Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

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The Sites I Run Into On The Web…

by politicalvine

Gosh, I wonder if these folks have any property in North Dakota to build an all-white “compound” for themselves?

No Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, or any other non-Arryians Allowed

95 Responses to “The Sites I Run Into On The Web…”

  1. John Konop Says:


    We are talking two different issues. Based on income schools in America have had problems. But no study shows that black kids and white kids going to schools together has hurt test scores. In fact schools like Harvard, Yale,MIT… all have black kids going to school with white kids.

  2. anonymous Says:

    And all of these schools have lowered their admission standards to accomplish those goals. There is even a bigger curve on the bar in liberal states is there not. Prove me wrong if I am wrong. For instance look at the attorneys that passed the bar that came out of Howard University. You live in a pretend world that I am not part of John.


  3. caroline Says:

    Marxist brainwashing? Huh, the orginal totalitarian? Sounds more like someone you would admire for keeping a “pure white” strategy. And if talking about racism is pc to you then you are too far gone to debate.

  4. anonymous Says:

    And John, you will not find studies for yourself, you have to dig into the numbers yourself and look at census reports that list demographics and draw your own conclusions because it is not pc for the marxists to disclose the truth. The truth stays hidden from the masses, and I see that it has worked quite well on your mindset to see things through the eyes of the marxists!


  5. anonymous Says:

    Yes, Caroline, the Marxist laid out a plan to brainwash the minds of children in public schools and they have done a superb job on you. You fit the bill perfectly, my dear. You can’t see it because you are not free from the clutter entrapped in your mind that has been programmed year after year to not think as a free individual. You do not know what freedom is, you do not have even the foggiest idea of that which is to live your life as you would like to live it without the fear of being called a bigot or not pc. God forbid if you should think that you as an individual could at all be different from someone of a different culture. You believe that there is a rainbow of everything is beautiful…la la la la and skip through life thinking that big brother really gives a damn about you! Open your eyes, lady!


  6. anonymous Says:

    It is not racist to desire to mate with your own race. Now if you are a white woman married to a Mexican or an African American, then you take offense to that. But do not push your life style on me because I do not buy into it. Now again, that is not racist but in your mind set you define being with your own race as racist, unless of course it is never discussed. Why you would never go up to a group of people celebrating a family reunion on a cruise ship or somewhere else that all happen to be black and say hey what is the deal why have you guys not intermarried? You all are a bunch of racists for keeping six generations of your family black, how dare you in this day and time. Why we are the rainbow in this country, where are your half white children in this group. Now do you get it Caroline?????

  7. John Konop Says:


    You say “it is not racist to desire to mate with your own race” You are right, but it is racist not to welcome them in your family via a relative. And it is racist not to accept your brother,sister….. relationship because you do not like it. And this is one of the problems in the Middle East that has lead to all the wars.

  8. John Konop Says:


    Nothing you stated has anything to do with your comment that mixing races in School lowers test scores. The issue about test scores has to do with economics not race. Poor whites and poor blacks do about the same on test scores.

    The family enviorment is the biggest factor in test scores.Also we need to have vocational kids split up from college bound kids and you would see test scores go up. Not a racist solution that you back.

  9. caroline Says:

    Apparently anon you are the one that has been brainwashed by neo-nazi propaganda. I’m for choice in who you marry, you are not. I think that people should decide who they marry not their family members. You would fight right in with the Muslim fundamentalists. You seem to have the same thought process. Isn’t vanguard something that was set up by the national alliance, a know neo-nazi organization?

    Totalitarianism is part of the nazi agenda.

    People like you base everything on skin color because it gives you “self esteem.” It means that you are “somebody” just because you have white skin not because of anything you may or may not have done. You don’t want your children to marry outside your race because it would damage your self esteem and you could no longer deem yourself “special.” You would be shunned by your fellow neo-nazi cultists. I guess that would be too horrible to think about huh?

    I’ve known people like you. You know what? A few of them married out of their race because they wanted to spite parents like you. People like you can’t survive in today’s society so you withdraw and surround yourself with like thinking individuals who justify your warped opinions.

    Don’t try to soft sell neo-nazism. It won’t work with me. Of course, you believe only you have the truth. That’s the nature of a cult.

    Go back to Idaho and your compound in a cave. Just don’t drag any imaginary “jewish” people out of their truck and try to harm them.

  10. anonymous Says:

    Yeah, well ask the family of the beautiful Jewish, Nichole Simpson, what they think about the mixed marriage with O.J. Simpson? What you think about that Caroline, Ms. know it all about life?


  11. anonymous Says:

    And if a person that wants to marry within their own race is a neo-nazi, what is a person that tells those people that they are wrong called? I have the answer for you Caroline, you are a bigoted authoritarian type of person that believes that if the government espouses a belief system for you then you are the one that is right and everyone else is wrong. By the way authoritarian is the same as totalitarian. You want to push your view of things on me, and I am not trying to push anything on you. I am merely telling you this is that which I believe and that which National Vanguard believes. National Vanguard does not exist at the will of the ADL or anyone else, and that is what bothers the ADL and other organizations that paint horrid pictures of white people that identify with their own race. It scares the hell out of a minortiy to see that the majority is coming together to save this damn hell hole called the United States. So you fill your head with visions of sugar candy and plum pudding and leave the NV the hell alone. Bill opened the door with slander against the NV, and I was there to fight for them. Now, I am going to write to the editors of the website at NV and to see if they think I did them justice!

  12. Bill Simon Says:


    AND, you’re saying WHITE husbands of WHITE wives don’t ever beat, maim, or kill their wives or ex-wives?

    Tell me, what would be the white husband’s reasons for killing his white wife? Oh no, wait, let me guess…’cause he saw a a blond white girl at the mall kissing a black man and THAT set him off into a raging murderous spree?

    “Case closed, White Husband! You’re forgiven because you have a reasonable excuse in Our White Utopia…”

  13. Possum Says:

    Man, I’m tired of all this white obessession and racism and bigotry.

    Why doesn’t anybody ever worry about GIANTS? Hmmm?

    Check this out!


  14. anonymous Says:

    No beating wives and killing wives is wrong period! You are wrong again about me, Bill!


  15. caroline Says:

    You’re crazy. You didn’t read my post. People should be free to marry whomever they want. If you want to marry a white person fine, if a white person chooses to marry a black person, fine. It’s none of my damn business who somebody marries. You think that freedom to marry is the same as totalitarianism? Hey, I’ve got a bridge in AZ for you.

    Nicole Simpson? What about Lacy Peterson? Her husband was white so I guess that was okay? Maybe not, she was pregnant with a white child. Ted Bundy? Well, he killed white women so I guess he’s a bad guy in your book. Green River Killer, well, I’m sure you’ll be giving him an award any day because he killed hispanics and blacks. Gotta keep that gene pool going now don’t we? The Green River Killer helped you in that regard because minority women were killed and they wouldn’t be able to reproduce and have more minority children right?

    You’re beyond disgusting.

  16. anonymous Says:

    Why don’t you look up all of the black on white crime. BTW, I’ll give you a hint it is seven times that of white on black crime. And the blacks make up only 13% of the population. Now, you are the crazy one Caroline because you do not know shit from shino about what you spout off because like I said you are brain-washed beyond belief.

  17. anonymous Says:

    And fyi, Ms. Caroline, Ted Bundy was a Jew.


    while you are identifying people be sure to get all of the nitty gritty details correct

  18. anonymous Says:

    And Caroline, you were telling me that I am wrong to teach my children to marry within their own race. I did not say that I give a crap who you choose to marry, but if white people become more educated of the disaster that marrying outside their race will bring then they will be more apt to wake up. It takes people staying together in traditional families and getting back to the family raising their own children and not allowing society to brainwash them.

    What do you think about Oprah making a comment on her XM Satellite radio show yesterday, that she has nearly all white people working for her and does not have to work for white people like her mom told her she would? What would the outrage be if Laura Ingram got on her radio program and said boy I am proud to have all of these black people working for me? Hell she would be off the radio today! Do you see the double standard, and you sit around with your head in the sand and spit on anyone that has a different view of the world. Wake up lady!


  19. anonymous Says:

    [This comment has been removed due to the content link bordering on pornography for racists and neo-nazis]

  20. caroline Says:

    Ted Bundy was raised methodist. He played a jewish lawyer in some underground movie called Zombie Lawyer or some such. Apparently, you can’t separate fact from fantasy. Have a nice life in your neo-nazi compound.

    Bill Simon,
    How do you attract these wierdos?

  21. anonymous Says:

    Ted Bundy did marry a Methodist wife, but little is known about his prior life because he had no father that writers know of. The site that listed him as a Jew is more than likely a conspiracy hate site. But the main issue is that he was not practicing any religion be it Judaism or Christianity or any other religion. Bundy was of Satan, and that is as good a description that I have of him. He was evil inside and out. I do not condone killing or treating anyone with disrespect.


  22. Bill Simon Says:


    I don’t know. I had hoped to ONLY attract weird chicks when I started this. 🙂

    NOTE: Linda-Bible-in-her-mouth is not a “chick” I envisioned attracting. 🙁

  23. caroline Says:

    Bill Simon,
    Lamar is using your website to promote a book by Edgar J. Steele, a notorious anti-semite. The link above clicks onto a site where you buy that book. It’s an updated Turner Diaries. Just thought you would like to know.

  24. Bill Simon Says:

    Thank you, Caroline. I’ve edited-out his whole post.

  25. anonymous Says:

    Well, I believe that you are incorrect about Edgar J. Steele. He was in the Navy, and he is an attorney on the west coast that has argued even before the Supreme Court. I think you have him confused with someone else, Caroline. But if Bill wants to deleted an entry it his website.


  26. Chris Says:

    Thanks Anon!

    My wife is Jewish and I had no idea she wasn’t white like myself. Since Christianity derived from the middle east as well, I guess all Christians are also non-white? You are a FUCKING IDIOT.

    To compare an segregationist website to an interfaith/inclusive website is INSANE. Ever heard of the Old Testament? Jews and Christians have a lot more in common than an uneducated, ignorant DUMBASS like yourself probably realizes.

    GO TO HELL (Of course, your exclusive, all-Christian hell.)

  27. John Konop Says:


    We do have Jews that are black. Could he have a black Jewish wife? All us Jews look a like if you have bad eyes !!

  28. Possum Says:

    The late Sammy Davis Jr. was black, Jewish, had a white wife and one eye, and belonged to the Rat Pack!

  29. John Konop Says:


    Could that be his wife ?

  30. Possum Says:

    Sammy Davis Jr.’s white wife was the Swedish actress May Britt —
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/May_Britt — They were married from 1960 to 1968. In 1960, their marriage caused quite a controversy.

  31. John Konop Says:


    I saw nothing in the link about this guy !!! You could of broke a big story in the PV !!!!!!

  32. caroline Says:

    Well, according to our buddy Lamar, your views are the product of marxist brainwashing! LOL!

  33. John Konop Says:


    Lamar saw this movie to many times.


    He could be having bad dreams !

  34. Chris Says:

    As someone who regularly attends TKE in Marietta, I can vouch that Jews come in all colors, including white and black. Anon/Lamar, you should stop by sometime. I think you might benefit from it. Contrary to your belief, you would be welcomed. In fact, more welcomed than Jews are in local churches (from what we’ve experienced).

    However, I still think you’re an ass, but I’m actually a Christian. Go figure!

  35. anonymous Says:


  36. Chris Says:

    OK, very good. So now, from what people did Christians come from?

    Since you come across as dumb, I’ll answer for you: Jews (Again, read your Old Testament.)

    So, both Judaism AND Christianity are rooted in the middle east. As much as you’d like to say Jews and Christians come from different stock, it’s not true. Bummer for racists like you.

  37. John Konop Says:


    I have a warning if you put cream cheese and lox on your bagel, your a Jew.If you order cornbeef over ham more than two times, your a Jew. If you drink MD 20 20 on holidays your a Jew.

    I hope you take this advise and make sure you do not let us get you. We are all very fast, minds not feet.

  38. Chris Says:



  39. anonymous Says:

    Ok, well then Mr. smart Chris, just who were the Gentiles? You seem to have forgot that itty bitty part of the Old Testament. Gee, maybe I will help you, as they were from a different brach of the twelve tribes of Israel. Why would there be controvery over Jesus, who was a Jew, walking through the land of the Gentiles because he was a wanted man in Jewish land? What exactly made the Genitle different from the Jews if they were all the same? Why does the Talimud discuss the “goyim” which are the Gentiles? You know that pesky little thing in Jewry that says that the goyim are to serve the Jews. Surely you must have read the Talimud.

    Lamara Poliski

  40. John Konop Says:


    Just kidding !

  41. John Konop Says:


    Dude,chill out , hug your wife, and be nice to your kids and it will all work out between the whites and blacks that hang out together. I will call all the Jewish people and tell them you do want them over for the holidays. is that a deal ?

  42. Chris Says:


    The issue at hand Christianity’s connection to Judaism. You are correct, Jesus was a Jew. End of discussion.

    By the way, it’s called Talmud (not Talimud), and no I haven’t read it because Jews of the past few thousand years have been following the Torah. But the fact that you brought it up shows that your arguments are indeed based in hate.


    You seem like a nice guy, but don’t be an apologist on this. This guy is obviously an asshole.

  43. John Konop Says:


    I am not an apologist for this guy. As A Jewish I find much of what he says is vial. Yet, I do think a little humor could help.

  44. Chris Says:


    I guess you’re right. I shouldn’t let bozos like this get under my skin.


    I’ll let you get back to tending to your compound. Sorry for that chip on your shoulder.

  45. John Konop Says:


    This is the big news !!!!

    Gibson Converts to Judaism
    Changes Name to Mel Gibstein

    In his boldest bid yet to apologize to the Jewish community, actor Mel Gibson today announced that he had converted to Judaism.

    The news took many Jews aback, since conversion to Judaism is a demanding process that can take months or even years of study, and Mr. Gibson accomplished the feat in a record time of forty-five minutes.

    But a spokesman for the “Lethal Weapon” star explained how Mr. Gibson pulled off his lightning-fast conversion: “This is Hollywood — a lot of things can be done by special effects.”

    Moments after his conversion to Judaism, Mr. Gibson paid a visit to the registrar’s office in Los Angeles County and had his name legally changed to “Mel Gibstein” in a show of commitment to his new chosen faith.

    Then it was off to Malibu, where the 50-year old actor was bar mitzvahed on the beach in a small, private ceremony.

    “Today, I am a man,” Mr. Gibstein said before a gathering of friends and well-wishers from the local watering hole Moonshadows. “A Jew man!”

    Mr. Gibstein, whose Lexus LS sedan now sports a license plate reading “LCHAIM,” said that he was “thoroughly enjoying being a Jew” and vowed to only shop wholesale from now on.

    The actor added he would begin production of a new film, “Mad Matzoh Beyond Thundershalom,” as soon as he kicks his drinking problem

Today's Deep Thought

When Rick told me he was having trouble with his wife, I had to laugh. Not because of what he said, but because of a joke I thought of. I told him the joke, but he didn't laugh very much. Some friend he is.


December 2024