Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

Presidential Campaign Logoes

by Bill Simon

This is how the current landscape of presidential logoes looks:

2008 Presidential Logoes

Wonder what Fred Thompson’s logo will look like? Wonder how much they paid someone to develop it?

(Hat Tip to 2 blogs:

5 Responses to “Presidential Campaign Logoes”

  1. University Update - Fred Thompson - Presidential Campaign Logoes Says:

    […] Wesley Clark Link to Article fred thompson Presidential Campaign Logoes » Friday, July 20, 2007 Presidential Campaign Logoes Bill Simon, July 20th, 2007 This is how the current landscape of presidential logoes looks: [ … 2008 Presidential Logoes Wonder what Fred Thompson’s logo will look like? Wonder how much they paid someone to develop it? (Hat Tip to 2 blogs: http://www.viksmarketingblog.com/ http View Entire Article » […]

  2. elementaryhistoryteacher Says:

    Hi Bill!

    I can’t wait for all of those signs to start appearing in yards and at every corner. Sigh…….

    Sorry you don’t like the color of my background at Georgia On My Mind. I guess I can’t please everyone. My background at History Is Elementary is white and I get a little bored with it.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. caroline Says:

    Interesting though a few of those have dropped out already. I saw a Thompson sticker this week on the back of a car. It was pretty generic.

  4. Bill Simon Says:


    That was not the “official” logo for Thompson. Since he hasn’t announced, all logos for him are subject to edit from the campaign for when he does announce.

  5. Bill Simon Says:

    Hey, History Teacher

    You cannot please “everyone?” Sure you can! There are 256 million colors available to you to try. 😉

Today's Deep Thought

I scrambled to the top of the precipice where Nick was waiting. 'That was fun,' I said. 'You bet it was,' said Nick. 'Let's climb higher.' 'No,' I said. 'I think we should be heading back now.' 'We have time,' Nick insisted. I said we didn't, and Nick said we did. We argued back and forth like that for about 20 minutes, and then finally decided to head back. I didn't say it was an interesting story.


July 2024