fact, identify himself as a journalist, a reporter, or a blogger.

Upon seeing Tom Owens for the first time at the September 18 event at St. Anne’s, Chidi approached Owens and said I know who you are, and I am going to destroy you…” and he said that without identifying himself to be a “reporter” or a “journalist” or a “blogger” with the infamous PeachPundit.Slime blog.

Let me show you folks something. Here is Side 1 of a business card I got from Ariel Hart, Reporter for the AJC back in 2012: http://www.politicalvine.com/dekalb/REAL-AJC-Reporter-1.jpg

Here is Side 2 of that same card: http://www.politicalvine.com/dekalb/REAL-AJC-Reporter-2.jpg

THAT card identifies someone with the media.

Do you want to know what George Chidi provided the Owens’ campaign people with for his “ID” on September 18, 2014? This card: http://www.politicalvine.com/dekalb/GeorgeChidiBC.jpg

His Pine Lake City Council business card. Show me ANY indication on this card that identifies him to BE a “journalist”, a “reporter” or a “blogger.”

Chidi ASSUMED people knew who he was because he ASSUMED he was some great dude in the political blogging world…a world that the real working people in the world ignore because they (believe it or not…I know this will be a shock) have…gasp…other things going on in their lives!

Tom Owens is about 62 years old, has served for 20 some-odd years in the Army, putting-up with ALL kinds of stuff that punk-ass bloggers and reporters for the AJC, et al. have never bothered to do (wouldn’t have the guts TO do), and he had no idea who the “Great (sic) George Chidi” was.

So, Owens had never heard of him, and all he knew of George Chidi inside of 3 minutes was a) Chidi was an asshole, and b) Chidi was a threatening asshole, and c) Chidi was a city councilman of some po-dunk city, and d) Tom Owens did not want ANYTHING to do with Chidi, and he told Chidi to leave him alone.

After telling Chidi to leave him alone, Chidi texted him multiple times, called him on the phone, and addressed him at public events…which all constituted violations of Georgia’s Stalking Statute:

OCGA 16-5-90. Stalking;
Read the rest of this entry »

George Chidi is Gonna Need a Bigger Shovel

Bill Simon, October 6th, 2014

Perhaps if George Chidi was not a Progressive-Communist…and, perhaps if George Chidi did not think that paling around with the likes of Milquetoast Sell-outs of the Republican Brand like State Senator Fran Millar (Common-Core Lover), State Rep. Mike Jacobs, State Rep Tom Taylor, Candidate for DeKalb Commission Nancy Jester, Political Consultant Mike Hassinger, Political Consultant Todd Rehm, and Blogger Charlie Harper of PeachPundit.Slime, et al. was such a euphoric experience, perhaps I would not be experiencing such Schadenfreude that I am currently feeling about Chidi’s situation.

BUT…make no mistake…Chidi knowingly and deliberately brought all of what I am presenting to you on himself for failing to either know or understand the concept of demonstrating respect for other people. So, with that in mind, let’s take a Magical Mystery Tour of an applicable section of O.C.G.A. as it now applies to Mr. Chidi:

OCGA 16-5-90. Stalking;

(a)(1) A person commits the offense of stalking when he or she follows, places under surveillance, or contacts another person at or about a place or places without the consent of the other person for the purpose of harassing and intimidating the other person. For the purpose of this article, the terms “computer” and “computer network” shall have the same meanings as set out in Code Section 16-9-92; the term “contact” shall mean any communication including without being limited to communication in person, by telephone, by mail, by broadcast, by computer, by computer network, or by any other electronic device; and the place or places that contact by telephone, mail, broadcast, computer, computer network, or any other electronic device is deemed to occur shall be the place or places where such communication is received. For the purpose of this article, the term “place or places” shall include any public or private property occupied by the victim other than the residence of the defendant. For the purposes of this article, the term “harassing and intimidating” means a knowing and willful course of conduct directed at a specific person which causes emotional distress by placing such person in reasonable fear for such person’s safety or the safety of a member of his or her immediate family, by establishing a pattern of harassing and intimidating behavior, and which serves no legitimate purpose. This Code section shall not be construed to require that an overt threat of death or bodily injury has been made.

Recall, if you will, in the Vine this morning that I described Chidi’s first encounter with Tom Owens and the words out of his mouth to Owens were: “I am going to destroy you.”

That fits the definition of “harassing and intimidating” Tom Owens. And, when that happened, Owens told Chidi to leave him alone. Chidi did not heed that request to leave Owens alone.

Chidi continued to make contact with Owens. In this section of a blog post George Chidi made this morning at 9:00 AM on the PeachPundit.Slime website on the 2nd page of this PDF (this has been PDF snapshotted because we’re dealing with a criminal matter now, and I’m not going to give Chidi or any PP pal of his any opportunity to change the record), Chidi admits, on the record, that he contacted Owens after that first meeting by both calling him and texting him.

But, he did not just text him once…he texted several times to Owens. Owens never answered him. All this after being told by Owens to “leave me alone” at the St. Andrews Church event on September 18th after George promised Tom Owens that he would “destroy him.”

So, though Chidi is not yet in receipt of this Notice of a Warrant Hearing to be held on October 18, 2014, that application for a Warrant Hearing occurred on Sunday, October 5, 2014 in DeKalb County Magistrate Court. This happened before Chidi made his 5-page post about Tom Owens on PeachPundit.Slime this morning at 9:00 AM. And, the Magistrate Judge advised Owens to go to the DeKalb Superior Court first thing on October 6, 2014 to get a TPO filed against Chidi.

It’s important to understand that the Date and Time of Chidi’s “big” blog hit-piece on Tom Owens is October 6 at 9:00 AM (see this page).

It is important to know and understand that because at approximately 8:00 AM on October 6, Owens was already at the DeKalb Superior Courthouse applying for a Temporary Protective Order against Chidi to prevent him from harassing and intimidating Owens until the hearing on that TPO to be held on October 22nd, 2014.

Now, Chidi is whining on his Facebook page, and his Twitter account and his own blog that, essentially, “I’m a journalist and I am being prevented from doing my job.”

In fact, he has his own blog, and on it, he stated this: “But if this is allowed to stand unchallenged, it sets a precedent that a politician receiving unfavorable press at a sensitive moment can use the power of the court to bar coverage. The word “chilling” doesn’t cover it. It’s outrageous and dangerous and almost certainly unconstitutional.”

Being a “journalist” (IF, indeed, he even IS one…blogging on PeachPundit.Slime is not “journalism”) does not give one a license to harass, intimidate and/or stalk ANYONE.

If you look at the Date-and-Time Stamp of that TPO, on the 4th Page, it says at the very top: “October 6 9:52 AM.”

This TPO had nothing to do with Chidi’s post on PeachPundit.Slime that was published at 9:00 AM on October 6th. Heck, it would take someone the better part of 30 minutes to attempt to digest his voluminous Diarrhea-of-the-Mouth hit piece against Tom Owens before thinking of anything else.

One would think that for a guy like George Chidi, whose very advertised business repertoire is one of “business intelligence,” would have bothered to take the time to truly examine all parts of the TPO before making a snap judgement that the TPO was related to his PeachPundit.Slime post this morning; it wasn’t.

SO…George Chidi can scream about “unconstitutional restraint of the press”…but, this has absolutely nothing to do with “freedom of the press.” Chidi systematically, and repeatedly, engaged in a deliberate pattern of behavior to intimidate, harass, and cow Tom Owens into submission and cause him emotional distress. THAT isn’t an enumerated right in anyone’s version of either the U.S. Constitution OR the Georgia Constitution.

Amanda Swafford

US Senate Candidate for Georgia

The strange case of George Chidi…

Bill Simon, October 6th, 2014

I’m not exactly sure how to explain who George Chidi is…so, I’ll just point to his self-written bio from the blog site PeachPundit.Slime for the “clean version” of him and I will summarize that by telling you this: He is a dyed-in-the-wool Progressive and is exceptional at hiding his true nature from most people.

My first introduction to him was via a 15-hour debate on Facebook about 12-16 months ago where he pretty much told me he thought all wealth should be shared and re-distributed to anyone who needs it, regardless of whether or not they bother to earn it.

He has an odd mind-block on this conversation we had because he continually denies that it happened. I may forget faces at times, I may forget names at times…but, I don’t forget such unique names like “George Chidi,” especially when they are attached to the Progressive/Communist mind of the true George Chidi.

In any case, this discussion is not about me and George Chidi, but about George Chidi and Tom Owens. Because, a couple of weeks back, on September 18th, there was a candidate forum in the St. Andrews Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall in Tucker, Georgia. This meeting was, I believe, the first time Tom Owens had ever met George Chidi.

At this forum, in the “Meet n’ Greet” portion before the forum of the candidates started, Chidi introduced himself to Owens by telling him point-blank “I am going to destroy you.” Yeah. That’s how Chidi introduced himself to Tom Owens. By promising to “destroy him” in this race for DeKalb County Commissioner.

Now, setting aside, for a moment, Chidi’s words, my mind is focused, not on Chidi’s words, but why would a Democrat-Progressive/Communist care anything about this particular DeKalb Commission District (District #1) because it is a solid Republican district.

And, then I got to thinking further. George Chidi blogs on PeachPundit.Slime. Mike Hassinger, a political consultant, also blogs on PeachPundit.Slime. Mike Hassinger supports Wendy Butler, another DeKalb Commissioner candidate in this race.

I would guess Todd Rehm is, again, helping Nancy Jester. (I stopped reading his daily crap…is there a Jester ad in it?) At one time, Todd Rehm blogged on PP.Slime, and likely knows Chidi because, well, quite frankly, Todd Rehm’s political mind is SO ******-up, that I can actually envision those two minds melding together quite well.

So, my guess is that several “Republicans (sic)” have filled Chidi’s mind with all sorts of crap about Tom Owens, and Chidi has volunteered to be the foil against Tom Owens on behalf of his Progressive Republican pals.

Back to Chidi’s promise/threat to Tom Owens to “destroy” him. My advice to Mr. Chidi is to make sure that he digs two political graves, one for Tom, and one for himself. That, or make sure he has a nice, sharp petard to hoist himself onto…

If you are a voter in DeKalb County Commission District 1, take a look at Tom Owens’ Website to get a feel for him (see below). I like Tom a lot because he’s a straight-shooter and highly ethical. And, I am not consulting on his campaign at all…I just like to see good people get into office, and he’s been trying to get better government going in DeKalb for several years.


And…as for George Chidi? Stay tuned… 🙂

Nancy Jester Campaign: The Bad, The Ugly, & The Ugliest

Bill Simon, October 6th, 2014

Last Thursday evening (October 2, 2014), there was the weekly “neighborhood get-together” at Brook Run Park in the City of Dunwoody; a public park. This get-together is comprised of several food trucks that show-up at a particular location, and people flock to the park to partake in the food and socialization.

The Nancy Jester Campaign for DeKalb County Commission District 1 showed-up as well, and they pitched a tent (one of those 4-post things, I suspect) and started politicking with the people.

Tom Owens, another candidate for DeKalb County Commission District 1, also showed-up in the vicinity and started politicking as well…in (I’m going to repeat myself a lot here for a reason) a public park. And, he started to engage with a lot of people…thus pulling people away from the Jester tent.

At some point, someone in the Jester Camp called the Dunwoody Police. Because, while Owens was standing on public property, exercising his interpretation of the First Amendment, a Dunwoody cop pulled-up and addressed him specifically (Tom Owens is a very tall, distinctive figure, and stands-out in a crowd, so it was easy for a Jester person to describe him over the phone) and asked him what he was doing. When Owens responded that he was there campaigning, Owens also asked the cop “Am I doing something wrong?”

The cop radioed into Dunwoody Police HQ to tell his boss what Owens was doing, and to ask him “Should I arrest him?” he was flatly told to leave Owens alone because he was not doing anything illegal. Cop drives off.

Now, this is a pattern with the Jester Campaign. It was a pattern during her failed bid for State School Superintendent earlier this year where, on multiple occasions, Jester-supporters (e.g., DeKalb County GOP Chair Linda Smith) would call the cops to try and get Joe Newton and Tom Owens arrested for handing-out fliers at political events regarding Jester’s true record. This is one such story documented earlier this year on the Political Vine Website:


In another, separate incident, Stan Jester, husband of Nancy Jester, was accused of chest-bumping Tom Owens, and there was a probable cause hearing in DeKalb State Court regarding that alleged chest bump. Here is that story, complete with links to audio from the hearing involving Stan Jester (Hint: Part 3, the judge’s 14-minute close, is sheer joy to listen to if you listen to nothing else.)


So, back to Brook Run Park. Cop drives off and Owens remains as does the Jester clan. At some point, someone came over to Tom Owens and told him that Stan Jester was claiming that his wife, Nancy Jester, was the person who filed the ethics complaint against Elaine Boyer.

Well, that’s a really funny thing to say…because, it was actually Tom Owens who had done that shortly after the AJC had published stories in late March of 2014 about all the P-Card abuse by Boyer and her Executive Assistant, Bob Lundsten.

Here is a link to a PDF showing that fact, with a Received Date Stamp of APR 03 2014that it was actually Tom Owens who filed the complaint with the DeKalb Ethics Board.

Now, here’s an idea: Next time ANY Jester claims such a thing, demand to see a copy of that complaint…showing the “Received” stamp from the DeKalb Ethics Board. I don’t think one exists…because, at the time of the exposure of this story earlier this year, Nancy Jester was going 100% on her race for State School Superintendent…when did she have time/energy to file ethics complaints in DeKalb County against any commissioner?

I can safely say that whoever it was in the Jester Campaign that claimed that Nancy Jester was the one who filed ethics complaints against Elaine Boyer (or, ANY DeKalb County Commissioner) is lying when they make that claim.

Now, lying about this type of thing is nothing new for the Nancy Jester campaign. Because, for well over a year, Nancy Jester has been claiming that it was due to her keen eye that exposed all the financial problems with the DeKalb County School Board.

Here’s one such example, from Jester’s campaign announcement in November 2013, where she states (in the Dunwoody Crier article, PDF snapshot here) the following: “I uncovered the malfeasance. SACS used my spreadsheets,” proclaimed Jester…”This demonstrates my commitment to telling the truth.”

Ohhhhhh…REALLY?! How much you wanna bet, Nancy? How much? $1000? $10,000? How about $500,000,000,000?

Because, according to the actual executive director of SACS, contrary to what Nancy Jester claims, she, actually, was a major part of the problem. Here’s the story from WSB-TV where the SACS guy is quoted by the news reporter.

So, contrary to her claim for the past year, she was NOT a “whistle-blower,” but “part of the problem with the DeKalb County School Board.”

Which explains why Nancy Jester, along with every other member of the DeKalb County School Board, was recommended by the Georgia State School Board to be suspended, as this document details: Governor Suspends Every Member of DeKalb School Board.

By the way, do you folks know in what place Nancy Jester came in the May 20th primary election results? She came in 5th place in a field of nine candidates. Apparently, a lot of people did not buy her lies on the campaign trail back then, and they won’t buy them now for this seat.

Nydia Tisdale: More Republican Than David Perdue

Bill Simon, September 29th, 2014

David Perdue

Since August 23rd, there have been several “claims” by several people who were at the Burt’s Pumpkin Farm event that, essentially, run something like this: “Nydia Tisdale is a plant for the liberal media and she set-up that whole scenario to get grabbed by Tony Wooten and arrested.”

Well, that’s quite fascinating for people to proclaim (e.g., Pepper Pettit), but her actual voting record in Georgia since the Year 2000 (that’s as far back as the record went that I could find) goes like this:

2000 General Election: Voted
2002 General Election: Voted
2003 Special Election: Voted
2004 General Election: Voted
2008 Republican Presidential Preference Primary: Voted
2008 General Election: Voted
2010 Republican General Primary: Voted
2010 Republican Primary Runoff: Voted
2010 General Election
2011 Special Election (of some sort): Voted
2012 Republican Presidential Preference Primary: Voted
2012 Republican General Primary: Voted
2012 General Election: Voted

These records can be found in the State of Georgia voting records.

So, Nydia Tisdale has actually voted in more General Republican Primaries than U.S. Senate Candidate David Perdue.

She has also voted in more Georgia Republican Presidential Preference Primaries than David Perdue.

She has never pulled a Democrat ballot, and has voted in at least 5 Republican Primaries. Most of members of the Georgia Republican Party wouldn’t know this because, like most dumbass Republican “party members” in this state, you cannot think for yourself…you follow a herd of morons…and you think roughing-up someone like Tisdale was treated is “okay” as long as she can fit the agenda of being a “left-wing reporter.”

Well, she’s not left-wing in any way. She just doesn’t choose to wear her political preferences on her sleeve.

Here’s a question that needs answering: Why should ANYONE vote Republican when it is clear that the Georgia Republican Party is rotten from its head on down to its tail?

GeorgiaWatchdogs.com to address RICO Hearing concerning AG Sam Olens

PV, September 20th, 2014



Sabrina Smith – 770-572-5888 | SabrinaWorks247@hotmail.com

John Hunter – 770-492-4298 | Info@GeorgiaWatchdogs.com

RICO Lawsuits Against Georgia Attorney General

WHO: Georgia Watchdogs, a diverse group committed to providing a non-partisan resource for Georgia residents who want to learn more about their public officials and government agencies.

WHAT: Press Conference

WHEN: Monday, September 22, 2014, 8:45 AM


DeKalb County Courthouse
556 N. McDonough Street
Decatur, GA 30030-3306

(Decatur, GA) Georgia Watchdogs, a consortium of open government, taxpayer and education advocates, is holding a press conference prior to the hearing in Judge Daniel Coursey’s Dekalb courtroom for one of the RICO lawsuits filed against Georgia’s Attorney General and the Board of Regents. The press conference is scheduled for 8:45 AM, just prior to the hearing that starts at 9:30.

RICO lawsuits have been filed against the Attorney General and Board of Regents alleging criminal behavior. The lawsuits claim the defendants engaged in a pattern of illegal activity under the RICO statute, including acts of evidence tampering, identity theft, identity fraud, false statements to state agencies, perjury, subornation of perjury, mail fraud and wire fraud.

Here is an excerpt from one such case: Benedek-Complaint—FULTON-State-amended-AG-RICO

What was the response of the Attorney General to these criminal allegations? The Attorney General’s court filings do not dispute facts in the complaints but request that the court dismiss the complaints because public employees are immune from civil lawsuits.

The Attorney General’s office lost the Ethics Commission whistleblower lawsuit and was fined $10,000 by a Fulton County Superior Court judge for withholding key evidence in that trial. One of the RICO lawsuits alleges that an Assistant Attorney General, once again, withheld key evidence from a plaintiff’s attorney. Taxpayers are closely watching this lawsuit because of their concern that the behavior in the Ethics Commission whistleblower lawsuit that resulted in a fine to be paid by taxpayers may not be an isolated event at the Attorney General’s office. An Assistant Attorney General is accused in one of the lawsuits of telling witnesses their false statements would be protected by sovereign immunity.

Taxpayers were saddled with a $3 million bill because of retaliation against former Ethics Commission chief, Stacy Kalberman, when she attempted to investigate the finances of the Governor Deal campaign. If wrongdoing is proven in these RICO lawsuits, the taxpayers could, once again, be forced to pay the bill for misdeeds by public officials. With treble damages possible in RICO cases, taxpayers could be looking at another huge payout.

The Attorney General is constitutionally required to investigate public corruption at state agencies. In fact, it was just in March of this year that Attorney General Sam Olens spoke at a State Bar of Georgia’s constitutional symposium about his responsibilities. Unlike their federal counterpart, state attorneys general are elected, yet they must divorce themselves from politics once in office, Olens said.

“At the end of the day, we’re not an elected Republican or an elected Democrat attorney general. We’re the state’s lawyer,” Olens said. “And just as lawyers are sworn to uphold the constitution of their states and their country, we do it again when we’re sworn in as the attorney general for our state, and we spend a lot of effort literally defending the state constitution and the federal constitution.”

However, being put in office by the will of voters gives state attorneys general more independence to deal with separation of powers issues, Olens said. Additionally, the office has the unique ability to oppose its clients, he said.

“In our daily life, we often have clients who come to us, and we have to say, ‘No, really. You have to follow the law,'” Olens said. “And they go, ‘No, no, no. You’re my lawyer.’ And we go, ‘No, no, no. First, you’re going to follow the law, and then we’ll be your lawyer.'”

Olens pointed to the State Bar of Georgia’s adoption of Rule 9.5 decades ago. It states that lawyers who are public officials and represent the government are not prohibited from taking legal positions adverse to the government “when such action is authorized or required by the U.S. Constitution, the Georgia Constitution or the statutes of the United States or Georgia.”

Upholding the constitutions is more important than if the client is happy with you, Olens said.

The Attorney General has admitted he never investigated claims of fraud, collusion, or admitted falsification of budget reports; he never investigated claims of whistleblower retaliation; and he never investigated documentation of evidence tampering, mail fraud, wire fraud, identity theft, perjury, and other criminal activity that sits in University System of Georgia files today.

Georgia Watchdogs is urging all Georgians to closely watch these RICO lawsuits. Allegations of criminal wrongdoing by our Georgia Attorney General could have serious implications for all of Georgia’s taxpayers. The fact that the Attorney General is claiming sovereign immunity for criminal acts should be a wakeup call for every law abiding citizen in the state.


Will Georgia’s Corrupt AG Olens and Corrupt Board of Regents Be Brought To Justice?

PV, September 18th, 2014

This coming Monday (September 22nd), a hearing will take place at 9:30 AM in Room 7220 of the DeKalb County Courthouse (deets below).

This hearing before Judge Daniel M. Coursey, Jr. will be about the multiple lawsuit(s) filed against the Attorney General of Georgia (“Sam Olens”), and the holier-than-thou, exalted organization referred to as the Georgia Board of Regents, and all of their various alleged corrupt and criminal acts in violation of Georgia law, as well as specific components of the Georgia Racketeering Statute.

Why it is important for you to attend?

RICO lawsuits has been filed against the Attorney General and Board of Regents alleging criminal behavior. The lawsuit claims the defendants engaged in a “pattern of illegal activity under the RICO statute including acts of evidence tampering, identity theft, identity fraud, false statements to state agencies, perjury, subornation of perjury, and mail and wire fraud.”

What is the response of the Attorney General to these criminal allegations?

The Attorney General’s court filings DO NOT dispute facts in the two complaints but request that the court dismiss the complaints because state workers are immune from civil lawsuits. (So, essentially, the AG’s office is claiming they have sovereign immunity when they engage in criminal acts)

For an overview of the allegations and the AG’s office responses, checkout CBS 46’s Jeff Chirico’s report and transcript of the story here: http://www.cbs46.com/story/26310100/allegations-of-public-corruption-not-investigated-by-ga-attorney-general

After the Attorney General’s office lost the Ethics Commission whistleblower lawsuit, and was fined $10,000 by Fulton County Superior Court Judge Ural D. Glanville for withholding key evidence in that trial, are we taxpayers, who finance the salaries and expenses of Attorney General Sam Olens, his Department of Law lawyers, and the Board of Regents, supposed to just accept criminal behavior from these state officials?

Show up to let the Attorney General know there is no excuse for criminal behavior by public officials.

Event Details

Date: September 22nd
Time: 9:30 AM

DeKalb County Courthouse – Room 7220
556 N. McDonough Street
Decatur, GA 30030-3306

Judge: Judge Daniel M. Coursey, Jr.

NOTE: Plan on arriving very early to locate a parking place and walk to the courthouse.

When making deals with devils, remember, the only “good” devils are deviled eggs (and Devil’s Food cake)

PV, September 4th, 2014

Rumors have it that at a specially-called teleconference meeting scheduled to be held tomorrow afternoon (Friday, September 5 at 4:30 PM) by The Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission (f/k/a as the State Ethics Commission), the Commission will be entertaining a motion to axe Executive Secretary Holly LaBerge in order to clear the “political cluster-storm” enveloping both the Governor and the Attorney General of Georgia.

PV Sez: If we’re wrong, we’re wrong, but we received an inside tip so strong that we felt the need to inform you.

This is a PDF copy of the email sent-out this afternoon by the Ethics Commission, and here is the Agenda:

Meeting Called to Order
Comments by the Commission
Executive Session :
a. Pending Litigation
b. Personnel
Return to Open Session
Adjournment of Meeting

It is the “Personnel” section that says to us that something pretty serious is going to happen.

LaBerge was already targeted by the Governor’s office…recall, she released the two-page memo right after some kind of communication was going on regarding her position. The Governor’s peeps could not get rid of her then.

Read the rest of this entry »

Ethics Memo Goes…Boom!

PV, September 3rd, 2014

Rumors have it that Fulton County Superior Court Judge Ural Glanville has issued a 9-page ruling against the “Ethics Commission” (sic) Executive Secretary Holly LaBerge and Attorney General Sam Olens, fining each of them $10,000.

In the story available on the AJC.com Website, they lay it out.

One quote will be pulled for the throng of readers:

“The department believes that the dedicated public servants in office worked diligently and ethically in this matter,” Lindsey said.”

PV: You mean the fact that each of them are tossing the fault of WHO should have disclosed the memo back and forth like it’s a hot potato game, Mr. Lindsey?

Can’t wait for the accusations that the judge must be a “Black, Liberal Democrat who is after the Republicans in this State and this is clearly an attack on the GOP ticket.”

Yeah, EXCEPT, this guy won an open seat on the Court with the support and help of the Fulton County GOP.

Obtain your closest pipe, and smoke it, Ladies & Gentlemen.

Pumpkin-Gate: The RICO Effect

Bill Simon, September 3rd, 2014


To: Morris “Pepper” Pettit (witness to Burt’s Pumpkin Farm GOP Rally Incident)

From: Bill Simon, PoliticalVine.com

RE: Your exposure to losing everything you hold dear
Mr. Pettit,

Let me be clear: I am not a lawyer. I do not practice law, I do not offer legal advice….I doubt I could even play one on TV.

However, I do know how to read legal material. And, based on what I read in this tiny little section of the O.C.G.A., 16-14-3: Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (“RICO”), your involvement as a “witness” in this “thing” that happened on August 23rd at Burt’s Pumpkin Farm, is placing you squarely in the potential legal crosshairs of, at minimum, committing an act of perjury…and, quite possibly, the crosshairs of the State RICO statute.

You reside in the unincorporated area of Dawson County, at Parcel # L22 016, and according to the 2014 Dawson County Tax Year Value Information, your property is valued at about $1.55 million.

You appear to be a whiz in the insurance brokerage business. By “whiz” I mean very successful at building relationships with people, and being able to parlay those relationships into building a really good book of business. Enough business to own a steadily increasing piece of real estate worth over $1.5 million. That’s a really good job on your part. I admire people who can do that really well.

But, wouldn’t it be a shame if, on the advice of some lawyer you knew, someone you thought was looking out for your best interests in his advice to you…when in fact, he’s not looking out for your best interest; he is only looking out for his own interest…wouldn’t it be a shame if you were caught lying under oath on the witness stand in a trial where you were one of at least 4 co-conspirators, all relying on each other to tell their part of the story “right” to maintain the facade to protect only one of you…and one or more of the others slipped-up, forgot how he or she was supposed to say something, and they get caught on cross-examination to have lied?

See, right now, you guys (you, Johnny Burt, Kathy Burt, Clint Bearden, and likely some other folks who will line-up to testify against Nydia Tisdale), have all been told by one guy that “Okay, Pepper, this is what we have to say happened, this is what you are going to claim, and Johnny and Kathy will back us up…”

Mr. Pettit, it’s one thing to talk to a Sheriff who will look out for your best interests (especially, if y’all are poker buddies or friends in some other ways), and one thing to even go on the witness stand and let the prosecutor ask you what you saw and what someone said…and everything is just like the good times y’all have in GOP politics now…until you get cross-examined by a defense attorney who knows his/her stuff, and your buddy, the lawyer, isn’t around to advise you on what to say if Tisdale’s defense attorney throws you a curveball you could not have rehearsed for. What then?

Someone sent me a note earlier today, documenting major, glaring descrepancies between what the Tisdale video shows of Tisdale being dragged like a mannequin by Off-Duty Deputy Tony Wooten…and the comments made on the record by both Johnny Burt AND Clint Bearden in this DawsonNews.com article.

These glaring discrepancies point to Bearden and Burt making false statements to the media about the events of that day. Four statements, at minimum, that can be proven to be lies in a courtroom, if Burt and Bearden stick to their stories as they are in print in the DawsonNews.com story.

So, I wanted to show you the laws you might be exposing yourself to be committing if you are caught lying on the witness stand, after you swore ON a Bible to ‘tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth’:

OCGA 16-4-3(9)(A)Racketeering activity” means to commit, to attempt to commit, or to solicit, coerce, or intimidate another person to commit any crime which is chargeable by indictment under the following laws of this state:

OCGA 16-10-20. False statements and writings, concealment of facts

Punishment upon conviction: Minimum $1000 fine and not less than one year, nor more than 5 years for each count (i.e., a “count” being each time you are caught lying).

OCGA 16-10-20.1. Filing false documents

Punishment if found guilty: punished by imprisonment of not less than one nor more than ten years, a fine not to exceed $10,000.00, or both.

Mr. Petitt, it sure would be a darn shame to…volunteer to lie on someone else’s behalf…and you get caught doing it, and then lose EVERYTHING you have because you got caught lying over something this…trivial (if I can say that word) a matter: a video-journalist participating in a political rally on a Pumpkin Farm.

I’m not in your shoes, Sir. But, boy, how embarrassed are you going to feel if you are caught lying because your other co-conspirators didn’t hold-on to their “right story” so that your lie(s) would be safely maintained?

And, forget “feeling embarrassed”….just think about your life now, as a free person…what is going to happen if you get charged with a minimum of one count of Racketeering? A criminal defense attorney may be an affordable expense for a man of your means….but, here’s the thing: If any of your current “friends/co-conspirators” in this matter ALSO get caught lying on the witness stand, and get offered a plea deal to turn all the others in via state’s evidence…you may be caught holding the short end of the stick.

You have so…so…so very much to consider in how you want to live-out the rest of your life, Mr. Petitt. I hope you make the right choice, not for anyone else’s benefit, but the right decision for you and your life.

Governor Deal’s Cognitive Dissonance in the Treatment of Commoners

PV, September 2nd, 2014

AboutForsyth.net has an interesting 26-second bit:

Georgia Governor Nathan Deal greets a Democratic tracker at the Roswell Republican Rally on August 2, 2014.

GOV. DEAL: Hey, how are you doing?
DEM. TRACKER: Good morning, Governor.
GOV. DEAL: Very nice to meet you.
DEM. TRACKER: Thank you.
GOV. DEAL: I hope my people treat you with respect. That’s what we expect.
DEM. TRACKER: That’s good to hear. I appreciate that.

GOV. DEAL: When it’s all over with, I’ll appreciate your vote.
NYDIA TISDALE: Good morning, Governor Deal.
GOV. DEAL: How are you doing?
NYDIA TISDALE: (inaudible) Fine, thank you.
GOV. DEAL: Good to see you.

Pumpkin Gate: The Dawsonville Saga Continues

Bill Simon, September 1st, 2014


According to the DawsonNews.com website, Sheriff’s Deputy Tony Wooten has been “cleared” of any wrongdoing in his arrest of Nydia Tisdale on August 23rd at Burt’s Pumpkin Farm (and also the secret location of The Clint Bearden Official Training Camp for Former Law Partners of David Ralston on How To Batter Women), located in bucolic Dawsonville, Georgia.

Well, maybe according to “police procedures” and the way the state law as it currently must exist in this state, he is “cleared” by his employer, Sheriff Billy Carlisle, of not doing anything “unlawful.”

But, I would submit to you that when it comes to any LEO (“Law Enforcement Officer”) promulgating the laws of this state, that apparently it is the State of Georgia (“State”), the legal entity represented by the Legislative Branch (and all members of the State House and State Senate therein), the Executive Branch (the Governor, the Lt. Governor, the Secretary of State, the Labor Commissioner, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Agriculture, the State School Superintendent, the members of the Public Service Commission, and all sub-departments, boards and commissions thereof), and the Judicial Branch…it is the State’s current contention that there is NO REQUIREMENT for an LEO to verbally and clearly identify him/herself AS AN LEO before grabbing someone and hauling them off to jail.

Tony Wooten may not have done anything wrong himself…perhaps his defense will be that he was acting as an duly-authorized, “qualified-immunity-protected” agent of the State of Georgia, and the federal district court judge will give him a bye.

But, the main entity responsible for this ordeal is NOT Nydia Tisdale, but the State of Georgia…and how it is the corrupt entity here to allow someone’s right to their exercise of life, liberty and their pursuit of happiness to be violated without due process of law.

The Video

Sheriff Carlisle returned Tisdale’s video-camera to her yesterday, and late last night she uploaded a segment of the tape dealing with Wooten grabbing her. As you watch this take place, you will note that Nydia Tisdale is continually ASKING Wooten what his name is, and he snidely continued to refuse to answer….and when he answered, he gleefully told her she was going to jail.

In fact, at some point in the process (around the 18-minute mark), Wooten is heard to say to Tisdale “You know who I am, you saw my badge.” And Tisdale says “No, I didn’t.”

Now, here’s the thing, While Wooten is seen wearing a logoed Dawson County Sheriff’s Office polo shirt…that does not constitute a “badge.”

Because…a logo’d shirt can be created by anyone, yes, even with the official Dawson County Sheriff’s logo on it…and have it NOT be authorized by the Sheriff’s office. Ever heard of knock-offs? Really simple to accomplish when you have the right tools and knowledge (if anyone doubts me, I’ll produce an example for Tisdale’s defense to prove it).

So, since Wooten clearly never identifies himself as an LEO, was Tisdale, as a citizen, supposed to just comply with everything he demanded? Should she have believed him that he had any authority to do so? WHY is it not required in this state that any LEO acting as an Agent of the State must say the following: “MY name is Tony Wooten, I am a Sheriff’s Deputy with the Dawson County Sheriff’s Office, and the owners have instructed me to tell you to stop recording”?

Because if you believe that Tisdale (or, ANY woman) who is accosted by a male merely wearing a LE logoed shirt (and who does not identify himself via his name) should simply slump and not resist, then I would suggest to you that you might be a crazy psychopathic whackjob. Or, perhaps, you are the sitting Governor of the State of Georgia. (In this particular incident, it’s the same thing in the final effect.)

Because, then you are promoting scumbags everywhere to don “official looking LE clothing” (which can be purchased online by non-LEO people) and just go up to any woman they want and grab them and pull them off…and encouraging/training the women of THIS state to immediately comply and not demand to know who the hell is grabbing them and what authority do they have.

Apparently what happened prior to Wooten’s appearance (I am surmising what happened because of Brian Pritchard’s previous discussion of the events about Bearden’s involvement), is that first, Clint Bearden had sat down next to Nydia and whispered whatever he requested her to do, but Nydia was operating under the impression that it was a “public event” and she was allowed to video-record (Note: in a few paragraphs, I will provide the evidence that this event was an event HOSTED by Governor Nathan Deal’s campaign where his campaign publicized it as a “public event.”).

After Bearden didn’t convince her of anything, Wooten was “sent” by someone to get her to stop. You cannot hear either Bearden or Wooten because the video-cam is pointed toward the stage…and that’s all you hear until all of a sudden the camera gets turned to Tisdale’s left and there’s Wooten grabbing her with his meaty paws, and then grabbing her and dragging her off. This happens at the 14:10 minute mark of this video:

Read the rest of this entry »

Today's Deep Thought

I scrambled to the top of the precipice where Nick was waiting. 'That was fun,' I said. 'You bet it was,' said Nick. 'Let's climb higher.' 'No,' I said. 'I think we should be heading back now.' 'We have time,' Nick insisted. I said we didn't, and Nick said we did. We argued back and forth like that for about 20 minutes, and then finally decided to head back. I didn't say it was an interesting story.


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