Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

Political Vine: The Insider's Source on Georgia Politics

The Political Vine is the home of political news, satire, rants, and rumors.

O’Reilly on March 8, 2006: “Reed wasn’t available to talk to us tonight”

by Bill Simon

Rumors have it that on the March 8, 2006 airing of The O’Reilly Factor, Ralph Reed ducked O’Reilly’s invitation to appear on the program to answer to the allegations that he was hired by Jack Abramoff because Abramoff knew exactly what kind of campaigns Ralph liked to run; that is, the kind that falsely stir-up the Christian faithful to become activists for causes that he can manipulate them into following.

Here’s the link to the O’Reilly Factor story.

How interesting that Mr. Ralph Reed, the man who always seeks the national spotlight and appearances on whatever news show he can get, panned the offer by Bill O’Reilly to come on his show and answer questions like Dr. James Dobson had the guts to do.

Obviously, Dobson had nothing to hide, so he went on the show. Obviously, since Ralphie DOES have something to hide, he cannot appear. And, on such a conservative show, he refuses to appear. Huh. Well, what about that? Guess it’s not the “MSM” that’s the problem for Ralph. It’s actually…Ralph himself.

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3 Responses to “O’Reilly on March 8, 2006: “Reed wasn’t available to talk to us tonight””

  1. Albert Says:

    That’s interesting. Ralphie has been going on Fox since they are the last media that has been somewhat sympathetic to him. I recall in late December they put Ralphie on and it basically was a political plug, nothing else.

    I’ve heard since, he was challenged by the Democrat for his work with Abramoff. Now that its getting to O’reilly….

    Until we as a Party can successfully clean up our own messes, we’re never going to regain the confidence the people had in our Party in ’94.

    We’ve got to get back to basic principles of integrity.

  2. Demonbeck Says:

    We Republicans have to decide where we are going in the future. Are we going to continue to allow the Christian Coalition and dirty politics lead us into the future or are we going to elect clean, conservative politicians like Casey Cagle?

  3. Nick C. Says:

    If you are a public figure and you do not need/want to get anybody’s vote. It probably is a good idea to put some distance between yourself and “The Dirty Double RR” aka Ralph Reed.

    If God is not smiling on the state of Georgia this year and the illiterate vote in droves. Then Ralphie may win the Rep. primary and the general election. This will spell the end for the short lived Rep. revolution in GA.

    Does anybody really believe that Rep. State Senators that Ralphie leapfrogged to become Lt. Gov. are going to work with him to pass anybody’s agenda? Hell no…

    The rank and file respect and want people to pay dues to climb political ladder. Hell, run for dog catcher first and then do a good job.

    Lord, there are soooo, many reasons to vote against this guy.

Today's Deep Thought

When Rick told me he was having trouble with his wife, I had to laugh. Not because of what he said, but because of a joke I thought of. I told him the joke, but he didn't laugh very much. Some friend he is.


December 2024