Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

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The Saga of A Congressman’s Lie – Prequel

by Bill Simon

I realize there may be a missing element in my coverage of Tom Price that demands an explanation as to WHY am I so ticked-off at Congressman Tom Price???

The day upon which I decided Tom Price had no character worth anything to me was the day I read this article in the AJC.

The article describes how Price was one of ONLY 20 Members who voted against returning the ethics rules to the condition they were before Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (and his fellow neo-Socialists*) changed the rules a few months prior to save the corrupt individual formerly known as Majority Leader Tom DeLay from having to resign in the face of an indictment from a Texas grand jury.

To change the Rules was wrong to start with, especially since these “Rules” were, I believe, the Rules that existed from the point when the Republican Revolution took over in January 1995. This was the initiation of the Rules that required leaders in the House to RESIGN when they were indicted. I don’t believe that existed before, and, that rule was part of a lot of things promised in the Contract With America (unless Newt Gingrich would like to offer his opinion to refute my claim on when it was these Rules were put in place).

SO, when neo-Socialist SOH Hastert decided back in April 2005 that “Gosh…gee…maybe we’d better return these Rules back to where they were because it was a bad idea to change them…”, Tom Price was one of only 20 Members to vote against returning back to the Rules that had been in place for at LEAST a decade.

Price’s response to the AJC’s reporter who asked for a comment was: “We have a flawed process and it remains a flawed process.”

Yes, Tom, it’s always “flawed” when it concerns someone you love, eh? Tom DeLay contributed $10,000 to your campaign coffers, and he had your loyalty bought FOREVER, didn’t he?

Well, folks, to be quite honest, a freakin’ trained monkey could do the job that Price has done over the past year-and-a-half. A monkey can be trained to vote exactly the way someone tells him/her to vote.

And, I think the cost of the upkeep of a monkey might be about even to Tom Price’s upkeep cost. Sure, more money would have to be spent on bananas and cleaning-up the excrement in the halls of Congress…oh, wait…there’s already a lot of excrement in the halls of Congress, isn’t there? So, one monkey isn’t going to add any more to the mess, is it?

Besides, I’d like to see a monkey being interviewed by Tim Russert on Meet The Depressed…at least I know the monkey won’t be lying when it moves its lips…


*neo-Socialist: I am using the term, not because of any relation to Nazi Germany, but more to the point to explain the actions of elected Republican legislators who think they can stand and pontificate on “principles” all day long, while, in reality, they think that not only can they get away with violations of these principles, but that they have a God-given right to do so…without any recrimination or admonishment from anyone.

The term “neo-Conservative” doesn’t apply. Socialists in the former USSR changed rules at will to benefit whoever they wanted without any thought to the Rule of Law. Well, actually, the USSR DIDN’T have any Rule of Law, did they?

But we are supposed to in this country. And yet, we have a Speaker of The House who thinks he and his fellow Members should have internal “diplomatic immunity” from legitimate search warrants from the FBI. AND, by virtue of his dead silence on this, I can only presume Tom Price thinks that he should as well. Because, Hastert-Forbid, Price just cannot…is not allowed to think on his own OR act on his own.

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Today's Deep Thought

When Rick told me he was having trouble with his wife, I had to laugh. Not because of what he said, but because of a joke I thought of. I told him the joke, but he didn't laugh very much. Some friend he is.


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