Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

Pumpkin Gate Trial to Commence November 27, 2017

by PV

Almost Three Years & Three Months Later to the Day…

On August 23, 2014, an…incident occurred at Burt’s Pumpkin Farm in Dawson County, Georgia. There was a Republican Rally taking place for the General Election. A lot of the Republican bigwigs were there (i.e., elected officeholders and people running as a Republican for elected government offices, not political party offices).

At that rally, a conservative, freelance video-journalist named Nydia Tisdale was recording the political speeches that all the candidates were making. She was charging no money for her time for this activity, as she had done several times previously for many GOP candidates and GOP-related functions for a couple of years.

Her sole purpose in attending and recording was to simply video-record the speeches and, later on, upload the recordings of the speeches so others could watch and listen. In her recordings, she did not offer the viewer any kind of political analysis or commentary on the speeches. All she was doing was acting as a recorder of an event, and she would provide access to the recordings to the public via an online video viewing platform (YouTube). And, she intended to promote the speeches via the Web for anyone who missed the rally (as she had done before at other campaign events), but who may have been interested in seeing the speeches to get a feel for the candidates running for public office on the ballot that upcoming November.

Well, that was all her intentions were…but, someone else at that rally had a pre-conceived notion of who Tisdale was, and he instigated a series of events that resulted in Nydia Tisdale getting charged with criminal trespassing and charged with assaulting a police officer.

If you wish to get the full story on all that transpired on that day, here is a link to a bevy of stories written by the Political Vine, with links to the AJC’s articles, etc. These stories have become what PV has coined to be “Pumpkin Gate.”

The purpose of THIS edition of the Political Vine is to inform our reading audience that the trial for Nydia is set to officially begin this Monday, Nov. 27th, at 9:00 AM, in front of Judge Martha Christian, Courtroom C on the 4th floor of Dawson County Superior Courthouse at this address:

Dawson County Government Center
25 Justice Way, 4th Floor, Courtroom C
Dawsonville, GA 30534

The trial is scheduled for Monday, November 27 thru December 1.

Nydia has many supporters who have been following this case since August 2014, and if you are a supporter who can find the time to attend the trial, it would help her greatly in moral support for you to be in the courtroom.

As it has been reported in the AP, Nydia is being represented by criminal defense attorney Bruce Harvey on a pro bono basis for his time.

However, her defense has not been without hard-dollar costs expended by her and her husband. Court transcripts cost a lot of money ($5000 or so), as well as money to pay for legal researchers, etc. to help in her defense preparation, and this has been a huge financial drain on Nydia and her husband personally as it takes money away from normal life to devote to defending herself.

She is ineligible to set-up any kind of GoFundMe page because GoFundMe does not allow for funds to be collected for criminal defense.

SO, if the thought of a bunch of crooked good ‘ole boys (and girls) conspiring to lie to destroy someone’s life, take away her liberty, and imprison her, turns your stomach, please consider a financial donation to her personally at this link: https://www.paypal.me/NydiaTisdale. She is, literally, in the fight of her life.

One Response to “Pumpkin Gate Trial to Commence November 27, 2017”

  1. CJ Says:

    This is such an obvious farce. How did this even make it to trial. This stinks of collusion. Waste of time and money over what? So stupid. The prosecution should be embarrassed.The people should be furious!

Today's Deep Thought

I think a good scene in a movie would be where one scientist tells another scientist, 'You know what will save the world? You're holding it in your hand.' And the other scientist looks, and in his hand are peanuts. Then when he looks up, the first scientist is being taken away to the insane asylum.


March 2025