Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

Setting The Record Straighter About Tricia Pridemore-Part 3

by PV

Keep this one tiny thing in mind: The issue here is NOT that Tricia voted in the Democrat primary and run-off of 1998. The issue here is that she has not been truthful about it. First, she stated it never happened (and blaming it on the Secretary of State’s Elections Division being “wrong”), but then deciding to admit it happened, but coming-up with a convoluted reason as to why it happened. It’s the cover-up that stinks here, not the act itself. Richard Nixon did not get into trouble for authorizing the break-in and wire-tapping of the Watergate office of the DNC…he got into trouble for lying about it.

So…here is an excerpt from Georgia GOP Chair Candidate Tricia Pridemore’s 3/22/2011 email: “I, like Sue Everhart (Sue admitted voting in the 1990 Democratic Primary and Primary Runoff) once voted in a Democratic primary. I did this to make sure that Republicans had a weaker general election opponent to run against in 1998. I was President of KSU College Republicans at the time and wanted to ensure that both our Senatorial and Gubernatorial nominee had the weakest opponent possible.”

Yeah…umm… funny thing about Kennesaw State University (“KSU”) …it is a public university. As such, it is subject to the Georgia Open Records Act. As such, anyone making a proper, documented request to view any records they want (if they happen to exist) can get access to such records. And, as would be the case here, someone did make such a request and visit the campus to research the records.

AND…in this particular case, during the exact time period in 1998 in which Tricia states she was “President of KSU College Republicans,” the official, documented records from KSU’s Student Life Center (the department responsible for managing all student organizations) has two very revealing documents that were obtained.

Document #1: A Memo from February 13, 1998 that is a letter sent to the KSU College Republicans informing them that they missed one of two mandatory meetings they must attend in order to maintain their status as an active, authorized KSU student activity organization.

Document #2: A Memo from September 22, 1998 sent to the “KSU College Republicans” informing them that they have been placed in the “inactive status.” Why? Because…they…were…not… active.

And, when were the 1998 Primary and 1998 Run-Offs held? The Primary was held on July 21, 1998…and the Run-Off was held on August 11, 1998.

Hmmm. Interesting. Interesting because during the precise time period that Tricia states she was “President” of the club, KSU’s records show that the CRs at that time were inactive. Inactive, as in the CR’s not reserving rooms to have meetings and planning sessions and, all that other “stuff” that goes on that would signal that a club was “active” on campus.

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Today's Deep Thought

Here's a good tip for when you go to the beach: A sand dollar may look like a nice cracker that someone left, but trust me, they don't taste like it.


March 2025