Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

The Politics of Meaning – Part 1008

by Bill Simon

In the 1990s, the political buzzword the GOP used to label wasteful spending on projects was termed to be “pork.”

During this decade (and, since the GOP has run Congress for most of it) the GOP has developed a new term for pork: earmarks.

Pork by any other name is still just as full of arterial-cramming lard as it once was, regardless of the terminology. The spending still results in a redistribution of wealth of federal tax dollars taken from one section of the country and given to people in another section of the country.

AND, the Fair Tax people want to have their new system of taxation implemented because MORE tax money will be generated more easily, by taxing consumption. And, everybody consumes something, sometime, right?

I like our tax system just fine the way it is…the less money that is generated means the less money spent on earmarks or pork or whatever the new term will be to make our Robin-Hooded Congress appear to be doing “the right thing” with our tax dollars.

One Response to “The Politics of Meaning – Part 1008”

  1. Charley Levinson Says:

    There is nothing conclusive to suggest that the egregiously misnamed “FairTax” would collect more revenue, particularly at a 23% rate. Some studies put the revenue neutrality point at a 44% national sales tax rate. My problem with it is that it shifts even more of the tax burden onto the working class, “rebates” notwithstanding.

Today's Deep Thought

When Rick told me he was having trouble with his wife, I had to laugh. Not because of what he said, but because of a joke I thought of. I told him the joke, but he didn't laugh very much. Some friend he is.


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