Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

Sandy Springs: The Barbarians Inside The Gate-Part 3

Bill Simon, Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

Chris Burnett – The Barbarian Banker Chris Burnett was the top vote-getter in the $100,000 Wendell Willard Special Election held on May 24th, gathering 40% of a field of five contestants to fill the position vacated by Graham McDonald. The 2nd top vote-getter was Joe Houseman. Two of the other candidates quickly endorsed Houseman for […]

Biggest SOB In Cobb County?

Bill Simon, Monday, March 21st, 2016

Introduction Imagine the following conversation occurring in the female inmate section of the Cobb County Jail…in present time period: Inmate 1: “So, what are you gals in for?” Inmate 2: “I didn’t do anything wrong.” Inmate 3: “I got caught with less than an ounce of weed.” Inmate 4: “I got arrested for using a […]

Cobb County: Where corruption thrives!

Bill Simon, Tuesday, October 20th, 2015

Prelude By the time you get finished reading this, and absorbing the degree and depth of just how corrupt every level of government in Georgia is, here are some questions you might ponder in addition to the ones I posit: 1) For the corporate members who pay who-knows-what in annual membership to the Council for […]

AG Sam Olens Meddling in Cobb County School Board Business

PV, Thursday, January 16th, 2014

“Olens could not be reached for comment about why he attended the private meeting.” Rumors have it that, in a top-secret meeting held last Tuesday between representatives of John Williams, et al. (for his Cobb County Riverwalk project, which is seeking multi-millions of dollars in tax exemptions/abatement from the Cobb County School District), members of […]

Leave it To Timmy – Episode 1

PV, Saturday, December 28th, 2013

In case you missed the broadcast on WSB-TV last evening regarding the Braves’ stadium financing issue, here is a link to that broadcast: Curveball thrown on the Braves’ financing issue. Now…to those of you who live beyond Cobb County, and this matter appears to be too localized for you, it really isn’t…because, conceivably, the same […]

Is Cobb County Legal Counsel Deborah Dance Smarter Than A Federal District Judge?

PV, Friday, December 27th, 2013

Rumors have it that the Cobb County Commission is operating under the assumption that they have the sole power and the authority to create a Special District out of thin air, assess a tax on that district, and collect it…all without getting permission from any other entity, whether it is the voters, or the Georgia […]

You’re a nobody in politics until ‘Bluto’ has named you…

PV, Friday, May 11th, 2012

Rumors have it that there is a developing “list” out there of pro-TSPLOST candidates running for political office that PV’s taking a keen interest in. Why? Because, if you’re running as a “Republican” and you are for a “tax hike,” no matter what you claim, you are not a “conservative.” AND…since we have this trivial […]

Cobb County Commission: Slouching Towards Being As Bad As DeKalb

Bill Simon, Thursday, April 14th, 2011

The Cobb County Commission Officially Reverts To A Negative Mean I remember taking a stock analysis course once where we were introduced to the “Mean Reversion Theorem” for how stock pricing works. The theory’s premise holds that eventually, all stock prices revert back to their natural “mean” (“mean” being a synonym for the “average”) position […]


January 2025