Re: License to Flag

Thursday, January 30, 2003

Dear PV,

I read your article on license plates and was surprised to see it was merely a cover-up to beat up on Southern heritage and the Confederate Flag. It is a typical article from liberals that follow Bill and Hillary;Ted Kennedy and Je$$ee Jack$on;and other 'dim'ocrat hopefuls.

The Confederate Flag was flown by a group of people that wanted to return to the Constitution of the United States, see taxes lowered, and honor a belief in God, and honor state's rights. The Confederate flag didn't fly over ships that brought slaves to America--The American flag did though for about 90 years. Slaves were brought to Northern ports because they were forbidden to bring slaves through Southern ports.The Confederate Constitution was practically a mirror image of the US Constitution except it sought to eventually free slaves. There were several generations of free slaves in the South and some of these owned slaves. When plantation owners including R. E. Lee left for battle they left all their possessions in the hands of people they loved and trusted--their slaves.

Have you seen the official flag of the KKK? (Hint): The flag that flies on top of every state capitol--The U. S. Flag!! Speaking of the U. S. Flag, it is flying in an illegal and dishonorable position on the current Georgia flag (see Federal Flag Code) which should not be a surprise to anyone since it was engineered by 'King Roy' and Je$$ee Jack$on apparently based on the U. N. flag, which by the way, ruled the U. S. Constitution is void and guns are not allowed in America.

The new flag is in great company since it represents the U. N. (slavery for all) and liberal America. The new flag should be on every roll of toilet paper sold in Georgia but first remove the flags from the yellow banner beneath the seal, these flags represent the America I know and believe in.

The Confederate Flag is currently being carried by H. K. Edgerton (former NAACP president in N. C.) from Asheville, North Carolina to Austin, Texas to celebrate and educate people on Southern Pride, a journey on foot of over 1300 miles. Far too many people that claim to resent the Confederate Flag do so for monetary and political gain. Look at the recent national poll on the Confederate Flag by World Net Daily--91.2% approve of the Confederate Flag!

Clinton Crawley

PV Responds: Well, Mr. Crawley, the article wasn't intended to be an "attack" on your heritage. But, it seems more and more that members of the Right are starting to act like members of the Left have for 20 years. That is, every question about something that is near and dear to them is interpreted as an attack on them personally, rather than an initiation of a subject that the questioner doesn't understand.

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