Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

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Will Tom Price Run Straight Into The Hatch Act?

by politicalvine

Rumors have it that Congressman Tom Price (R-GA) has his reelection campaign humming right along…straight out of his Cobb County (federal) district office.

Rumors abound about how his district personnel, upon waking-up to a challenge-candidate out of Cherokee County, have spent the last several months shaking-down businesses, associations, and politicos by threatening that if they don’t block John Konop from making any headway, they will be “cut-off” from any help from (and, we quote) “The Congressman.”

PV’s Analysis: The good thing about this type of illicit activity is that we do not have to rely on Denny and The Jets (i.e., Speaker Hastert and Bribery Central in the House of Representatives) to investigate these types of influence-peddling activities.

No, this type of stuff is handled directly out of the Office of Investigative Counsel, a completely separate law enforcement arm of Congress. And, violation of the Hatch Act isn’t going to entail a slap on the wrist, monetary fine as punishment if one is found in violation of it. Try jail time. Federal jail time.

We hope Tommy Boy and his merry band of shakedown artists in Cobb and Cherokee counties continues their romp through the district…the more activities they get caught at, the bigger the complaint sent to OIC will get.

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108 Responses to “Will Tom Price Run Straight Into The Hatch Act?”

  1. John Konop Says:


    Is this what the strategy as Chairman of the Republican party and Tom Price came up with , lies about my career. I guess you and Tom Price would rather attack my family and I than debate the issues.

    The Truth Will Set You Free

  2. bb Says:

    I accepted your debate offer long ago…still waiting for the date, place and time. I can knock out your positions in person even better than on the www.

  3. John Konop Says:


    If you want to speak for Tom Price, as Vice Chairman of the Republican party, you can call me and book the date. You can use the Monday night or Saturday Forum times that you control for the Party. I do think you should check with Tom Price first. Thanks jk

  4. bb Says:

    I speak for myself, no need to call Congressman Price. You’re the one that wanted the debate, you set it up. I’ll play the part of everyday Joe sixpack, you pretend to be a viable candidate…ought to be a hoot!


  5. John Konop Says:


    Tom Price has used people like you to attack my family and myself. No more dirty stuff ,it is time For the Price camp to stop avioding the issues. No more dodge ball.

  6. bb Says:


    No dodge ball…let’s get r done.

    BTW, your family has not been “attacked”. Playing the victim by misquoting Betty Price is a pitiful sign of severe desperation.


  7. Charley Levinson Says:

    Bart, I said ‘equitable’, not ‘equal’. There’s a difference. Try a remedial reading course. It might help.

  8. bb Says:


    No there is not…check any thesaurus and you will find there is no difference. Considering the rest of your class warfare based post, it is easy to determine that you seek equal, equitable, fair, (choose your word) distribution vs. letting market forces drive the outcome. I stand by my previous response.


Today's Deep Thought

When I found the skull in the woods, the first thing I did was call the police. But then I got curious about it. I picked it up and started wondering who this person was, and why he had deer horns.


February 2025