Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

The GRA: Hypocrisy and Incompetence, Defined

Bill Simon, Monday, May 15th, 2023

It’s too bad we don’t have a Time Machine of sorts in Ga GOP politics. Because, if we did, and if the ambitious proposed amendments to the Rules of Georgia Republican Party are passed in the upcoming 2023 State Convention, perhaps we could go back in time to test the GRA’s theory of who the […]

How To Launder Campaign Contribution Money – For Dummies

Bill Simon, Tuesday, May 25th, 2021

What…if…? Introduction WHAT IF it could be proven to President Donald Trump, with documented facts, events, and  evidence.…what if it could be proven that the person in Georgia who is primarily responsible for the March 2020 Settlement Agreement was not, actually, the SOS, but Ga GOP Chairman David Shafer himself? What do you think Trump would do if he found out he was actually screwed over by Ga GOP Chairman Shafer? Do […]

How To Guarantee the Georgia GOP Loses in 2022 & Beyond-Part 4

Bill Simon, Tuesday, May 18th, 2021

How much do you like being lied to? It’s a serious question. It’s one thing to lie to yourself, as that is a voluntary act that you take on yourself.  It’s quite another when someone you know, who is running for office and wants your vote…it should be a rather serious issue when someone chooses […]

How To Guarantee the Georgia GOP Loses in 2022 & Beyond-Part 3

Bill Simon, Thursday, April 15th, 2021

Preamble There is a term in psychology called “projection.”  There are various applications of it, but, in the context of this discussion, it has to do with someone spending a LOT of their time blaming others for their own faults and reckless negligence, in a deliberate attempt to duck responsibility for the FUBAR they, themselves, actually caused. In a previous PV I […]

How To Guarantee the Georgia GOP Loses in 2022 & Beyond-Part 2

Bill Simon, Thursday, March 4th, 2021

[If you landed on this article, and haven’t yet read Part 1, Part 2 will make far more sense if you read Part 1 first, link available here: https://politicalvine.com/how-to-guarantee-the-georgia-gop-loses-in-2022-beyond-part-1/] INTRODUCTION Turning our attention, now, to Shafer’s actual leadership of the Georgia GOP for the past 1.5 years, let’s take a gander at Shafer’s glossy 12-page […]

How To Guarantee the Georgia GOP Loses in 2022 & Beyond-Part 1

Bill Simon, Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021

INTRODUCTION Though the following quote has been attributed to Albert Einstein being the author, he may not have ever said it or written it (as I dug into the subject on the Web and came upon this guy’s research); nonetheless, the concept still means the same: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over […]

“Republican Turncoats?” DEAD wrong, Erick Erickson.

Bill Simon, Friday, April 1st, 2011

Rumors have it that yesterday, 13 Georgia State Senators “joined” Democrats to attempt to allow a “coup” to revert power back to Lt. Governor Casey Cagle. Nine of these State Senators were called-out by Erick Erickson on the blog known as PeachPundit.com. Erickson listed the following as “Republican turncoats” in his mind: Jim Butterworth, Bill […]


March 2025