Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

Who Is G Owen Brown & Why Does He Want To Incorporate East Cobb? – Part 2

PV, Tuesday, May 7th, 2019

Rumors have it that the prime mover of the effort to incorporate a new “City of East Cobb” (“CEC”), a man named G Owen Brown, appears to be claiming Homestead Exemption Privilege in at least two states, rather than one, as allowed by law. By “prime mover,” we mean the person who appears to have engaged in […]

Who Is G Owen Brown & Why Does He Want To Incorporate East Cobb? – Part 1

PV, Sunday, May 5th, 2019

There was a story posted a few weeks ago on social media from the website called “Medium” that posted a link to a house that disclosed G Owen Brown, the initial financier of the City of East Cobb (“initial financier” in that he supplied a major portion, if not all, of the $36,000 to pay […]

Cobb-Braves Issue: Trojan horses will be identified, and burned on sight

PV, Sunday, December 15th, 2013

Rumors have it that the folks over at the Cobb Chamber of Commerce, political consultants with the Cobb Chamber (and other interested parties), along with a PR firm involved in “promoting” the wholesale confiscation of Cobb County taxpayer wealth for the sole purpose of the Atlanta Braves’ benefit, have been going around Cobb County and the […]

Cobb County Braves: A Bad Deal For Commuters & Taxpayers

Bill Simon, Tuesday, November 19th, 2013

There’s an analogy that keeps popping-up in my mind with regards to the Cobb County Commission and the Atlanta Braves deal, so bear with me a moment while I appear to go off on a tangent (but trust me, there’s a purpose in this little story). I recall an episode of Seinfeld in which Cosmo […]

Georgia House District 43: Lamutt, Liens & Laurens

politicalvine, Thursday, September 8th, 2011

Rumors have it that one of the candidates in the upcoming Special Election for HD 43 has a wee bit of a problem he needs some help on: According to the Cobb County Superior Court Clerk’s records, Robert Lamutt has a current outstanding lien balance owed to the Georgia Department of Labor of $2,563.12…and, his […]

Cobb County Commission: Slouching Towards Being As Bad As DeKalb

Bill Simon, Thursday, April 14th, 2011

The Cobb County Commission Officially Reverts To A Negative Mean I remember taking a stock analysis course once where we were introduced to the “Mean Reversion Theorem” for how stock pricing works. The theory’s premise holds that eventually, all stock prices revert back to their natural “mean” (“mean” being a synonym for the “average”) position […]

JoAnn Birrell: Lobbyist To Represent Waste Management Interests, Not Yours

Bill Simon, Friday, June 11th, 2010

Waste Management Lobbyist vies to takeover Cobb County Commission for her employer’s best interest at the expense of residents.

Maria Sheffield Joins 2010 Georgia Insurance Commissioner’s Race

Bill Simon, Saturday, August 15th, 2009

Attorney Maria Sheffield has become the newest candidate to enter the Insurance Commissioner’s race in the 2010 Republican Primary. Sheffield is currently an attorney with Burr, Forman, LLP, focusing on regulatory and corporate insurance law, public policy, government relations and coverage matters. Her practice encompasses all facets of insurance regulation. Sheffield spent six years with […]


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