Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

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The Cherokee County Brokeback Mountain Party: Chapter Two

by politicalvine

Just wanted to give you folks a little update on what we covered earlier this year on the Brokeback Mountain Republican Party in Cherokee County: Rumors are that one of the key founders of the Brokeback Mountain Party in Georgia, Bart Brannon, has accepted a job with newbie Republican, Ben Elliott.

Elliott has a strong (and very recent) past of involving himself in Democrat races and giving beaucoup dollars to people like Mark Taylor.

Wonder how Bart reconciles this with his feelings toward Mary Wilhite?

100 Responses to “The Cherokee County Brokeback Mountain Party: Chapter Two”

  1. RTrim Says:

    I am not an officer or front man for the party.

    Again I suggest you like Kevin need to read hos John’s son got dragged into this argument.

    Show me the attack Markedcoward. Where did I attack, show me where I started this little fight and show me how I brought Konop’s family into the argument.

    You can’t and you will hide behind your cowardly screen name.

  2. MarkedExcess Says:

    RTrim: “Show me the attack”

    Bart Brannon: “your (Konop’s) wife if you can pry her away from spending money on your credit cards”

    RTrim: “your son saw you as the punk that you are, the apple didn’t fall from the tree John”

    RTrim: “Your son came up and was smug and rude”

    RTrim: “when your smug ill mannered and poorly behaved son arrived”

  3. RTrim Says:

    Again show me how I started this. Those are responses to John’s attack and the insertions of a fairy tale he depicts as truth.

    If you don’t like the facts of the situation then don’t bring the situation up. You can’t have it both ways. Either you fault John for inserting his family into the debate, for the record I am not Bart and did not write anything under his name, or you have to accept the fact that he has chosen to use them in his (false) argument. And as such HE, John has made them part of this thread.

  4. MarkedExcess Says:

    RTrim, are you and Bart so far gone that you don’t know the difference between debate and personal attack anymore? Or do you just not care?

    By the way, most people abandon the “he started it” argument by the 6th grade. Konop didn’t attack spouses and children—you guys did.

    It’s time for you and Bart to go into “time out” so you can think about what you’ve done.

  5. Bill Simon Says:


    Apparently, you have a very short recollection on bringing kids into a political race.

    Recall, if you will, YOUR acts as a jackass against Konop’s kid at the Cobb July 4th GOP event:


  6. Bill Simon Says:

    Oh yeah, Robert. You’re right. I don’t have any ex-wives I’m associated with, whether mine or someone else’s. That certainly makes you an accomplished and REAL man, doesn’t it?

  7. RTrim Says:

    Bill (never been with a woman)Simon,
    I remember well and will tell you the same thing I told John. Tell the entire story from someone who was there not hear say from some woman who was not there. You both know the truth but it is inconvenient.

    And as far as the women thing, whatever your mad cause they all ignored you or ran from you when you came in the door. Don’t get your panties is a wad about you are the one making the implications with your too cute by half headline.

    But hey I guess you gotta be in the game to understand how it works. Your view from the sideline, how is it.

    And Bill one last question, do you know who the consultant and hypocrit described above is?

    Think hard

  8. RTrim Says:

    Bill you seem so bitter. Is the latex date not giving you the relief anymore? Or has she run from you too?

  9. Kevin Bailey Says:

    I am not as naive as you or one might think and yes I have seen the debate back and forth but the debate on policy and numbers were more interesting. Can anyone here tell me the latest CPI,PPI, Leading Indicating Numbers, value of the American dollar, the wholesale price of unleaded gas or the dollar amount of crude and explain how the unemployment number goes up and down. I know I can tell you those figures, just wondering how naive people are to those. My dealings with Cherokee go back to Linda Parker and my politics go back to pre 2000 getting people elected personally so Bart before calling a spade a spade never underestimate a pest control guy just look at my old idol who is stepping down this year. Oh before we depart the subject give me the names of the last 10 compaines that have left the state. Kevin knows the name do you.

  10. John Konop Says:

    Bart and RTrim,

    You guys are sick and need help. I plan to write a letter to Ben Eliot,Good and Wiles about your hateful comments. The voters of Cobb and Cherokee should understond if they support your hate group. I also will write another letter to the party (CCRP) to find if they support your hate group.

    I will also send your comments to the Cherokee and Cobb police department. Since both of you have an arrest record with a plea deal for nasty behavior, it is important for the commmunity saftey that both police departments are aware of your latest hate attacks.

    The reason I am doing this is in case you guys attack my kid or other kids in the future.

    I would hope Ben Eliot, Wiles , Good and the CCRP are not part of or supportive of your hate group.

  11. Bill Simon Says:


    Don’t waste you time writing letters to Good, Elliott or Wiles…they know full well all about Trim and Brannon and would only laugh at your letter.

    You had your chance right after the 4th of July to do something meaningful on the matter, but you let the opportunity slip away.

  12. Bill Simon Says:


    I’m not bitter about anything. I just point out the truth about you and you have no other counter except to act like a 14-year-old girly-man and talk about someone’s sex life as an attempt to divert attention away from the fact that you a) don’t pay your consulting bills, and b) get a hard-on from accosting 12-year-old boys.

    Robert…are you taking estrogen supplements? Because you sound and write like someone who gets awfully emotional about little shit.

  13. RTrim Says:

    ok fine if no one wants to guess here it is drum roll please
    The hypocrit is none other than
    Bill Simon
    see below

    Cox, Cathy
    (Governor of Georgia)
    Id Builders, ,
    1260 Ronnie Dr
    Marietta, GA 30062 03/04/2005
    Speciality Advertising Company
    $743.75 As Originally Filed Co

    Noel, John
    (State Representative 44)
    ID Builders, ,
    00000-0000 02/01/2004
    $792.07 As Originally Filed

    Noel, John
    (State Representative 44)
    ID Builders, ,
    00000-0000 05/28/2004
    $101.34 As Originally Filed

  14. RTrim Says:

    Oh yeah and John
    Bill is right they would laugh because they know you are crazy. They also know the truth because unlike you the listened to people who were there.

    And John you can keep crying about your son as a victim and still you haven’t dealt with anything anyone said or asked of you.

    You should really let the boogey man argument go

  15. Bill Simon Says:


    Apparently you are getting your consultants mixed-up.

    I didn’t criticize Mary Wilhite because she used to be a Democrat…that was YOUR argument against her.

    You and BART are the two fuckheads who complain about Republicans who were once a Democrat all through one primary cycle, and then turnaround and start working for someone who was JUST a Democrat as of March 1 of this year. Elliott is trying to get in the GOP doorway via the back-door with a bunch of cash to buy your souls. Granted, there isn’t much value in your souls anyway, but that’s beside the point.

    You are the hypocrite when you strenuously claim that one candidate is no good due to who she was once affiliated with (e.g., Bill Campbell), and then you go to work for someone who is a more recent Democrat and has given beaucoup bucks to Dem candidates (one of whom is Mark Taylor, a candidate for Governor this year) all throughout their time in Georgia politics.

    Robert, you are a TOTAL dumbass…and, a dishonest businessman besides that. You and “Back-Door Ben” should make a fine business team…until the GBI knocks on your door to check your washing machine for $100 bills you keep laundering.

  16. Kevin Bailey Says:


    I agree with Bill just let the letter go and know you can do more by getting others involved come Nov and start gearing up for 08 now. The one thing i learned is the anger in the past can only make one more bitter in the future. Just use what is said for locker room or kitchen talk get some groups together and use the mo from this and run your 08 campaign. You did your part and got involved in the process.

  17. Bill Simon Says:

    Oh, and by the way, Robert: I DID ask the people who were there at the Cobb GOP picnic who you told me to go ask. Jeff Fuller wasn’t paying attention to the incident at all.

    Fred Allen of the Cobb GOP witnessed YOUR huffing and puffery when John came up to ask you about the incident and you laced into him.

    As I said before, it’s really too bad I wasn’t there to witness your assault on Konop’s kid. Because though I would have probably ended-up in the Cobb County jail, you would have ended-up in the Kennestone ICU for about 4 weeks…and, my jail time would have been worth it.

  18. RTrim Says:

    Physical prowess matches your prowess with women Bill. It is the least of my worries.

    Hey perhaps I should send a copy of this to the Cobb pollice just in case, like John does.

    As usual you John et al want to make this about your fairy tale and not the truth.

    You kids have fun.

  19. Bill Simon Says:


    You are a consummate liar and a sleazy businessman. That combination usually results in more and more legal trouble for your future. And, I can hardly wait for it to happen. 🙂

  20. John Konop Says:

    Kevin and Bill,

    I am not writing the letter out of anger. As I said , the police need to know for the saftey of our community.

    If Wiles, Good , Eliot do laugh and the CCRP party, this is an issue the voters need to know about. I think voters would not support pro child and stay at home mother abuse candidates.

  21. John Konop Says:


    By the way, if you use someone credit card over the internet or MOTO you cannot fill out the application unless it matches the name on the card as well as other informatoion. This is called AVS, a system from the credit card industry.


    My wife was in the crowd when I made the statement. And we did not have a problem, because I respect her right to be a Democrat.

    As Far as the money, my wife and I share the income. She has done a great job as a stay at home mom no matter what you and Trim say.If you had kids you would not question the hard work she puts in.

    As far as my son. He is a straight A student in the highest group in 7th grade. He won the citizenship award 3 times in two different schools.

    His resume is much stonger then you and your buddy Trim who had to plea out of a arrest for nasty behavior.

    I do not think anyone would question my son vs. you or Trim when comes to the truth.

  22. Charley Levinson Says:

    On May 31, I attended the GALEO forum at Marietta City Hall (the one where Steve Sinton and John Konop appeared and a Tom Price surrogate lied her butt off). I was offered a piece of Konop’s literature by a young boy, presumably John’s son. I told him politely that I was supporting Sinton, but wished him well.

    You see how simple it is to be civilized, even with people with whom you disagree? Why could others not help but be jerks?

    Oh, one more thing. I respect Bill Simon’s desire not to directly refute some of the garbage thrown at him in this thread. Allow me to testify here that I have seen Bill with female company.

  23. Kevin Bailey Says:

    That is true voters will not vote for people like that.

  24. Bill Says:

    Oh, Pete Castello, please do something about this Cherokee GOP. As you told me the advice someone once gave you: “Lead, dammit!”

    I don’t know who this Robert Trim is. But his writing on here should be enough to get him out of whatever position he has. And I’m not even going to discuss Brannon.

  25. Bill Says:

    I am not Tom Brooks BTW. Pathetic that you would reveal that bit of information about him. He is a fine writer. You guys are vicious.

  26. bart brannon Says:

    Bill..Bill…Kevin and Konop…have a good one, this is all BS puerile banter led by the host of this site. New site coming soon….stay tuned.

  27. RTrim Says:

    Bill S.
    You keep saying that about me and my business but you can’t substantiate it. You mouth off but are shallow at the end of the day.

    I have had no legal problems except for one. Always paid my bills and gone above and beyond any agreement I have entered into.

    In fact I have made sure even you were paid before I was, even after you completely screwed the pooch on the job and didn’t know what to do to recover.

  28. Bill Simon Says:


    You paid me all but $500. Don’t give me this bullshit about paying me “first,” Bitch.

    I have the copy of the contract, and I have a record of payments. Anytime you want to meet me in court for proof, you let me know.

  29. Chris Says:

    Vicious is right. But that’s what happens when pit bulls get backed into a corner. Its nothing but growling and teeth. But in this case, the “pit bulls” backed themselves into the corner by working for Elliott. John is just pointing out the hypocrisy and I’m surprised by it too. More than anything, I’m disappointed by it. Are there any real Republicans out there???

  30. Bill Simon Says:


    Boy, I hope that means you and Trim won’t be visiting this blog anymore with your puerile, 5th-grade bullshit.

  31. RTrim Says:

    I have no idea what you are talking about. If you are owed money then tell me what campaign and I will pay it. And then deal with the campaign.

    I have no idea what you are talking about.

  32. Bill Simon Says:


    There are, but they don’t waste time playing in the CCRP bull. They lead other, more productive lives.

  33. Chris Says:

    I don’t think there are any real REPUBLICANS on this board.


  34. Chris Says:

    Thanks Bill. And I do like this website.


  35. Bubba Says:

    Are there any Republicans left in Cherokee County? With leadership like these to freaks who in their right mind would want to be affiliated with it.

    This is some seriously entertaining stuff.

  36. Bubba Says:

    two I duz no how to spell.

  37. Kevin Bailey Says:

    I was wondering are you the one who said i would go down in defeat. If so after reading the post for the last two weeks has your mind changed. Bubba its ok I forget to hit spell check too.

  38. Chris Says:

    Kevin, I still think so because Cherokee County is going to vote for the (R). This doesn’t mean the best candidate. A two-party system would be a good thing in Cherokee, because it might make the Republicans act like damn Republicans. Good luck to you.

  39. Kevin Bailey Says:

    I hope some Republicans still like me since my goal was to give the county a two party system and atleast I have kept my conserative head.

  40. caroline Says:

    This is what conservatives do:

    the Senate is preparing to bust fiscal year (FY) 2007 discretionary spending caps by at least $32 billion to:

    1. Reimburse the Pentagon for the $9 billion raided from its budget earlier this year and given to domestic programs, as well as fund additional defense and border security programs ($26.8 billion in total);

    2. Fund another massive farm subsidy bailout despite high subsidy levels and a booming farm economy ($4.2 billion); and

    3. Reimburse NASA for funds that lawmakers had diverted into parochial pork projects ($1.0 billion).

    And in addition, lawmakers have promised $2 billion to $3 billion more for the labor, health, and education programs.

    So, I doubt you are a conservative. What do you think?

  41. John Konop Says:


    caroline is tough !! Better have your facts together or she will smoke you !!

  42. Kevin Bailey Says:

    From what you typed that’s a negative on being a conservative. I wish so many politicians did not screw with the system and say one thing to get elected and act the other. One could say the same for me but I may be the first person to run who has not accepted money from a group to beholden myself to. My list of donations for this upcoming report should take two seconds to file. John yes she is tough and she would keep a politician honest or if not then I would say accountable for the actions to which they take. I do know one thing when I lobbied for the chrons bill and it was passed and then chopped in half the next week, that is when I learned no person has control on what gets done.

  43. caroline Says:

    Here’s the deal: political definitions are constantly evolving. The only thing that really makes someone a “conservative” is calling themselves one. As far as I know, everyone of these politicians is calling themselves “conservative” so “conservative” is now defined by the actions of a “conservative” president and “conservative” house and senate.

    I would call myself a moderate or a common sense democrat or somesuch not a conservative. The word “conservative” has been corrupted by the current gang.

    Hey, just my two cents and that’s probably about all that advice is worth! LOL!

  44. Kevin Bailey Says:

    I have been calling myself a southern Democrat but the sad thing i really hate the label thing. I would just like to think I have some common sense and willing to do the right thing based on what needs to be done. Like you said the word conservative has lost its meaning, I just want to what do what is fair and bring a two party system to the county and end the absolute power trip which has cost the county over the past couple of years. John did the right thing he stepped up and did the challenge and unlike some who were critical of John I admire the man it took courage to step up and defend something he believed in and looks like he is still fighting the good fight. To launch verbal attacks on ones character shows lack of some and like John I will keep my head up wave at people, shake hands, not kiss babies but hug grandmas. So John for whats it is worth I will pick up your fight for immigration reform, Caroline to bring fiscal spending under control and to others who have kids hopefully a better future.

  45. Bill Says:

    Bart, if you will let people post freely — as we get to do here — I promise to be a regular on your website. I can’t wait!

    Unfortunately, you will rely on bannings and deletions of posts in order to make your website friendly toward the CCGOP thugs.

  46. Bill Says:

    John, good to meet you today. Thank you for your good wishes. But things don’t look good on this end.

    Anyhow, I will be supporting you as best I can in two years.

  47. John Konop Says:


    I am sure you will do great in your new business !!!!

  48. Bill Says:

    John, thank you — but I won’t be doing well in this new business, I don’t think.

    But I hopefully will in another. Just not sure what business!

    Anyhow, it was nice to meet you for the third time. I believe that one of these days — sooner than later — you will be representing the people of Georgia (and all of your supporters across the United States, including those in the great state of Tennessee) in the Congress. I will be supporting you as best I can.

  49. John Konop Says:


    Call me anytime , and I wish you and your wife the best.

  50. Amused Says:

    Please know there is a big group of us, sitting back and laughing. Mostly at the expense of the now (in)famous Ben Elliott. Can’t wait till it hits the fan. I think it is safe to assume he will not be able to run for any office or ever work in Georgia again.
    You could just say someone employed a government agency with an acronym of 3 letters mentioned it. Looking forward to him and his CROOKED employees GOING DOWN!
    Also, I didn’t know his MOM owned the restaurants in Towne Lake. Wonder why that is?

Today's Deep Thought

Whenever you read a good book, it's like the author is right there, in the room talking to you, which is why I don't read good books.


January 2025