Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

The Fall of The House of Ralph (Reed)

by politicalvine

Rumors have it that 9 members of Lt. Governor candidate Ralph Reed’s Steering Committee recently flipped sides in the race.

The nine were listed on Reed’s big list released last spring. However, they recently sent this letter to the Reed campaign:

“As you are aware, our names were listed as members of the Reed for Lt. Governor Steering Committee released by your campaign to the news media. We write today to request our names be removed from that list. Please know that our decision to support Senator Casey Cagle’s campaign is in no way an attempt to undermine or criticize you. Rather, we believe that Casey’s combination of experience, electability, dedication to conservative values and record of integrity in office make him the best choice for our party at this critical time. We thank you for all of your efforts to build the party behind the scenes, and wish you the best in your future endeavors.”

The Nine who signed the letter were:

Maurice Atkinson (Macon)
Bruce Garraway (Gwinnett)
Stan Hall (Gwinnett)
Christopher Harris (Gwinnett)
Ron Johnson (Gwinnett)
Josh Moore (Gwinnett)
Clint Murphy (Savannah)
Patrick Cork (Valdosta)
Nick Thompson (Gwinnett)

PV Adds a footnote: Would you like to know the real interesting thing? At least two of these folks NEVER GAVE Ralph permission to stick their names on his list in the first place.

So, Ralph was a liar to start with when he picked some activist names to cram onto his list to make it LOOK like he had the backing of lots of people, when he really didn’t.

Well, this type of orchestration certainly has a familiar ring to it, doesn’t it? Sorta like Ralph writing e-mails to Jack Abramoff back in 2001-2002 talking about how much influence he was having on getting then-attorney general John Cornyn to close down a casino in Texas when, as Cornyn admitted on Tim Russert a couple of weeks ago, Ralph really had ZERO contact with his office. Either that, or, Cornyn is lying himself…which would not be out of line for a elected official to lie to cover-up his incompetence.

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9 Responses to “The Fall of The House of Ralph (Reed)”

  1. Wayne Plummer Says:

    Glory, Hallelujah !!

    there is a “silent majority” of Christians out here in conservative, Republican-votin’, SMALL-gov’t, “Let us please not allow the Gub’MENT into every single corner of our existence” kinda GOP folks who KNOW that the worst thing that could happen for Sonny’s chances of Re-Election would be for

    Dr. Reed to be anywhere near the top of the ticket in November 2006.

    wayne plummer
    Forsyth County, GA
    (a PRITTY Dawg-gone conservative, Sonny kinda county)

  2. Kate Says:

    I think the POLITICAL-VINE is doing more harm to the conservative cause in Georgia than any other Blog or news outlet. People all around me say, “Don’t connect me to the ‘Vine. I don’t read that garbage !”

    Reminds me of how the Liberals use garbage and are so divided. Shame Shame !

    I’ll see if my e-mail “will not be published” as you say.

  3. Bill Simon Says:

    So, Kate, I see you’d rather just bury your head in the sand when Republicans break laws OR moral standards?

    Stalin would have loved to have you on his team.

  4. Deborah Says:

    I am just happy to see these politicians standing up for what is right instead of playing into the hands of political favors. Ralph Reed does a great job of raising money by touting the Christian Coalition montra, but it is obvious from the many lies that he’s been caught in that he doesn’t practice what he preaches. – How can anybody support someone who can’t be trusted?

  5. Jerry Wyatt Says:

    Well, having had the opportunity to know personally the work of Dr. Ralph Reed from my statewide run for S.O.S. in 2002.

    Not that I have any influence that could measure up to Dr.Ralph Reed. I saw how he operated in the election cycle of 2002. I came within 194 votes of beating Dr. Ralph Reed’s candidate V.R.B. and the current Governor of Georgia was no where on then State Party Chairman’s Dr. Ralph Reed’s radar.

    Reason being, Dr.Ralph Reed like many others did not give our current Governor a chance of wining.

    As I once said to our current Governor, I will say to all of the grassroot GOP Georgians that have had the hand of Dr. Ralph Reed hold them back. “Don’t forget the one who did’nt support you.”

    Those of us that got the short end of the stick from Dr.Ralp Reed. SMILE, we now have the ballot in our hand and Dr. Ralph Reed can’t do a thing about it. This is one vote Dr. Ralph Reed will not get.

  6. Craig Says:

    While a few still defend Ralph and his ethics, I would like to ask him “how can we trust you even when you say you had no idea this was going on? Can you really be running an international business passing around millions of dollars and NOT know what is going on? Are you that clueless as to what projects you work on and who you work with? Are those friends and those closest to you that corrupt? Or are you that dense of a business man to not know what is going on with your own efforts? Knowing the answers to these important questions, I would then ask if all of this is the case, how can we trust you and rely on your capabilities with our tax money and our state government? If these handsful of close friends can do this to you (if true), what will the other sharks and corrupt people do to you?”

  7. Mike Seigle Says:

    I am fairly conservative fellow, and I took a lot of heat supporting Ralph when he ran for chairman. I thought he would bring onboard some of the old guard conservatives who fought in the trenches for years. However, he opened the party to elitists of all ideologies and ignored the long suffering grassroots activists. His rise gives no advantage to conservative, his behavior brings no credit to the party or conservatives, and his defeat is the only thing that will allow honest conservatives to take power.

  8. bb Says:

    The true test of a man’s character is what he does when (he thinks) nobody is looking. I pose this question to all those who somehow still ignore Ralph’s lies; Did Ralph do the right thing when (he thought) nobody was looking?

    If you cannot answer that question in the affirmative, then let’s get on with electing Casey Cagle.

    Ralph lied to his very base of supporters yesterday at the Christian Coalition Rally receiving a thunderous standing ovation — the lie as quoted in today’s AJC, “If I knew then what I know now, I obviously wouldn’t have done that work,” Reed said. “To the extent that it caused any difficulty for the pro-family movement, I regret that. I have taken full responsibility.” That one statement is full of lies not the least of which is “I HAVE taken full responsibility.”…BS. RETURN THE $5M+ COLLECTED IN THE SCANDAL. A great charity (www.fallenheroesfund.org) would make a fine beneficiary of Ralph actually living up to his “responsibility” statement.


  9. Charley Levinson Says:

    You don’t really think Ralphie Poo is going to leave Casey Cagle unscathed, do you? Trust me, if Cagle has any skeletons, they will be found and revealed to all with a barrage of attack ads. Reed’s negatives are too high to allow for any other strategy.

Today's Deep Thought

Whenever you read a good book, it's like the author is right there, in the room talking to you, which is why I don't read good books.


January 2025