Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

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Rush Limbaugh: A Man With No Character Worth A Flip..

by Bill Simon

Just to let you know, Rush Limbaugh was the very reason I became a Republican in the early 1990s.

I had voted for Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984, and, I think I recall voting for Bush, Sr. in 1988. But, despite my votes, I felt like a liberal. And then, someone introduced me to Rush Limbaugh’s radio show.

I LOVED it. He used logic and clear argument to make issues crystal clear and he did it with humor.

And, I was a pretty faithful listener of Rush’s up until I started my own writing and opining via The Political Vine in mid-2000.

But, now, in Rush’s OWN WORDS ON HIS WEBSITE, he says this: “People have been asking me all day, ‘How do you feel, Rush?’ I feel liberated, ladies and gentlemen, because I don’t have to carry the water for people that I think don’t deserve to have their water carried.”

This, Ladies and Gentlemen, is clearly a WTF moment.

If you HAVE any sense of character and integrity, YOU DON’T CARRY WATER for people who don’t deserve it!

Thus, my beef with the GOP for a number of years. As they’ve drifted more and more in the direction of theocratic statism, I have not only refused to follow them, but I have stood on my little place in the cyber-world and screamed in protest as loud as possible.

And, when I got tired of screaming about it, I simply kept my mouth shut and stopped writing.

In any case, Rush demonstrates he has no character of any substance if he now “feels liberated.” Were his hands tied before? Would his ratings have fallen to the bottom had he been more critical of the President and the Congress? “No” and “no” are the answers.

As far as I’m concerned, people like Rush Limbaugh possess no degree of integrity worth a flip for me to listen to, admire, or even acknowledge as someone worthy of my time.

AMF, Rush!

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9 Responses to “Rush Limbaugh: A Man With No Character Worth A Flip..”

  1. Chris Says:

    What’s your take on Keith Olbermann?

  2. Bill Simon Says:

    I’ve never watched/heard him. What is your take on him?

  3. caroline Says:

    I’m just surprised that Rush actually admitted something like this. The fact that he has been carrying water for the GOP comes as no surprise to many of us.

  4. The Moderate Voice Says:

    Rush Limbaugh’s Political Shift? (UPDATED)…

    To those of you (Democrats, independents and Republicans) who won’t listen to talk show giant ……

  5. Chris Says:

    re: Olbermann, he’s a darling of the left, but I think his remarks are pretty consistent with American ideals. You can view some of his clips archived here: http://www.crooksandliars.com/category/countdownkeith-olbermann/

    One of my favorite recent clips is linked in my name.

  6. Daniel N Adams Says:

    Amen!… Oh, sorry. Hell Yea!!! I couldn’t agree more.

  7. Mad Dog Says:

    The perfect match for Rush in our legislature would be Nancy Schaefer.

    She’s taken 21 classes in Scientology and sits on an advisory board. But, denies any linkage with Scientology. She rans ads in the recent campaign claiming (I) someone created fake webpages to link her with Scientology.

    She also brags on her websites about saving 5000 women from the horrors of abortion.

    Based on personal testimony I’ve collected, she stole private data from the women via a fake “medical clinic.” She then called the husbands, boyfriends, fathers, families, churches, employers and “outed” these women.

    She recieved at least one award from a metro area Church and at the ceremony, these details were openly discussed.

    Nice going, Nancy and Rush.

  8. Chris Says:

    Mad Dog: of all the people she outed from her fraudulent operation, how many you suppose are “hypocrites” in the political sense?

  9. Mad Dog Says:


    That’s an excellent political question. Since she lived in Buckhead at the time and her fraudulent operation was in Atlanta, I’d say many.

    But, the better question, in terms used by the GOP, where were their values?

    They wanted privacy. No government intervention. They had no money. They had no contacts in the community to guide them. They had no trust of conventional doctors. They were young and underemployed.

    I say that since they were attracted by billboards for free pregnancy tests. I still see similiar billboards in other states. It might have been part of a national or regional movement to fight “murder by abortion.”

    At the one church service that I know ‘honored’ Nancy, the pastor mentioned young women from his congregation that were caught in Nancy’s sting. He detailed her operation and praised it highly, especially for trapping the young women from his congregation.

    So maybe I’m wrong. Given the vast wealth on display at that church, it’s quite possible all those women were Republicans.

    I bet their ‘husbands-owners’ vote for them now.

    That would make all of them hypocrites politically now.

Today's Deep Thought

I scrambled to the top of the precipice where Nick was waiting. 'That was fun,' I said. 'You bet it was,' said Nick. 'Let's climb higher.' 'No,' I said. 'I think we should be heading back now.' 'We have time,' Nick insisted. I said we didn't, and Nick said we did. We argued back and forth like that for about 20 minutes, and then finally decided to head back. I didn't say it was an interesting story.


July 2024