Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

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Senator Jason Carter (D): Stupid is as Stupid proposes…

by PV

So, according to today’s Political Insider over at the AJC, Jim Galloway reports on what the agenda will be for the Senate Democrats.

The most striking one to PV is Senator Jason Carter’s proposal to reduce the GPA eligibility requirement from a 3.0 GPA down to a 2.0 GPA in order to be granted a HOPE Scholarship.

So, let’s see if we get this straight: Georgia already experiences grade-inflation in high schools whereby the teachers and/or principals are pressured by parents to “fix” the grades so that Little Johnny/Little Jill receives a higher grade from a class than what they truly deserved, and is able to graduate.

Proof of PV’s assertion can be found in articles like this one in the AJC from 2010: Remedial classes cost Ga. colleges millions.

Why are there so many students requiring remedial classes? Because they did not learn the basics in high school. Why did they still graduate high school without knowing these basics? Because of grade inflation granted by the high schools in which they ‘graduated’ from.

So, assuming that some percentage of high school graduates are already getting grades inflated to hit that 3.0 required to obtain a HOPE Scholarship (i.e., receipt of money from a challenging source of steady, reliable funds: the Georgia Lottery) now, approximately how many more kids would clearly be unqualified to attend and learn college-level classes if the GPA threshold was reduced to 2.0?

Here’s a guess: Tens of thousands more people who are simply not educated enough in the basics to be able to learn what needs to be learned in college to obtain a college diploma.

Senator Jason Carter’s motives for this type of proposal are as clear as the blue sky: He wishes to bankrupt the HOPE Scholarship program, and to depress the quality of college education by throwing more unqualified students into the college public money bucket who will drain the bucket of quality education resources.

While this type of activity may earn him the Order of Obama (or whatever medal the Democratic Party awards people like Carter who seek to generate more ways to suck MORE tax dollars out of people…sort of like the Order of Lenin), this type of proposal should be D.O.A. in the Georgia State Senate.

Of course, with the array of UGA grads who are elected to the State Senate, both on the GOP and Dem side, they may actually like this proposal…because, when it comes to acts of sheer dumb-ass-ness, especially in Georgia government, UGA grads are very well-versed in that arena.

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Today's Deep Thought

Here's a good tip for when you go to the beach: A sand dollar may look like a nice cracker that someone left, but trust me, they don't taste like it.


March 2025