Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

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Steroid-injected horse* enters race for Georgia State GOP Chairman…

by PV

Rumors have it that Georgia Republican Party Secretary John Padgett is now seeking the position of state party chairman. In a letter announcing his decision, Padgett states the following:

“We need a bold Chair for our Party who has a proven track record of conservative grassroots leadership. We cannot afford to put at risk all that our Party has achieved by turning over the role of Chair to weak and ineffective leadership…Trust matters. Experience matters. Leadership matters…I have been waiting for a true grassroots leader to step forward and run for Chair, but none has emerged.”

PV Blinks in Amazement: “Trust matters.” Huh. Really, Mr. Padgett? How ‘trustworthy’ is someone who ignores the breaking of Roberts Rules of Order, and not only ignores the breaking of them, but actually promotes them to be broken?

Perhaps Mr. Padgett is not familiar with this new-fangled tek-nolo-gee called the “Internet” that…has a propensity to allow people who have captured many things on tape and post them on this “Internet:”

2012 Caucus Fraud at Athens-Clarke County GOP Convention

You will note the (cough! cough!) “leader” who calls himself ‘John Padgett’ running away and telling someone to stop recording him as he tries to defend the closing of a convention when a ‘division of the house’ was clearly called for.

Now, you might wonder why it is that Padgett is now running for State GOP Chair. Quite simply, it is because he is mad at BJ Van Gundy, who was in charge of the 2012 State GOP Convention Credentials Committee (which had something like 8-9 other people sitting on it as well), a committee charged with the responsibility of determining if rules were followed in the determination of delegates to the state convention…and a committee that determined that based on evidence like that video-link above, the Athens-Clarke County GOP did violate the State Call and/or the State GOP Rules in conducting a convention.

Therefore, the Athens-Clarke County delegation got their credentials disqualified and they were kicked-off the floor of the convention.

THAT act is why John Padgett is now running for state chair. Because, along with actually cheating, the Athens-Clarke County GOP got caught on tape cheating. And, the Athens-Clarke County GOP is angry at BJ because he and his credentials committee were presented with evidence (and testimony of witnesses) of the cheating.

Now, as a sidebar, PV knows there will be people in the Athens-Clarke County GOP who point out to PV that, yeah, PV was pissed at BJ in relation to several other things last year, the main thing being that his committee didn’t revoke other delegations’ credentials that PV felt deserved to be revoked.

Apparently, the credentials committee had overwhelming evidence presented to them about the Athens-Clarke County GOP convention, evidence that was not similarly presented to them about another county.

PV’s Non Sequitur Sidebar: It is fascinating to hear people, to this day, still rant about the “Ron Paul people” coming into the party to “take it over.”

Let’s see…what happened last year in spite of the various county and district GOPs working hard (all over the country, by the way) to violate rules to prevent liberty-minded, Ron Paul-supporters from participating? Here’s a hint: MITT ROMNEY STILL LOST!!!

You folks who THINK you deserve some sort of air of superiority of any significance because you succeeded in blocking those folks out of the process might as well be sniffing glue. Because YOUR candidates, your delegates, etc. didn’t accomplish sh*t for getting a Republican elected president, did they? In case you lost track, THAT was the only purpose of last year’s national election cycle.

All that money WASTED. All that time WASTED. All that effort spent devising ways to deliberately, and systematically, cheat people last year…WASTED.

And now, of course, all PV sees is a bunch of hand-wringing “establishment Republicans” whining about Obama’s lying and cheating and ignoring the Constitution, and blah-blah-blah. Gee, ever heard of this concept called “Karma?”

If you think you deserve a “blessed country” by just spending your time uttering patriotic phrases like “God Bless America,” but you fail to give Him a good reason why He should take the time to do that for you, especially when He witnesses how you treat your fellow Republicans by cheating (see Athens-Clarke County GOP video here), then, maybe it’s not “Obama and the Democrats’ fault” that this country is headed in the direction that it is headed, but it is all your fault.

* A “steroid-injected horse” is one that has been doped to be given an edge in a horse race. That is considered to be ‘cheating’ in the horse-racing circuit. If your definition of “a true grassroots leader” means someone who knowingly lies or cheats or steals and/or blatantly supports people who engage in those activities, whether it be in politics or anything else, then John Padgett may be your kind of “horse” for State GOP Chairman.

One Response to “Steroid-injected horse* enters race for Georgia State GOP Chairman…”

  1. Bill Griffin Says:

    I just read this.
    Dead on target and I thank you for writing. I think there were 13 people on the credentials committee, rather than 8-9, but everything else on target and factual.

    You may not know me, but our county is operated by cronies. I know firsthand as I was chair from 2009 to 2011. The cronies don’t care for me for the small role I played in having the Clarke delegates removed at last year’s convention.

Today's Deep Thought

As we were driving, we saw a sign that said 'Watch For Rocks.' Marta said it should read 'Watch For PRETTY Rocks.' I told her she should write in her suggestion to the highway department, but she started saying it was a joke---just to get out of writing a simple letter! And I thought I was lazy!


March 2025