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Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

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Stan Gunter: Showing Political Favoritism BEFORE He Gets On The Bench

by politicalvine

Rumors have it that Court of Appeals Candidate N. Stanley Gunter has quite the record of turning a blind eye to prosecuting felony lawbreakers when the person in question is a member of his own political party.

PV Provides A Little Background: In 2002, Gunter was elected as a Democrat to be District Attorney of the Enotah Judicial Circuit.

Beginning in 1995, Democratic Union County Tax Commissioner J.W. Payne allegedly wrote himself several “IOUs” from county taxpayer money. The dates and amounts of the IOUs varied widely and were ultimately repaid by Payne, but many went unpaid until a Tax Office employee disclosed these IOU’s in an advertisement in October of 2004 in the North Georgia News.

In the 2004 Tax Commissioner’s race, Chris Bergen ran an ad in the North Georgia News informing the electorate of these IOUs written by Payne.  At the time, DA Stan Gunter was also a Democrat, and he refused to investigate what some observers of criminal acts have identified to be felony fraud on the part of Payne.

Fast-forward to September 2010.  In an article published in the North Georgia News on September 22, 2010, an employee of the Union County Tax Commissioner’s Office was discovered to have done the same thing Payne was accused of doing back in 2004 by Chris Bergen.

From our sources, that employee (who was NOT the Tax Commissioner JW Payne) was recently fired from her job…however, as of right now, current DA Stan Gunter has refused to investigate this matter and pursue an investigation into what may be felony fraud.

PV Summarizes The Issue At Stake: Does Mr. Gunter believe it is “okay” for someone to “borrow” from the county coffers ANY amount of money, as it is alleged his then-fellow Democrat-in-arms JW Payne did from 1995 through 2004, and then pay it all back, and no crime has been committed…as long as the person being accused is a member of his own political party…Democratic?

Is THIS who we want to sit on the Appeals’ Court bench?  Sure, why not?  After all, isn’t it more important that every elected official seek to protect “their own kind” and show favoritism to any cases brought before them as a “judge”, right?

Wink-wink, nod-nod…after all, this is how “things are”, right?  Protect your own, cover-up for their alleged acts against the community, RIGHT?

Thanks, but no thanks, Mr. Gunter.  Integrity matters to some folks.  A blind eye to justice, absent the political affiliation of the wrongdoer should be your constant record of achievement…and, you don’t appear to have it.

PV Provides One Very Important Footnote:  For all of you who have been told that Gunter “stopped being a Democrat in 2006” to qualify and run as a Republican for his reelection as DA, current voting records show that he voted in the 2008 Democratic Primary and the 2008 Democratic Primary Runoff.

2 Responses to “Stan Gunter: Showing Political Favoritism BEFORE He Gets On The Bench”

  1. Mad Dog Says:


    You rock. Too much escapes the average person.

    And I’m not talking burrito gas.


  2. Union County Citizen Says:

    This is just the tip of the cover-up iceberg in Enotah – and by “iceberg,” I mean institutional racketeering, money laundering, embezzlement, bank fraud and worse.

Today's Deep Thought

I think a good scene in a movie would be where one scientist tells another scientist, 'You know what will save the world? You're holding it in your hand.' And the other scientist looks, and in his hand are peanuts. Then when he looks up, the first scientist is being taken away to the insane asylum.


March 2025