Pronounce “SPLOST” As “SLUSH” & You Don’t Need To Say Anything Else About It
by PV
Many people sometimes have a very challenging time grasping what a SPLOST is. They look at the “word” and are puzzled as to what it means.
SO…here at the Political Vine, our crack team of political research “scientists” (’cause, you know, the study of “politics” is such a “science” (sic) ) has developed a very easy-to-understand technique to both pronouncing and understanding what a SPLOST is.
If you pronounce it as “SLUSH FUND“, you will find an easier time of pronouncing it, understanding it, and communicating to others as to what it truly is for the elected officials who want it to be passed, as well as any chamber of commerce member who wants it passed.
It is, simply, a SLUSH Fund that uses the force of government to rob the people of money to divert into the pockets of already VERY wealthy people.
More on this to come in an e-mailed issue of PV. Make sure you sign-up to the list using the “Subscribe To Our Newsletters” link to the left side of this page.