Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

Follow The Money: Why Nathan Deal “Needs” Tricia Pridemore to Be Chair

PV, Tuesday, May 10th, 2011

SPECIAL MEMORANDUM To: Georgia GOP Convention Delegates & Alternates From: Political Vine RE: Why the Governor is working so hard to elect Tricia Pridemore Chairman Dear Convention Delegates & Alternates, Are you curious as to why Governor Nathan Deal and others who support Tricia Pridemore are so strongly supportive of her…a woman Nathan Deal barely […]

What Next Is Going To Come Out Tricia Pridemore’s Bag of Tricks?

PV, Sunday, May 8th, 2011

Rumor has it that though Sue Everhart‘s name was printed on the program of last week’s “Celebrate Georgia/Governor’s Ball” event, Sue was, in fact, not sent an invitation. This is what PV knows: We know Sue was NOT sent an invitation because she told us that she never received the invite. Had she been invited, […]

The Right to A Private Ballot

Bill Simon, Monday, May 2nd, 2011

Let’s Clear The Air On This One Issue I’ve received some emails in the past few weeks from some people who claim that Tricia Pridemore is against having a secret (or “private ballot”) held at the State Convention in Macon in the election for state party chair. Since I know differently about this one issue, […]

MEMORANDUM TO: Georgia State Convention Delegates & Alternates

Bill Simon, Monday, April 25th, 2011

RE: Quid pro quo for your vote for Tricia Pridemore? Dear Delegates & Alternates, According to my sources, some former Sue Everhart supporters have now, under “intense pressure”, switched their vote to supporting Tricia Pridemore. “Intense pressure” is what they are rumored to have described the phone calls they received from the Governor that caused […]

MEMORANDUM TO: Jay Morgan, Lobbyist Cum Laude

Bill Simon, Monday, April 25th, 2011

RE: I humbly seek your advice Dear Mr. Morgan, I am writing to you today for some advice. I know from a lot of my sources down at the capitol that you are one of the most admired lobbyists down there, and when the other lobbyists see you walking down the halls, they just stand […]

MEMO TO: Georgia GOP Convention Delegates & Alternates

Bill Simon, Saturday, April 9th, 2011

Dear Georgia GOP State Convention Delegates & Alternates, Congratulations on your success so far, and welcome to the world of Georgia Republican Party politics. If you’ve read this edition this far, I presume you would be interested in knowing a few facts about one of the candidates for State Party Chair: Tricia Pridemore. Tricia has […]

Letter To The PV Editor

politicalvine, Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

Dear PV, Lets get real with the Republican faithful. Last Saturday I attended the State Committee meeting in Fayetteville. I have been on the State Committee for 19 years but my Republican efforts go much back longer than that. I was privileged to work on the Nixon vs. Kennedy election in 1960. The workings of […]

Setting The Record Straighter About Tricia Pridemore-Part 3

PV, Sunday, April 3rd, 2011

Keep this one tiny thing in mind: The issue here is NOT that Tricia voted in the Democrat primary and run-off of 1998. The issue here is that she has not been truthful about it. First, she stated it never happened (and blaming it on the Secretary of State’s Elections Division being “wrong”), but then […]

Setting The Record Straighter About Tricia Pridemore-Part 2

PV, Saturday, March 26th, 2011

In the PV article titled Political Astroturf: The Truth About Tricia Pridemore & Justin Tomczak, we brought-up Tricia’s repeated, documented inconsistencies in her “life story” of “grassroots activism” for Republicans. She responded to that with an e-mail claiming to “set the record straight.” In that e-mail, she claimed the following: “Unfortunately, this past weekend my […]

Setting The Record Straighter About Tricia Pridemore-Part 1

PV, Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

On Mar 22, 2011 at 3:27 PM, Tricia Pridemore sent out an e-mail to “explain” the multiple instances of her lying about her “years” of “grassroots activism.” Her e-mail hasn’t “explained” anything. All it does is point to the possibility of her being more and more of a political sociopath. While she did provide a […]

Political Astroturf: The Truth About Tricia Pridemore & Justin Tomczak

Bill Simon, Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011

What is the definition of a “grassroots activist?” I’m certain most of you newbies think you know what being a “grassroots activist” means. Based on the number of newbies who have joined the campaigns of Tricia Pridemore and Justin Tomczak because they say they are the “grassroots candidate,” it is clear that you folks don’t […]

The Whacky World of the 2011 Georgia GOP State Chairman’s Race

PV, Saturday, March 19th, 2011

Introduction Welcome to the inaugural edition of “WTF is Going On In The Georgia State GOP Chairman’s Race???” Truthfully, we thought our opening issue would have a completely different flavor to it. Something…way more sedate than this issue. But, thanks to a few true, bonafide idiots in the Henry County Republican world, we cannot pass-up […]


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