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Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

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Shirley Franklin: Let’s Rub Her Nose Into Her Mess

by Bill Simon

The Atlanta Business Chronicle has an online survey asking site visitors if you believe Mayor Shirley Franklin went “over the line” in her recording of their 30-second rendition of “We Hate Whiteys And So Should Every Other Brotha and Sista In Atlanta” radio commercial in support of Fulton County Commissioner-elect John Eaves.

If you missed hearing the commercial, here it is online:
Racist Radio Commercial from Congressman John Lewis, Andy Young, and Mayor Shirley Franklin

If you want to vote on whether Franklin went over the line, AND give any comments you wish to the ABC, go here:

Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin Race-Baiting

Here’s a question to ponder: WHAT should the Metro Chamber of Commerce do in response? Continue to suck-up to the racist mo’ fo like they continue to do, or act like they have some testosterone?

And, what about something out of the mouth of Georgia Chamber of Commerce Chairman George Israel? He had a lot to say about Judge Hunstein in the past few weeks, but where is he on Shirley Franklin? Is it still a “kissy-kissy, wimpy-wimpy” relationship, or does he have any balls to issue a letter of disgust?

I won’t hold my breath on George Israel.

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13 Responses to “Shirley Franklin: Let’s Rub Her Nose Into Her Mess”

  1. Dave Smith Says:

    I have spent my last dollar in the city of Atlanta. Her comments on this and the money wasted on the ATL theme with her coke user friends to change the cities image is not showing me she cares changing the city.

  2. Innocent Bystander Says:

    We have our own little chocolate city with racism running rampant…without a hurricane to blame.

    Chamber of Commerce? Go for the big bucks and get an opinion from Tom Cousins, Sidney Marcus, Negrelli, Trump, Massell or a host of folks that need Whitey to pay Atlanta rent rates here.

  3. larry Says:

    A principled person would speak the truth, always, or not speak at all. To say that a ‘persons life depended on how they vote’ in todays world is either a blatant lie or race-baiting at its worst. Ms. Franklin is better than that, I wish, but her voiced support does not ring true.

  4. Pathway Says:

    I just believe that southerns do not want their dirt being thrown back in their faces. Yes, the past will resurface if we as a peoplea do not stand up for what is right. Mayor Franklin’s comments I do not have a problem with. She is informing us, causing us to keep a foot hold in the past or the south will raise again! Not as long as there are Northerns moving here remainding our people to continue to stand up for our rights! I am also from the north and the south I can really do without the good ol boy type of thinking. To judge someone by the color of their skin, not educate a race of people and do not feel responsible to holding three generations down and wonder why rapp music is killing our society?

  5. Jenny Says:

    Reminds me of Cynthia McKinney, who is the biggest racist in the world.

    Let’s see, if we start a list of all the people who became “leaders” based on the theory that everybody should be just like me – my color/race, my religion, my politics, etc., and then brainwashed their followers/constituents into believing the same thing and also punished/extinguished any opposition. . .


    I’m going to hell for this I’m sure. But I tell you what, I’ll save Shirley Franklin, John Lewis and Andy Young a seat!

  6. TailOverTeaKettle.com » When Race Baiting is Accepted Says:

    […] Political Vine and Peach Pundit also covered more of the mess. […]

  7. Charley Levinson Says:

    Shirley Franklin may be guilty of political hyperbole, but charges of racism are, IMHO, not well based. Andrew Young’s comment regarding the convenient stores was far more suspect, and Young apologized.

    I wonder what is really the problem; the ad or the fact that Eaves won?

  8. Kevin Bailey Says:

    I would like to thank Bill Simon for talking about this since the only radio or tv critics have been on wgst640. I sat in my truck and slumped over when Denny played the ad spot.
    I would like to find one person who agrees with her and ask why.

  9. Cecil White Says:

    I am not a fan of the mayor. But I am glad that she spoke the truth. And for those of you that can’t take the truth, then don’t spen your money in Atlanta or come to Atlanta. Truth is the only way to freedom and the things she said needed to be said.

  10. Bill Simon Says:


    WHAT “truth?” That if Republicans get elected to takeover the Fulton County Commission, it will “turn back the clock” on Civil Rights laws passed at the FEDERAL level?

  11. Tailgunner Says:

    If any republican had said anything like that they would already have been forced to resign – apology not accepted! This makes the Neo-Nazis and the KKK look like the Ciub Scouts. How dare they! HOW DARE THEY! Shirley, time to resign and let a SANE person lead this city – you are a racist and have just proven it in spades! This is well past “shame on you” – this is “tet out of town you miserable, obnoxious, racist B*TCH material!

  12. Charley Levinson Says:

    Do you have evidence that Mayor Franklin has been involved in cross-burnings or lynchings? Please tell me the acts of racially motivated violence of which she is guilty, and compare them to proven KKK and Aryan Nation activities.

    You’ll have to do better than a radio ad.

    The ad in question was irrelevant hyperbole, which, IMHO, played a very small role in John Eaves’ 18-point win. Perhaps others feel otherwise; maybe the ad was the key to the whole election. If so, how does it feel to be “swiftboated”?

  13. "Shirley" U Jest Says:

    Let’s see if I understand this. A week prior to the Eaves radio spot, the news breaks that the city is going to fall behind on finishing the sewer repairs potentially resulting in fines that could total hundreds of thousands of dollars. The Mayor needs the EPA to extend the deadline. So, why would you spit in the Republican party’s eye right before you seek a huge accomodation from a Republican administration? Shirley isn’t racist folks, she’s just too arrogant for the TAXPAYING public’s own good. She pulled the same stunt in John Barrow’s campaign in 2004 after being warned off and learned nothing from the fall-out.

Today's Deep Thought

When Rick told me he was having trouble with his wife, I had to laugh. Not because of what he said, but because of a joke I thought of. I told him the joke, but he didn't laugh very much. Some friend he is.


December 2024