Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

Report: Total Corruption of the State of Georgia

Bill Simon, Sunday, April 29th, 2018

PRELUDE The following story will, at some point, use some or all of the abbreviations below, and I’m not up for repeating their longer titles. These are all State of Georgia-related abbreviations: AG = Attorney General AAG = Assistant Attorney General DOI = Declaration of Intent (to run for office) GAA = Georgia Aviation Authority […]

Preston Smith: With Personal Judgment Like This, How Can We Trust Him For AG?

PV, Saturday, July 31st, 2010

Trial transcripts show that Senator Preston Smith wasn’t just a cheating bast**d who slept around with multiple women while being married to the Christian mother of his 4 children, but that he treated Michelle Smith with the cold, callous nature of being someone who does not possess one ounce of compassion, or concern, for ANYONE […]

Karen Handel & Shawn LaGrua: Multiple Violations of Their Oaths of Office?

PV, Friday, January 29th, 2010

Rumors have it that in at least one circumstance (and, possibly, many others), former Secretary of State Karen Handel violated her oath of office by asserting authority she did not possess, and allowing Secretary of State Inspector General Shawn LaGrua free reign to initiate an investigation of a complaint of an election night irregularity without […]

Former US Attorney Endorses Sam Olens for Georgia’s Next Attorney General

Bill Simon, Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

For additional Information: Sheri Kell 678.793.7770 For Immediate Release sheri@olensforAG.com SAM OLENS RECEIVES ENDORSEMENT OF JOE WHITLEY – FORMER U.S. ATTORNEY IN THE MIDDLE AND NORTHERN FEDERAL DISTRICTS OF GEORGIA Marietta, GA – Sam Olens, Republican candidate for Attorney General, is pleased to announce he has received the endorsement of Joe D. Whitley, former US. […]


March 2025