Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

Myers-Briggs & Ron Paul Supporters

Bill Simon, Friday, April 13th, 2012

Prologue This particular issue of the Political Vine was inspired by one guy making, perhaps, the most astute observation that I’ve ever heard in consideration of trying to understand what happens to cause the melee of political personality clashes between “Ron Paul People” and “Every Other Republican.” Everyone in the GOP is aware of these […]

Crony Capitalism vs. Free-Market Capitalism

Bill Simon, Monday, January 23rd, 2012

Foreword I’ve been doing lots of thinking lately. I mean a LOT of thinking. I’ve been engaging in a lot of thinking lately because I haven’t spent my time watching ANY of the presidential debates. None. I consider the debates to be nothing but a circus sideshow designed to lure me away from working on […]

Tora! (Newt!) Tora! (Newt!) Tora! (Newt!)

PV, Monday, December 26th, 2011

Rumors have it that Republican candidate for president Newt Gingrich has now, officially, superseded his previous “dumbest thing” he ever did (i.e., sat on a couch with Nancy Pelosi whining about his belief in human-perpetrated global warming) with a brand-spanking NEW “dumbest” thing ever done. And, his National Campaign Director Michael Krull thought it’d be […]

Poor Erick Erickson…Now He’s Going To Have To Eat Tasty Feces…

Bill Simon, Sunday, February 21st, 2010

Hot off the press from The Hill, the straw poll at the annual meeting of “CPAC” (Conservative Political Action Committee) voted on candidates they’d like to see on a conservative ticket in 2012: #1: Ron Paul (31% of the vote) #2: Mitt Romney (22%) #3: Sarah Palin (Erick’s fav at 7%) #4: Tim Pawlenty (6%) […]

218 House Members: The Magic Number

Bill Simon, Thursday, June 11th, 2009

For Immediate Release June 11, 2009 Audit the Fed Bill Reaches Crucial Benchmark Washington, D.C. – Congressman Ron Paul’s Federal Reserve Transparency Act, HR 1207, has reached and surpassed the level of 218 cosponsors in the House of Representatives, which means it is now cosponsored by a majority of the members. The 218th cosponsor was […]


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