Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

Why Fran Millar Should Resign Immediately

PV, Tuesday, October 6th, 2015

Paul Maner Press Release For Immediate Release Revelations in Recent DeKalb Corruption Report Prompt call for State Senator Fran Millar’s Resignation “The corruption report by former Georgia Attorney General Michael Bowers clearly demonstrates DeKalb County’s government is “Rotten to the Core.” The report, prepared by Bowers and his investigating partner, Richard Hyde, reveal a government […]

George Chidi is Gonna Need a Bigger Shovel

Bill Simon, Monday, October 6th, 2014

Perhaps if George Chidi was not a Progressive-Communist…and, perhaps if George Chidi did not think that paling around with the likes of Milquetoast Sell-outs of the Republican Brand like State Senator Fran Millar (Common-Core Lover), State Rep. Mike Jacobs, State Rep Tom Taylor, Candidate for DeKalb Commission Nancy Jester, Political Consultant Mike Hassinger, Political Consultant […]

Nancy Jester Campaign: Fascists Extraordinaire

Bill Simon, Thursday, May 1st, 2014

Introduction Back on March 17th, 2014 a Political Boxers email was issued that covered an event dealing with the Nancy Jester campaign for State School Superintendent. (See here for the article in case you missed it) It seems that the Jester Campaign’s antics exposed by that article failed to stop…and they failed to stop to […]

HD 80: Tax Hike Mike (Jacobs)

PV, Wednesday, March 5th, 2014

Rumors have it that were this not an “election year,” HD 80 State Representative Mike Jacobs would be ALL in favor of increasing taxes in Brookhaven and DeKalb County. How could we determine if this rumor is true? Why…one could look at Page 21 of 22 pages of this multi-meeting minutes package of the City […]

DeKalb County & Sneaky Insider-Vendor Deals…?

PV, Thursday, January 17th, 2013

There is a big article on the AJC website today that details what appears to be some potentially dishonest dealings by DeKalb County’s CEO Burell Ellis and some vendors who have scored some sweet contract deals. You can get informed here: Vendors in DeKalb government probe earned millions Mentioned in this article are 6 private […]

Cobb County Commission: Slouching Towards Being As Bad As DeKalb

Bill Simon, Thursday, April 14th, 2011

The Cobb County Commission Officially Reverts To A Negative Mean I remember taking a stock analysis course once where we were introduced to the “Mean Reversion Theorem” for how stock pricing works. The theory’s premise holds that eventually, all stock prices revert back to their natural “mean” (“mean” being a synonym for the “average”) position […]


March 2025