Jobs For Americans

Saturday, June 28, 2003

 - Michael Optiz

It is not just the economy, stupid. It is the loss of jobs. Tom Tancredo, Republican Representative from Colorado stated recently, "When my colleagues get a letter from a constituent who has been displaced by foreign workers, they should write back and say, 'It is the policy of this government to displace you, to move you into a lower economic income category, because we believe in cheap labor, and we believe the politics of open borders helps our party.'"

As a dedicated Republican, I do not wish to believe his statement. As a displaced high-tech professional, I must stop and give pause to his charge. During the high-tech boom of the 90's, we all knew that Democrats and Republicans opened the doors for thousands of foreign programmers and high-tech workers with work visas. Since there were more jobs than people to fill them, few complained that foreign workers actually lowered salaries. There was virtually no unemployment and the stock market was on a fast rocket trip.

For a lot of reasons, including terrorism, the bubble burst, and now there are hundred of thousands educated high-tech professionals without jobs.

A few weeks ago, I attended a Diversity Job Fair in Atlanta where there were several high-tech companies with a focus on recruiting minorities. I am not considered a minority, but I went and was welcomed. At one point there were two foreign programmers in line with me interviewing with an EDS recruiter. He reviewed each of their resumes and was very interested in their programming skills. He asked if they had their "Green Cards" and confirmed they were eligible to work in the United States. He took their resumes and indicated that he would get back with them very soon.

In the past year, I have seen other immigrants with Green Cards working in the high tech industry. One person was a Russian selling advanced software editing systems to TV broadcasting stations and major networks. A displaced American citizen could have easily filled that position.

I must now ask the question, why are foreign high-tech "Green Card" workers in the United States taking jobs that would otherwise go to American citizens? Many American citizens have lost their unemployment insurance and are having to compete with foreign workers willing to work for a lower wages, so they can establish a base in America. American workers have lost manufacturing jobs, which are the foundation of the middle class.

Manufacturing is also the major user of advanced technologies and production of those technologies is now being produced in other countries. General Electric just established a major R&D facility in India. What kind of support did the U.S. government provide to assist in exporting jobs and technology to another country? American high tech jobs were lost. Now foreign government approved "Green Card" workers are in the United States legally and often illegally competing for few jobs with our citizens.

Unemployment now stands a 6.1 percent and is still growing. This week EDS was reported to lay off 2,500 workers. I wonder how many of those jobs went to foreign workers here in the United States on a work Visa, and how many of those jobs were outsourced overseas with the support of U.S. Government policies?

I have always voted Republican and will continue to do so. I am now searching for those Republican candidates who not only talk to this issue, but take a strong lead on expressing outrage at what is happening to our nation's continued loss of jobs to other countries and foreign workers here in the U.S. When I see my fellow citizens having to sell their homes in order to survive, then I know we have a crisis.

Tancredo is one of the very few politicians strongly addressing this issue. He maintains that "We could create 10 million jobs by merely enforcing our immigration laws." Enforcing our laws is not a radical right wing position. More politicians should stand with Tancredo, but there are few true leaders, and many who simply stand and wait for the polls to determine their direction.

I firmly believe that President G.W. Bush is an honest man trying to do the right thing, and I will continue to vote for him. Remember when some courageous Republicans tried to help curb the Clinton open door immigration policy that allowed 30 million immigrants to enter with out adequate background checks? The Democrats called the Republicans "Immigrant Bashers," and the mainstream media echoed that charge. The Republicans had to shut up or risk further setbacks with charges echoed by the mainstream media.

Now we can no longer sit back, and it is time for grassroots activist to step forward to stop the loss of American jobs for American citizens. It is time for the grassroots to take up this cause of jobs for Americans; which will then provide the strategic cover that our President and other Republicans need to strongly enforce our immigration laws.

Remember if this issue is important to only a few people, then many politicians will not support this position. However, if the 6.1 % of the unemployed and the 65% (latest poll this week, 6/15/03) who fear loss of their jobs join together in a loud chorus then the grassroots foundation needed to put Americans back to work will succeed.

Karl Rove is an excellent political strategist who should take note of the growing unemployment levels in the U.S., as well as, the fear of job loss by 65% of American citizens. That figure also includes all minority groups who are legal citizens of this country. We do not want a repeat of Clinton's election displacing George Bush Sr. with the issue of the "It's the economy, stupid." The democrats will surely use the mantra, "It's Jobs, stupid."

Growing unemployment for American citizens, problems with illegal
immigration, foreign workers with work visas, and the continued reality of terrorism in America represent five major problem areas that can be positively addressed by simply enforcing our immigration laws and ensuring no foreign workers displace American citizens.

Representative Tancredo has been a voice in the wilderness, and it is now time that grassroots Republicans begin to add their voices to this growing chorus. Our voices together will be heard, and that unity will send a strong message to all voters that Republicans represent the mainstream of American workers, and Republicans really care about families and jobs. That should be our message. Effective enforcement of our laws will provide a strong solution for providing jobs and security to Americans and a big Republican win in 2004.

For more information on these issues, please go to Representative Tancredo's government web site.

If you are interested in supporting "Jobs for Americans", please contact me at Michael Opitz. Please forward to other interested parties as well as your congressional representatives.

Michael Opitz
Republican 6th District
2nd Vice Chair
Marietta, Georgia

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