Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

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A Message From “The Brothers & Sistas Grimm” (a Factual Tale)

by Bill Simon

I was a happy camper this morning. I just got 2 orders from a great new client and was whistling my lunch away (when I seal business, I get excited and my hunger goes away…if that would happen a lot more often, I’d lose 40 pounds in no time…but, I digress).

THEN, I checked my PV e-mail and received an e-mail message regarding THIS radio commercial being played on radio stations in Atlanta.

The commercial has the voices of Congressman John Lewis, Mayor Shirley Franklin, and Former Ambassador/Mayor Andy Young. I dub them the “Brothers & Sistas Grimm” for their outrageous claims in this commercial.

The commercial is being run in support of their candidate for Fulton County Commission, John Eaves.

This tops ANY race card commercial EVER being played ANYWHERE in America!!!!

Now I’m pissed-off and wished I lived in Fulton County for the sheer pleasure of voting for Lee Morris and Bill Loughrey and against these three numbskulls!

24 Responses to “A Message From “The Brothers & Sistas Grimm” (a Factual Tale)”

  1. Josh Says:

    Is truly amazing ad. I hope in comes back to haunt Shirley in the future.

  2. Debbie Says:

    This goes beyond stunning to evil. That last line – “Your very life may depend on it.” How in the world can they accuse Republicans of murdering people? How can that kind of slanderous evil go unchecked and unaccounted for?

    We already know to expect malevolence from Democrats – it’s who they are. But even this kind of wickedness surprised me. And I didn’t think any kind of Democratic immorality could surprise me anymore.

  3. Lisa Says:

    Awsome ad! I sure hope it works. I live in Fulton County and voted for Eaves this morning. Hoping the Republinazis get trounced today!

  4. JPA Says:

    Now that is the most racist thing I have ever heard. I sure hope it bites them down the road.

  5. Michael Cross Says:

    Absolutely amazing and despicable. I know Lee Morris personally. I know Bill Loughery personally. These are decent, honorable, well-qualified people. Lee Morris served on the Atlanta City Council and was universally respected. Bill Loughery has devoted extraordinary time working with Grady Hospital to make sure medical care is availble to Atlanta’s children.

    This type of discourse has no place in a county commission race.

  6. Michele Says:

    That is why it is impossible to live here in peace. That is why the state has turned Republican. You would think the blacks would decide at some point it would be better for all of us including them, to stop race baiting, but don’t when that will happen. I was listening to the black Atlanta talk show (WAOK?)yesterday, and was truly amazed at the amount of hatred for whites. If we talked like that on our talk shows, we would definitely be called the klan, but it is OK for them. Part of the reason is the AJC race baits night and day and eggs them on. They can’t let an incident that happened 100 years ago go to history. I thought forgiveness was supposed to be part of their religious beliefs. They all claim to be ministers.

  7. joan ransom Says:

    I am an american that happens to be black. I am ashammed and appalled. John, Shirley, and Andy should be ashamed of themselves. It sounds like the Black Klan. Why do they continue to think that Black people are stupid. I am sick and tired of the pandering and the lies. I live in Sandy Springs. Lee and Bill got my vote. I am a Republican and proud of it.

  8. Brad Says:

    This is racism at its worst. This pretty much proves that even those who don’t ACT like Cynthia McKinney sure do think like her. They are actually saying that to vote Republican will result in the deaths of black people (“your very life may depend upon it”). I suppose intolerance of racism isn’t an absolute any more.

  9. don speaks Says:

    as an african american who believes in the best that our country has to offer and stands for, i am really saddened that we cannot get beyond the 60’s/70’s, in terms of how we must be prepared to participate in the 21st century. as we move into the new worlds’ unchartered waters, i am convinced that americas’ future lies in the ability of all americans to find common ground based up on mutual needs, mutual respect and a willingness to be equitable and fair. this kind of polarizing rhetoric just continues to keep wedges between us. LEADERSHIP—WHERE IS IT?WHERE ARE THE LEADERS?

  10. Suzi Says:

    All’s fair in Love and War…but this is going way beyond the boundaries of decency. But not surprised.

  11. TailOverTeaKettle.com » Your very life depends on it… Says:

    […] Listen (if you dare) to this ad, as captured by Political Vine. […]

  12. David Says:

    I wanted to move to DeKalb to vote against Cynthia, and now I want to move to Fulton!!

    So now all Republicans are supposed to secretly Klansmen or something? Now I know why my parents moved out of Atlanta and to the ‘burbs when I was young!! And most of my family ARE DEMOCRATS, even though I’m not. This commercial should tick you off no matter which party you side with.

  13. Maurice Says:

    Andrew Young, John Lewis and Shirley Franklin have just proven themselves to be racist political pimps. Their rhetoric is repulsive!!

  14. Jackie Says:

    Hey, Joan Ransom,
    Me, too. I am black, Republican and proud of it. The Democrats do not represent me, they have never represented me and they are never going to change – black Democrats are even worse. If they don’t like us, Delta is waiting.

  15. Judy Says:

    It’s amazing how the media isn’t all over this. If this had been some sort of Republican attack ad, it would have been plastered all over CNN News and Fox News. I am SO SICK of the behavior of politicians – on both sides of the aisle. Decency is gone. I am not going to apologize for being white – God created me that way. I wasn’t even alive during the 60’s yet somehow I am still supposed to be blamed for them? Lewis and Young have always been racists, but I am severely disappointed in Franklin. But are they going to apologize – no. They really don’t care – they are probably sitting back and laughing at the “controversy” they have caused.

  16. Patti Says:

    Well, I’m horrified, embarassed, and outraged. For Fulton County and the City of Atlanta to be in the grips of this type of racist crap makes my stomach churn. They do their “people” a grave disservice! My blood pressure just went up 20 points!

  17. Josh Says:

    Guess they had the last laugh….

  18. Jim Dean Says:

    Wow, ‘Your life may depend on it?’ That is one of the most over the top race baiting things I have heard said in the political arena. These folks should look at the national crimes statistics on black on white crime to get a dose of reality.

    Ninety percent is black on white. And when you figure in the respective population percentages the ‘rate’of crime comes out like 100 to 1 black attacks on a white person. Black on white rape is like 35 to 1.

    These are published figures folks, and they are never mentioned in the press. This kind of crime is accepted as part of our multi cultural society. The victims are written off as a cost of doing business, similar to the immigration debacle.

    I am offering a diversity seminar to these ad participants on the racial crime wave in the country to see is they would like to address it. We will see ‘who’s life depends on it’.

    Jim Dean…Heritage TV

  19. D Says:

    I’m glad someone, took this commercial, ripped it, and hopefully will send it around the world for everyone to hear. I live in Fulton County, City of Atlanta. I got home Monday evening pressed play on my answering machine and there was the same message without the music. I must say that it PISSED ME OFF for a couple of reasons. First, I’m educated and I will not allow anyone to persuade me to vote for candidate only because of their endorsement. Secondly, All three of the endorsers are saying some wild outlandish SHIT! To my knowledge there were never dogs and water hoses turned on people here in FULTON COUNTY. HOWEVER, this did happen in Birmingham, Alabama under the direction of Theophilus Eugene “Bull” Conner. I know this because my mother was blown down by the force of one of those hoses and my Aunt who passed this spring often displayed marks on her right arm where she was bitten by one of those dogs. It is unfortunate that the Public Safety Commissioner (interesting) would command such a vile act upon unarmed nonviolent young protesters. These images were televised across the nation and throughout the world and fortunatley, these images helped with the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by Congress, albeit relunctantly. So to Pearly Shirley, Andy Young and John Lewis the physical apartheid in the south is pretty much over. No polictical party, be it Dems, Reps, Ind or Green is going to do anything specifically for a particular race of people, with the exception of the rich. In a perfect world, where all are truly equal, political parties wouldn’t be needed. No matter which party is in office, the rich will get richer, the poor, poorer and the middle class will pay the taxes!

  20. Judy Says:

    D – some of the rich today were poor yesterday.

    I admire your post, but many rich people today worked HARD for it. They should not apologize for working hard.

    P-Diddy worked hard and so did Casey Cagle.

    You shouldn’t blame the rich anymore than you should blame any group of people. Blame the individual.

  21. D Says:

    Judy- I was actually speaking collectivly, not individually, in reference to the “rich getting richer and poor, poorer and the working and middle class paying the taxes”. I know for a fact that some of the rich have worked very hard. An example is A.G. Gaston of Birmingham, Alabama… In addition to Mr. Gaston, my maternal grandfather, born in Camp Hill, Alabama or there about, though not rich was a very astute businessman and rather well off. He had 15 children (large families were the norm back then), and they wanted for nothing. He owned a painting business and was a partner in a construction business. I was told by my aunts and uncle, though not by him, that he was taught by the man himself, Booker T. Washington. He did a tremdous amount of work for the city of Birmingham and also the Board of Education. His company actually painted Legion Field, the stadium where Alabama and Auburn use to play each year. The sad thing is that because of his skin color, his companies always had to contract or sub contract under larger white owned companies, yet his company performed all of the work. Up until my aunt passed, whenever we’d pass a Brasfield and Goree construction site, she’d tell of how they would take more than half of the money from him, not caring if he had even made payroll or not. Also told about how the governments’ army corp of engineers would show up at the house in the middle night and demand that he go with them at a moments notice, because he read blueprints very well and a dam in TN was being constructed, and his expertise, along with others whom I’m sure were probably white was needed. I’ve seen pictures of him in the dam during construction. I guess they compensated him well, he’d send pretty good money back home, I’m told. I also know he paid kick backs to officials because the police would come by the shop and demand payments. He was a God fearing man and a Deacon in the church, which he helped to construct. Yet, he never asked for an apology. This is not an attempt of a sad story, but it is a true occurence. Again I say collectively, No matter which party is in office, the rich will get richer, the poor, poorer and the working and middle class will pay the taxes!

  22. Jim Dean Says:

    “All three of the endorsers are saying some wild outlandish SHIT! To my knowledge there were never dogs and water hoses turned on people here in FULTON COUNTY. HOWEVER, this did happen in Birmingham, Alabama under the direction of Theophilus Eugene “Bull” Conner. I know this because my mother was blown down by the force of one of those hoses…”

    Folks, the worse part of this is the civil rights hustlers wanted this to happen. Their handlers, a certain group of people, helped them do psychological profiles on the sheriffs of major Southern cities to determine who was the best bet to incite to violence. Old Bull Conner came out on top so the hustlers sent these unprepared folks into the lions den.

    And it was a smart PR move. They knew what would happen and that it would be great footage for national TV, which is was. It worked like a charm. The dumb honkies did their thing and it got splashed all over the country.

    But those march people were used by the Civil Rights hustlers as pawns here, a game that still goes on today, unfortunately.

    Jim Dean
    Heritage TV

  23. D Says:

    Jim, Unfortunately, you’re right. I know the psychological profiles story also. Although, some didn’t think Conner would do this to children and teenagers, which were the bulk of the demostrators. Obviously, Conner felt those lives had no value and if some were lost, so be it….. My people have always been used as pawns from the moment we arrived on these shores until this present day. The “CRHs”, understood long ago that the pawn can be a very powerful piece when used collectivly, (hence the message from Shirley, John and Andrew) as a BLACK DEM voting block. We’d all (Black, White, Latino, Asian, etc.) better wake up and vote for whom ever best represents us rather than staying within party confines. Remember, Dems and Reps stood on the capital steps holding hands, shaking in thier shoes singing God Bless America on 09/11-12/2001. If and when they decide to hang the ousted President of Iraq, it’s going to happen again! If it were reverse and George Bush was found guilty and sentenced to hang, what do you think the American people would? There would no celebration that is for sure.

  24. TailOverTeaKettle.com » When Race Baiting is Accepted Says:

    […] He also publicized several commercials on his website (which have since been removed after the election), but luckily Political Vine captured the most offensive one. […]

Today's Deep Thought

I scrambled to the top of the precipice where Nick was waiting. 'That was fun,' I said. 'You bet it was,' said Nick. 'Let's climb higher.' 'No,' I said. 'I think we should be heading back now.' 'We have time,' Nick insisted. I said we didn't, and Nick said we did. We argued back and forth like that for about 20 minutes, and then finally decided to head back. I didn't say it was an interesting story.


July 2024