Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

TSPLOST Myth: “It’s only a penny tax…You can afford a penny…”

PV, Sunday, July 15th, 2012

As Agent Maxwell Smart might say, “Ehh, Chief? It looks like the old ‘it’s only a penny tax‘ trick!” How many times have you heard the claim that “it’s only a penny” to guilt you into voting for T-SPLOST? The pro-TSPLOST side thinks they can diminish the promotion in favor of getting people to vote […]

2010 Georgia Ballot Amendment 1 – VOTE NO

Bill Simon, Saturday, October 16th, 2010

AMENDMENT 1 – Non-Compete Clauses in Contracts This is how the amendment will read on your ballot: “Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended so as to make Georgia more economically competitive by authorizing legislation to uphold reasonable competitive agreements?” Doesn’t that just sound so warm & fuzzy? After all, “more economically competitive” kinda says […]

Preston Smith: With Personal Judgment Like This, How Can We Trust Him For AG?

PV, Saturday, July 31st, 2010

Trial transcripts show that Senator Preston Smith wasn’t just a cheating bast**d who slept around with multiple women while being married to the Christian mother of his 4 children, but that he treated Michelle Smith with the cold, callous nature of being someone who does not possess one ounce of compassion, or concern, for ANYONE […]

Karen Handel Voted To Give Planned Parenthood $1.3 Million

PV, Friday, July 16th, 2010

Rumors have it that the Karen Handel Campaign is defending Karen Handel’s vote in favor of awarding Planned Parenthood a 3-year renewable contract with Fulton County in 2005 because they say the contract went to paying for “women’s health services,” and not directly to pay for abortions. One interesting fact that has come to light […]

Karen Handel’s Own Ethics Problems…

PV, Monday, July 12th, 2010

Rumors have it that Karen Handel has been caught breaking the law by taking higher contributions than the Ethics Law allows. FOX 5 News has the scoop here! PV’s Commentary: Karen Handel claims “Oh, it was just an accounting error.” Yeah. Funny…that’s what some other candidates claim and she just rips them apart as being […]

Karen Handel Is Hereby Charged With Gross Dereliction of Duty

PV, Sunday, June 6th, 2010

You might recall a few weeks ago the FOX 5 TV story by Dale Russell that discussed incidences of 2 corporate entities getting their “identity” stolen and credit cards issued in the corporate name to fraudulent people. You also might recall that the Doug MacGinnitie campaign, smelling blood in the water, took it upon themselves […]

The $100,000 Question

Bill Simon, Saturday, December 5th, 2009

There’s a whole lot of finger pointing going on with regard to the demise of Georgia House Speaker Glenn Richardson. But, just like every episode of Columbo I used to watch growing-up…there’s some other place and/or some other people we (the audience) should be focusing our attention on that we are not. We are too […]

Maria Sheffield Joins 2010 Georgia Insurance Commissioner’s Race

Bill Simon, Saturday, August 15th, 2009

Attorney Maria Sheffield has become the newest candidate to enter the Insurance Commissioner’s race in the 2010 Republican Primary. Sheffield is currently an attorney with Burr, Forman, LLP, focusing on regulatory and corporate insurance law, public policy, government relations and coverage matters. Her practice encompasses all facets of insurance regulation. Sheffield spent six years with […]

Poll About Casey Cagle….

Bill Simon, Sunday, April 19th, 2009

Should Lt. Governor Casey Cagle run for re-election in 2010? Yes, as long as he is healthy enough to serve No    pollcode.com free polls

Draft Memo #1

Bill Simon, Monday, February 16th, 2009

To: Voters of Georgia From: Georgia State Senate Republican Caucus Re: We Gonna Get You Good, You Suckas! ——————————————————————————– Just wanted to send you a note to tell you how much we appreciate your votes of support and confidence in our abilities to propose and pass legislation designed to help out the people who TRULY […]


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