Re: What Do Non-Americans Hear?

Thursday, March 20, 2003

Dear PV,

I want to remind all of us who are sitting here behind our computer screens, as we run the country and the world in our own little minds, of how much the world is listening when we as Americans are speaking.

When we use our American right of freedom of speech, we are not just speaking to other Americans. Our voices reach far and wide, and our sentiments of anti-war, pro-peace are not received in that manner in most other countries. Our opinions are heard with the filters of communism, fascism, and other forms of government; each translating our opinions into rantings of anti-American sentiment.

Most of us do not realize the history of both the Middle East, and the history of the United States' involvement in the governments of the Middle East. As a student of political science, I am very aware of the governments that America has backed, and why we have removed some leaders, installing other leaders.

As many have said, Hindsight is 20/20, and we as Americans are ready to say 'I told you so'... yet most of us are not ready to back that 'I told you so' up with something as easy as a vote, or a speech or even something as life-changing as an enlistment.

So, until we all are either very well versed in US foreign policy, or are ready to back our mouths up with our as*es in uniform, I suggest we all watch a lot of FOX News, and pray for our troops.

Sarah Harper Scott
Augusta, Georgia

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