Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

Cobb County SPLOST Action Alert!

PV, Sunday, August 10th, 2014

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 8, 2014 Cobb County Taxpayers Association 3704 Tate Place Austell, GA 30106 CONTACT: Lance Lamberton (404) 925-8960 TAXPAYER GROUP TO LAUNCH CAMPAIGN TO OPPOSE SPLOST AUSTELL, Georgia – The Cobb Taxpayers Association (CTA) announced today that it will host its first organizational meeting to defeat the 2016 SPLOST which will be […]

Cobb County’s March 15 SPLOST Vote: Deception #4

PV, Saturday, March 5th, 2011

Deception #4: Just like in the movie Charade, no one is ever telling you the whole story… Here’s the “rest of the story:” Within the next 15 months, Cobb County voters will be asked to vote on 2 additional 1% SPLOSTs completely unrelated to this 1% Cobb County SPLOST vote on March 15th. One of […]

Cobb County’s March 15 SPLOST Vote: Deception #3

PV, Saturday, March 5th, 2011

Deception #3: “If SPLOST doesn’t pass, your property taxes will go up.” The deception in this claim is that even IF this SPLOST passes, your property taxes WILL likely be going up. There is a 99.9999% chance of property taxes going up. How does PV know this? By reading tea leaves that few other people […]

Cobb County’s March 15 SPLOST Vote: Deception #1

PV, Friday, March 4th, 2011

Deception #1: “It’s just a penny…you can spare a penny to help everyone else, right?” To make sure we are ALL on the same page here about sales taxes in Cobb County, it is important that everyone get on the same page. In order to do that, let us break down for you what our […]

The Examiner Exposes Cobb County’s Dereliction of Duty to Taxpayers

Bill Simon, Monday, February 28th, 2011

“For years, SPLOST proponents and County officials have argued that the tax is a “good deal” for Cobb taxpayers because “non-resident spending accounts for approximately 30% of sales tax revenue.” The claim was repeated many times by Rose Wing, chair of Citizens for Cobb’s Future in Wednesday’s debate with Lance Lamberton of the Cobb County […]

A Video Take on Cobb County SPLOST SLUSH FUND Vote

PV, Monday, February 28th, 2011

More irresponsible money management by Cobb County: Spending an additional $400,000 on this Special Election that could be held in November when the municipal elections are held…and money has to be expended on them.

Cobb SPLOST: Thou That Speaketh With Forked Tongue Should Be Tazed, Bro’

politicalvine, Friday, February 25th, 2011

Rumors have it that the organization formed to promote the upcoming Cobb County SPLOST vote on March 15th is going to engage in communicating messages that are deliberately misleading as to the truth about what this SPLOST contains. For those of you sitting at home in your comfy chair in any other county, you can […]

Cobb County SPLOST Debate Coming-Up!

Bill Simon, Monday, February 14th, 2011

AUSTELL, Georgia – The Cobb County Taxpayers Association (CCTA), which opposes the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) and Citizens for Cobb’s Future, which supports it, have agreed to have a public debate on the issue. The Cobb County Commissioners voted to put the measure on the ballot for March 15, 2011. The debate […]


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