Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

Trump 2016 Strikes Emory University…Again!

by PV

Rumors have it that the precious little snowflakes who inhabit the campus of Emory University are no longer feeling the idyllic beatitude they signed-up to experience…nay, apparently, a cloud of pallor has wafted over the campus and invaded their safe spaces.

Here, forthwith, is a copy of the emailed letter sent out on November 21 from the desk of Claire E. Sterk, Emory University President:

“November 21, 2016
Dear Emory Students, Staff and Faculty,

“Following my letter of November 9, many of you did reach out to each other, including me. There is an overwhelming call to comfort each other, to ensure that we are a safe community, and to express hope for the future. In addition, a letter requesting the need for a sanctuary campus and ways to protect all members of the Emory community is being reviewed by the university leadership.

“We do not know what the future holds for our nation or for the world. But we do know that Emory’s future is determined by our shared values, our respect for each other, and our open and courteous engagement. Together, we will face the challenges of our time. We have to listen to each other. We must look each other in the eye and be honest and respectful. We need to value each other. Emory always has been and will continue to be committed to the principles of academic freedom in a community that affirms everyone’s rights to speak, learn, and grow. While doing so, we will not tolerate bullying, intimidation, or discrimination on any level. Instead, we expect empathy, mutual respect, and courteousness.

“As one of the top research and teaching universities, Emory has the people, knowledge, and talent to equip itself to create a better world for all. Let’s respond to the challenges posed, apply all that we have to offer in the service of humanity, and remain steadfast in our commitment to the values, vision, and mission that unite us. Much work already is underway, whether through formal and informal conversations, structured programs, intentional training to address unconscious bias, a curriculum that defines challenges in the nature of evidence, and more—including our external engagement and our willingness to be bold.

“As Thanksgiving is upon us, let’s honor each other, be thankful for the communities to which we belong and the opportunities before us, and help each other exceed our expectations of what we can accomplish together.


Claire E. Sterk

PV Sez: Upon reading this sentence from the first paragraph “In addition, a letter requesting the need for a sanctuary campus and ways to protect all members of the Emory community is being reviewed by the university leadership.” the PV’s keyboard got soaked with hot coffee being spewed out in a violent convulsion of laughter and merriment.

What-Da-Fuq is a “sanctuary campus?” PV’s mind reels with the instantaneous thoughts of wondering what thoughts and worries are racing through the mind of President Sterk to inspire her to be writing this letter?

And, PV’s trying to imagine what kind of new campus rules and polices this bunch of whiny-baby “administrators” will be dreaming-up to protect the snowflakes from any potential speech intimidation, and thereby likely squash free speech and free exchange of ideas if they are the ones they disagree with? (E. G., President Trump and anything remotely conservative).

Maybe Sterk & Co. will seek a bill from the Georgia Legislature that allows them to secede from Georgia, but still keep getting funding help by the Georgia Board of Regents?

We will stay tuned…with our street chalk in hand…

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Today's Deep Thought

As we were driving, we saw a sign that said 'Watch For Rocks.' Marta said it should read 'Watch For PRETTY Rocks.' I told her she should write in her suggestion to the highway department, but she started saying it was a joke---just to get out of writing a simple letter! And I thought I was lazy!


March 2025