Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

Political News and Personal Picks In Races

by Bill Simon

While another well-known Georgia political blog has a blog proprietor publicly WHINING about “the negative advertising” in the Republican Lt. Governor’s race, AND said proprietor has stated in print that he intends to “boycott” (boo-hoo-hoo with bottom-lip upturned) the Lt. Governor’s primary on Tuesday lest he have to actually use the left-side of his brain to make a decision (jocularity, Erick, jocularity), I have no qualms about either voting on Tuesday OR making my picks on the GOP side publicly known now:

Governor: Not too much discussion is needed here, is there? The best choice is George Ervin Perdue, III

Lt. Governor: This one demands a discussion, if only to prove the point that, of all of Casey’s commercials, the one that sticks MOST firmly in my mind is the one where Casey is looking right at the camera and talking about “Attacks in political races are just politics. But, Ralph Reed sold out our moral values….”

Folks, if you possess ANY modicum of left-side brain ability (i.e., the side of your brain that works through issues using logic and reason and not emotion) at this point, I only need to point you to the present-day example of Ralph Reed selling out his moral values for political gain…and this is by way of making a deal with former mayor of New York Rudy Giulani to support his campaign.

When it comes to social issues, Giulani is LEFT OF ME on the political spectrum. So, if he’s left of me, where do you think he is with respect to the Christian Coalition? Or, forget the Coalition (since Sadie Fields has sold her soul to Mr. Grover “money-launderer-for-an-Abramoff/Reed-buck” Norquist, who can trust what she says?), what about ANY religious conservative in Georgia? Where do Rudy’s values line-up with them/you?

But, Ralph cut a deal to support Rudy for his presidential bid in 2008 if Rudy would come out for him.

THEN, we have former governor Zell Miller endorsing Ralph Reed. Did Zell Miller happen to disclose in his endorsement commercials and phone calls that he works as a lobbyist for McKenna, Long & Aldridge, the law firm being paid by the Reed Campaign for election law consulting? Did he happen to disclose the massive win bonus the firm will receive in cash and business from the state if Ralph wins? No? Hmmm…wonder why…?

The only person who is not willing to sell-out Georgians for endorsements OR money is Casey Cagle. For Ralph Reed to disparagingly call Casey a “millionaire” while Ralph is 5 times the “millionaire” Casey is demonstrates an unfathomable depth for hypocrisy from the Reed Team.

AND, my opinions aside, if you want to know the truth about the ad campaigns from both sides, go check the non-partisan website that Dick Cheney referred to in 2004 as being THE authority on fact-checking in political races: FactCheck.org

Secretary of State: Karen Handel. Why? Because, her leadership ability blows any other candidate out of the water. That, combined with having a long history of serving others in public service, both for elected GOP leaders and for businesses, just trounces little Bill Stephens and his Good Ship Lollipop joy ride with Bill Clinton in the 1990s.

Labor Commissioner: Brent Brown, by a Georgia mile.

Agriculture Commissioner: Brian Kemp. Why? Because the position demands both a political mind and an educated mind and I believe Kemp has a well-balanced ability of both.

Public Service Commissioner: Chuck Eaton

6th District Congressional: In today’s airing of The Georgia Gang, Dick Williams made a sarcastic comment regarding if “John Konop gets over 5%, he will be doing good.”

Wonder what Dick would have said had he known that Tom Price placed a cable TV media buy valued at $13,500 to run this past Friday through tomorrow, July 17?

My guess is Price is more on the ropes than any of the (cough-cough!) “experts” realize in this race. If you’re going to trounce a candidate, why cut commercials (at the cost of around $8000-$10,000 each) AND buy commercial time on the last weekend before the anticipated trouncing at the polls on Tuesday?

The answer is, you don’t…not IF you are going to take it by a landslide.

But, Price isn’t going to take it by a landslide. Why? Because, except for the 500-800 or so “activists” who are thinking that Price will win because “they” are for him, there are about 59,500 other primary voters in this district who aren’t as enamored as they are with Price.

Whether it is his blind follow-ship of the leadership in the House, or his snobbiness and presumption of the throne attitude he exhibits to anyone around him, Price must be rather worried that his use of $750,000 of taxpayer money for franking his district (i.e., direct-mail contact with his district claiming he was doing this, that, and the other for his constituents) did not do ONE thing to solidify his leadership credibility with the district long before this.

John Konop is my choice for a whole slew of reasons I’ve already covered in the Vine blog. I know him personally and he is one very personable, very sharp cookie with NONE of the stuck-uppitiness you get with Price and his Price-ettes.

Cobb School Board, Post-Something: I do not know my own Post#, but I do know that Kathie Johnstone is my board member….and, I want her thrown out on her rear-end.

ANY of the folks running against her is fine with me, and I’ll make my choice in the poll on Tuesday. Whether it’s her blind following of the whole freakin’ laptop debacle, or her arrogance in once thinking that she and her board could claim eminent domain over a farm occupied by retired folks to turn into a school. Her arrogance demands a swift and sure defeat. And, I hope every other voter in this district feels the exact same way.

42 Responses to “Political News and Personal Picks In Races”

  1. Ed Richards Says:

    Can’t support Casey on Tue. He wouldn’t help the police/veterans on the bingo issue, during the last legislative session. He is just as much a special interest politician as is Ralph Reed is. Cop/veterans don’t give money at the same level as the loan shark business do for Casey.

    We wish him well, as we do Ralph. We will be calling up whoever the person is that wins in NOV.

  2. petie freeman Says:

    Sure LOVE your comments on Price. He is nothing but a bag of wind. So scared he keeps talking about being a Dr. but that does not impress me or anyone else.

  3. Kathy Strickland Says:

    I fully agree with everything you’ve said, as usual, except about the Ag. Comm. race.

    Kemp may have an educated and political mind, but Black has an agricultural mind, as well as educated and political. Experience counts!

  4. Anne P. Says:

    Agree with everything except for School Board race. No, I’m not supporting Kathy Johnstone. But if people like you wait until next Tuesday to make their mind who to vote for, we’ll have a split vote, and she might win again. With four people running in this primaries, I wish people would educate themselves about the candidates and make up their mind which one of the challengers they want to vote for. Just voting ‘against Kathy’ might not be good enough.

  5. Dave Says:

    Big YES to Konop.

    I also like Gary Black for Ag Comm. In a nutshell, he’s actually an Ag guy while Kemp just looks silly trying to appear like one.

    Big YES to Cagle. I find RR’s computer calls insulting – like I have nothing better to do than be “bedazzled” (my wife’s quote) by the canned voices on the other end.

  6. Sharon Says:

    I’m not fond of either Cagle or Reed, when Cagle was invited to Camden County he was an hour late, and ignored his guests for the Sheriffs side kick. Kemp, let’s just say owning a horse farm and being a Senator aren’t really the best qualifications for Ag Commissioner. Black on the other hand has been in Agriculture his entire life, he understands everything about it, he’s educated in it, and he’s familiar with DC, he is the better choice, and the Camden County Sheriff is not backing him.

  7. Bill Simon Says:


    Sooooo…because Casey was an hour late, you’re willing to let a crook like Reed be elected? Clever…..reeeeeally clever.

  8. Rev. Dr. William H. Swann Says:

    I have long admired this site and your stance on corruption as well as your condemnation of Ralph Reed and Tom Price.

    With that in mind, I can’t imagine your support for Liar Sonny Perdue. If you don’t care about his lies about the GA Flag which he made to several Pastors faces, okay. What about his lies about Taxes, what about his posture when Ford and General Motors closed their GA plants while Perdue says he’ll do all he can but can’t manage to find Detroit Michigan so he can show personal interest. The only jobs liar Perdue claims to have brought into the state are the Kia plant, which the Korean Government has the Chairman of Kia under arrest for accepting bribes (though the timing is suspicious I do not claim liar Perdue or any GA official guilty of paying such bribes).

    I fail to see how anyone claiming to be a crusader for good Government could have a Liar for Governor endorsement on their site. I’m very disappointed in your selection. Ray McBerry isn’t likely to win, and has no chance when the State Republican Party spends his fee to run in the primary on ads for the liar. When people who make their stance of being against corruption fail to endorse McBerry, it really is sad.

    Tuesday is the one chance for Conservative Christians to vote for a Christian Constitutionalist. Please Vote for Ray McBerry in the Republican Primary.

    The following is a link to his site if allowed: http://georgiafirst.org/main/entry.php?SessID=24136

  9. Sharon Says:

    If Ralph Reed is so much the crook why has he not been arrested and charged? I’m not a supporter of either, I hate the negative campaign business, both have thrown a lot of lies about each other in the hopes they will be the more believable one. If Cagle can ignore his welcoming party even when reminded don’t you think he might ignore the voters after he’s in office? To some this might not mean a lot, but in reality it can be much bigger than you think.I really struggle with who the better person is.

  10. Bill Simon Says:


    Because it takes a LONNNG time for everyone to be investigated and charged.

    Look how long it took them to get Abramoff himself. Corruption investigations take time. They are in the process of subpoening for more records.

    Had Cagle “ignored” you folks in Camden County, he wouldn’t have even shown-up rather than just showing-up 1 hour late.

  11. Wayne Says:

    I have met all of the candidates and I agree with you 100%:
    Perdue, Cagle, Handle, Brown, Kemp, Eaton
    The only things that I dislike about this race is the Georgia Republican Party not disclosing information about candidates running against Incumbents. The party should not try to influence an election over anyone who registered and qualified as a Republican. McBerry, Carter, and Nickell have been railroaded by their own party.

  12. Bill Simon Says:

    Rev. Swann,

    I cannot argue with you on Perdue, and I’m not entirely happy with his performance.

    BUT, McBerry strikes me as a closet or a real Klansmen, and that type of person personally frightens me more than a pseudo-Republican.

  13. Demonbeck Says:

    Was Richard Nixon arrested or charged prior to stepping down?

  14. Jace Walden Says:


    I agree 100% with your post. And did you see the latest up on PP? I post that basically says, “you’re not good Republican if you don’t support Reed if he wins”. That’s bullshit. I will NEVER vote for Reed under any circumstance. I think there’s a point when you have to choose integrity over partisanship. Unfortunately, some people just don’t get it.

    I won’t be voting Democrat, but I’ll definitely leave the LT. Gov. part blank if Ralph Reed is on it. I would encourage everyone else who has issues with Reed to do the same. Vote for the other Republicans, let them win. But let Reed loose.

    He hasn’t done anything to deserve my vote. Sorry, I’m kind of pissed off at some of the insinuations on PP right now.

  15. Jace Walden Says:

    I agree with your picks too.

  16. Gene Callaway Says:

    You have to much time on your hands. And I am thankful you do. I don’t always agree with you but hey, This is America. Keep up the good work and your differing points of view.
    Cheers, Geno

  17. Bill Simon Says:

    Actually, Gene, I don’t have that much time. This was sent on a Sunday…

  18. Nick C. Says:

    Good job Bill. Hopefully this will influence those of you who did not vote already. Shame on the state party for hand picking (supporting) candidates in the Rep. primary. This will eventually come back to bite us in the Ass. Primary winners should be battled tested veterans who are crystal clear on the public policy issues. Instead we will end up with candidates who are unprepared for a nasty general election…

  19. Dave Says:

    I hate Sonny for his lies and hypocrisy, but what is this with McBerry being a “Christian Constitutionalist”? Nothing scares me more than a candidate that bases their candidacy on their religion. Because, you know that by just being in politics, they’re not afraid of being hypocrites of the highest order. It’s like Ralph Reed and Roy Moore over in Alabama. So, please tell me what is meant by “Christian Constitutionalist” so I can decide if he’s a bigger hypocrite than Sonny.

  20. Harris Little Says:

    Bill, I’m with you on everything but Ag. Comm. I want you to reconsider on Gary Black, his experience is overwhelming. Plus, I could not stand Kemp’s direct mail piece I got with Osama on the front. Plleeeeaase! Kemp STANDING TALL TO SAVE OUR FOOD!!!
    It’s stinks enough to knock a buzzard off a gut truck.

  21. Bill Simon Says:


    It’s a great photo of Osama I can use to take to the gun range… 🙂

    Okay, seriously, I just think Gary will be seen as a mirror image of Tommy Irvin. I like Gary, I’ve met Gary, I like Gary’s people that work for him…I’m just not going to vote for him this primary.

  22. Bill Says:

    May I make an endorsement? If not, I understand if it is deleted.

    Mary Wilhite is a good friend of mine. She is a wonderful person and would be the best person we in Cherokee could send to the State House. Not to mention, she is also the best looking of the candidates! 😉

    Seriously, please vote for her. It would give me some hope for Cherokee.

  23. Rev. Dr. William H. Swann Says:

    Dave, thank you for the open mind. Being a Preacher I don’t consider the claim to be a Christian to be worth of Consideration. I used to, but the Liar and Presidente Jorge Bush have convinced me claiming to be a Christian is just another way of lying. I’ve known Ray McBerry for over 10 years. He is one of the most open and honest people I’ve even known. I don’t agree with everything about him, but I absolutely guarantee you one absolute, he will not sell out to the Atlanta Chamber Pot of Commerce. In the event of a miracle and Ray was elected (A miracle that would put the parting of the Dead Sea to insignifigence) he would be a Governor for the Folks in Trenton GA and Cario GA, not just those located within the 285 beltway. Check his website, and remember it isn’t remotely likely he will be elected, but every vote he gets is a signal to the Liar that people do care about what he says and then does.

  24. Chris Trudeau Says:

    Again, enough with the flag issue. I won’t vote for Sonny, but do we really want the symbol of the single greatest treasonous act against the united States of America to have anything to do with our state flag? I sure don’t. I have never heard a single valid arguement for why the flag has to have the Confederate Battle Emblem….

    If we wanted to fly a flag that symbolizes our heritage, why not the French Flag…they lost a war too…

    I’m kidding BTW…just don’t understand the problem with these people.

  25. Rev. Dr. William H. Swann Says:


    Ray is anything but a closet Klansman, one of his endorsers is HK Edgerton a SCV member and Past President of the Ashville NC NAACP, that is correct, Mr. Edgerton is Black. For that matter I am mostly Cherokee and my family was once visited by the KKK, I promise you I know more about White Supremacist than anyone in GA. Ray McBerry is a lot of things, none of them involves hate of anyone due to race, religion, sex, or sexual persuasion. Please don’t confuse Mr. McBerry’s affection for the 1956 Confederate Memorial Georgia State Flag with being a racist. My Sainted Mother loved all things Confederate and she was a FBI (Full Blooded Indian) because Cherokee’s, Chocktaws, Creeks, and Seminoles fought beside white men for the Confederacy without being looked down on.

    Sorry I do go on, being a preacher you know, someone asks me the time and I explain how to construct a Grandfather Clock, habits are hard to break.

  26. Rev. Dr. William H. Swann Says:


    If you would like I’d be glad to send you the information on why the Confederacy was right. This is information from reliable people today and others from the 1800s.

    My problem with Sonny is his habit of lying. He told a group of 7 Pastors he wouldn’t rest until the Flag issue was voted upon including the 1956 Confederate Memorial Georgia State Flag. I’m in favor of the flag, I don’t hide that at all, but it isn’t the flag that has me and most other people I associate with upset, it is lying period. My email is gunsmythe@oddpost.com send me a reply there and I’ll forward you as much information as you’d like. Either way I’m grateful you aren’t voting for Sonny, whatever your reason.

  27. Dave Says:

    OK, my wife and I are going to vote for McBerry. Maybe we can send a message to Lyin’ Sonny, although I doubt he’s much of an introspective fellow.

  28. Bob Says:

    Sheesh! The Vine being overrun by flaggers and theocrats? Whodda thunkit?

    The el Presidente Jorge Bush line speaks volumes. Cayn’t have them dang wetbacks poh-lutin’ our Georgia republic, ya’ll! Round ’em up! Ship ’em back!

    Oh, someone asked what a “Christian Constitutionalist” is. It is how some, if not all, members of the so-called Constitution Party refer to themselves. Except, of course, when they don’t want to emphasize their theocratic tendencies, in which case they simply say “I’m a constitutionalist.”

    It’s an interesting party. Their national platform includes such reassuring lines as:
    “The goal of the Constitution Party is to restore American jurisprudence to its Biblical foundations …” and “The U.S. Constitution established a Republic rooted in Biblical law …”
    Vaguely reminiscent of when other countries – oh, like Iran – say their courts must strictly enforce Shari’a, eh?

    On education, they say “All teaching is related to basic assumptions about God and man. Education as a whole, therefore, cannot be separated from religious faith.” Code for prayer in schools and no teaching of evolution, maybe?

    They also “affirm the rights of states and localities to proscribe offensive sexual behavior.” Does that mean we get to bring back those old sodomy laws and have the police peer into people’s bedrooms?

    Oh, they also want to “remove from Federal appellate review jurisdiction matters involving acknowledgement of God as the sovereign source of law, liberty, or government.” So I guess if the Georgia republic wants to declare itself a “Christian republic”, the SCOTUS wouldn’t be able to do a darn thing about it.
    And if them federales come tryin’ to take down them Ten Commandments, I suppose Gov. Ray McBerry would be standin’ in the courthouse door like the second coming (or third – all hail Roy Moore!) of George Wallace.

    I do wonder what they mean by “We support a debt free, interest free money system”, though. Are they suggesting we bring back the old medieval Church prohibitions on usury – the charging of interest? Oh, boy! Wouldn’t that be interesting?

  29. Rev. Dr. William H. Swann Says:

    Bob, I appreciate the education on the Constitution party. I’ve been a life long Republican, the first in my families history, and don’t think homecoming was always a joyous occassion, Novembers could be rough.

    I am very offended by President Bush’s attempts to join Canada and Mexico into a EU type situation. We have very little to recommend such a union, and while I’m opposed to Illegal Immigration, I would never support some sort of blanket throw the Illegals out.

    Hmm, I just realized you white people (making assumption there) are all here illegally too, we Indians never gave out green cards.

    On a serious note, Ray isn’t going to be elected. If he were then it is very possible he would stand in the State Office Building and defy a Federal Court order to remove the 10 Commandments. We’ll never know though, we can be sure that if Sonny faces such a confrontation, we could find him hiding under his desk. It is likely we could never agree on Ray McBerry’s politics, but even his enemies admit he doesn’t lack Courage. Sonny would rather surrender like the Ford Plant than actually fight for the people of Georgia.

    I spoke at more than 40 Churches 4 years ago to try to get Sonny Elected. I didn’t work that hard for a Flag Vote, I foolishly believed what the man said, and I know the Pastor at his home Church. I fully expect to vote for whatever Democrat is running against Sonny in November, which will be a first for me. You can be sure that no Democrat will ever return the the 56 flag to GA flagpoles. Politics, Religion, and Life, you have to be committed to each and hope they don’t conflict with each other.

  30. Michele Hamlin Says:

    If Ray McBerry wins or even gets over 15%, it will send a chilling message to the special interests and turncoats that have taken over Georgia and esp. Atl. The people on this board are politically astute,and must know the Republicans have done more damage in the past 4 years than not letting us vote on the 1956 Flag; the tort reform bill for instance. I have known Ray McBerry for several years, and have been working on his campaign. I have been out of Metro Atlanta and met those who have been disenfranchised by Perdue and the State Legislature and are happy there is a choice. Ray is not a racist and comes from a good Southern family. He is well educated (BA and Masters)and articulate, having been a history teacher at both highschool and college levels. He owns two successful businesses. He is a young Southern gentleman.
    In the past 3 months, he has been interviewed on approx. 30 radio stations (he was on Denny Schaeffer/WGST and Martha Zollar/WDUN yesterday, and Kenny B/WMAC,Macon today)and has had approx 30 newspaper articles written about him. (AJC/Metro Section Front page Saturday)
    He is against tax breaks/favors for special interests, the current graduated income tax which he calls Marxist, lying spin master politicians, State Government centralized in Atlanta to the detriment of the rest of Georgia, illegal immigrants sucking up welfare and other benefits that should be going to our own people, the State or Feds taking our property for uses other than roads, traditional infrastructure, abortion and last, but not least, the Feds continually ignoring the Constitution by interferring in our state business non-stop. We are so used to the Feds being in our business, we don’t even notice it.
    As per the 1956 flag, it is a symbol of pandering to and a loss of power over the PC interlopers, race baiters like John Lewis, Tyronne Brooks, et al and selfish politicians that have taken over the state. The Confederate Flag is not racist anymore than the US Flag. If you look at pictures of the nearly defunct Klan, they are waving the US Flag around also. Believe it or not, a lot of blacks like the Confederate Flag also; ask SC author Stanley Lott and HK Edgerton (who walked all the way to Texas talking to people about it) and look at the 1.5 year old poll by Mason/Dixon.
    Have any of you ever wondered why we have Southern Pride and you never heard of Northern Pride?
    The South is a unique region with a long, colorful history, a lot good and some bad, but it is our history, so get over it yourselves. I am from Washington State/Oregon. In the many years I have lived here, I have grown to love Georgia and Georgians; educated, uneducated, Rednecks, Blacks, Jews(did you know many Jews fought for the Confederacy, and one of the CSA generals was a Jew?)and anyone else who lives here that respects the region and the great suffering it has endured largely because Washington DC dominates how history will be taught.
    My advice to you is to use your search engines and study the accurate history of this area you have chosen to live in. The truth is much different than what we were taught in school; maybe then you can stop being judgmental, chill out and enjoy the beauty and uniqueness of the Southland.

  31. Chris Says:

    Speaking of Southern issues, I know how there’s been a lot of talk about the national GOP selling out the South by voting to renew the Voting Rights Act, but local GOPers are just as guilty. In addition to the state flag flap, in Cherokee there was also the issue of naming a high school for Joseph E. Brown, a big proponent of public education for all races. As locals know, the opposition was due to the fact that parents had already settled on a generic & suburban-sounding name, so in the spirit of liberal Dems, these otherwise highly conservative people pulled out the race card in order to get the Brown decision overturned. After this episode, even Bill Stephens distanced himself from the his earlier support of the Brown idea – and we all know how he’s trying to position to the right of everything. So now that GOPers are even discriminating against Southern heritage, there’s no hope.

  32. Nick C. Says:

    No wonder people think the party is full of nuts!

    There are two sides to every coin. I don’t know a lot of black people that like the confederate flag. The symbol was taken over for vile reasons and no one protested its use for those vile reasons. It is too late to now state that the CSA flag should not sybolize hate.

    Yes. the south is a great place to live and we have a rich heritage. We don’t need to gloss over the problems we had and the issues we overcame. However we must never forget what ashes the new south rose from.

  33. RL Says:

    It sounds like you should be pushing for re-starting the CSA again. Start a movement… go for it.

  34. Bob Says:

    Oh, boy. So HK Edgerton is black and he likes the confederate flag. So what? He also calls slavery a “learning institution”, and speaks of the “sense of family” and “love between the African who was here in the Southland and his master” in his role as token black of the neo-confederacy movement. I’m inclined to agree with the NC NAACP executive director who said “his elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top.”

    I was born and raised in the south. Since I was a kid in 4th grade and my school system redistricted to end its defacto segregation – uneventfully, BTW, no George Wallace standing in the schoolhouse door – I have always found the stereotypes of southerners that some from other regions (and some here) believe in and promote to be rather offensive. But as a southern Republican, I am embarrassed by the wing of my party that thinks the important political battles of the day are evolution denial, gay marriage, flying confederate flags, school prayer and plastering the ten commandments all over public buildings. It’s the same mentality that yelled and screamed over desegregation as a violation of states’ rights four decades ago.

    That’s not my south – that’s a charicature, promoting a stereotype. Like some clown in blackface.

  35. RL Says:

    You are right about Price. I am in the 6th and voted for Konop this morning. Konop will far exceed 5% for sure. Little chance of winning but I agree that Price leaves a lot to be desired.

  36. Rev. Dr. William H. Swann Says:

    Bob, I know I’m a disgusted old man, what exactly is your excuse. We have two differing points of view, you believe you descended from amoeba (Evolution) I believe I’m descended from Adam and Eve, given the tone of this discussion we may both be correct. Again according to the bible Homosexuality is a sin, I have a gay stepson, I do not approve of his lifestyle, but I love him as a Father and as a Christian, I fly the Third National Confederate Flag and the Real Georgia Flag slightly lower than I do the US Flag in Front of my house, by the way, you show your true SPLC colors when you mention the word they originated Neo-Con. If you’ve been Confederate since birth, you can’t be Neo(new)anything. It is nice to have the Con man Morris Dees represented here. During the time in America that School Prayer took place prior to 1960, the most serious offense in most schools was chewing gum or talking in class. Without school prayer we have to have Metal Detectors to stop Guns and knives, and drugs are available all the way down to the 3rd grade. Our Nation was built on Bibical Principles and we were a Christian Country until recently. We won’t remain a country long, because at no time in history has any empire or nation remained strong in the face of unimpeded Immigration. No longer a single common language or common principles binding us together, our Nation is doomed and our children will likely be alive to see it, thank GOD I will not. Your last point is really two points, clearly being an Indian I’m in favor of Segregation, I’m also a believer in States Rights, see the 10th Constitutional Amendment.

    What I am pleased with Bob, is your description of what you believe. I do not agree with much you believe, but I once put on the Uninform of this country and fought (in my mind at least) so that people I agreed with and those that I didn’t agree with, could speak those beliefs loudly and proudly. I would again be willing to fight and even die, again, to preserve your right to state your beliefs. I can respect you without agreeing with you, to me that is what has made the United States great.

  37. Michele Hamlin Says:

    That is why you are are not a true Republican, you are a neocon. The Republican Party is not what it was, that is why many of us are turning to The Constitution Party.

    The Republicans of today, have sold out the real conservatives and their base, the South, to broaden their appeal. Everyone knows the Republicans of 2006 are like the Democrats used to be. My parents and grandparents, die hard union loving Dems, were for all the stuff you are embarrassed about, as are many religious black Dems in Georgia now.
    Liberalism has gotten so far out of hand, we need to take a hard right to bring balance.
    I am of the live and let live persuation, don’t attend church, have nothing against any minority group legally in this country or anyone else as long as they stay out of my face, don’t want superior advantages to my family and leave tradition and Southern heritage alone.
    As for blacks and the 1956 Flag, the Mason Dixon Poll done in 2005 stated that 15% blacks wanted to vote on the flag and 15% were undecided. Any pollster knows undecided means can be convinced. Like I said, use your search engines and put black Confederates in the field. There is also a black woman from NYC, Elizabeth Wright who has a website called Issues and Views. Worst case scenerio she tolerates the CBF, encourages whites and devotes an entire website as a forum for other black journalists who share her views. Syndicated columnist, Mychal Massie told me to tell anyone who doesn’t like flying the CBF to go to hell. There are plenty of other blacks who are very tolerant of the flag.
    Cheer up, first thing you know, Atlanta will be 100% like LA or the Northeast, the very places people are trying to get away from.

  38. Bill Says:


    Cherokee results at above site as they come in.

    Surprising lack of Derek Good signs around Towne Lake today. Waldrop’s campaign has signs posted reading, “Good voted himself a 100% pay raise. Good-bye.” Voters don’t care though. I’m sure Good will win in a landslide.

  39. Bob Says:

    “clearly being an Indian I’m in favor of Segregation”

    I sincerely hope that was a typo.

  40. Michele Hamlin Says:

    Y’all have been a lot of fun today. Now I’m going to go out and see if I can find me some road kill for dinner and get ready to fly to LA tomorrow morning to visit my beloved liberal son and Hispanic granddaughter.

  41. Josh Says:

    If you count run-offs as wins – you did well 5-6.

  42. Bill Simon Says:

    Good point, Josh.

Today's Deep Thought

Whenever you read a good book, it's like the author is right there, in the room talking to you, which is why I don't read good books.


January 2025